Days passed and the feud between the Kingdom of Rockstone and the Kingdom of Zodasian about the border line and the death of Mo Jingchen had been stirred toward the direction that Xiao Jun wanted.
Currently, both Kingdoms were trying to establish cooperation under Xiao Jun's control.
Xiao Jun let the envoy that was sent by Zodasian Kingdom to pass through Cheng Chuan forest.
Cheng Chuan forest was a common route that was used to go to the Kingdom of Rockstone from the Kingdom of Zodasian and the otherwise.
That was why as long as Xiao Jun had enough manpower to block both side, it was quite easy enough for Xiao Jun to intercepting all the envoys and all of the letters that was brought from and for both Kingdoms when he stirred trouble for both of them.
And for that, he let Ju Long to handle all of those matters as he had many people under him to have done the job.