Hogwarts, November 1 1994
As I walked down Hogwarts admiring the view I always dreamed of seeing as a kid, I spotted a girl with light blond hair, wearing a blue Hogwarts robe. she seemed to be looking for something as she kept looking behind the knight statues adorning the hall.
"Are you looking for something?"Asked Thor as he walked toward the blond.
"I'm looking for my necklace, It was to keep away the Nargles" said the blond as she looked up and spotted Thor.
"What type of creatures are these Nargles Miss? Asked Thor
"Oh I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood. I've never seen them, but I know they like playing games with me. Their thieves, mischievous little buggers, always hiding from me. said Luna as she started zoning out.
"I see, well I am Thor, Thor Odinson nice to meet you Luna" said Thor as he nodded his head.
"I know you, I had a question for you that I could never figure out" said Luna
"Ohh and that is" Asked Thor as he tilted his head.
"Does Asgard have any Crumple-Horned Snorkacks" said Luna as her eye's started to focus.
"No I don't believe that we do, maybe you should try asking the Greeks, They may know where the creature is located" said Thor not knowing what else to say.
"Ohh I see" said Luna as she started to lose focus again.
"No need to look so disappointed Luna, It may not exist on earth, but it may exist in another realm or planet. said Thor.
"Also I'll have your necklace found and handed to you before the end of the day" said Thor
"Thank You Prince Thor" said Luna with a smile.
"it was nothing Luna, How about you return the favor and show me where the dining hall is, I'm famished" said Thor patting his stomach.
"Ok" said Luna as she started leading the way.
As I arrived at the dining hall I was surprised nobody was looking my way, instead they where looking at the opposite direction towards...
"Freya" said Thor drawing all the attention to himself and Luna.
As the beautiful blond sitting in the headmasters chair heard Thor's voice looked up, and quickly stood and started heading his way, all attention now switching to her.
"Well Thor cheating on me already, with another blond no less" said Freya as she walked.
"Don't kid yourself Freya, what are you doing here?" asked Thor as he crossed his arms.
"What, cant I visit my future husband" said Freya as she stood in front of Thor touching his arm.
"Of course you can, but you should have let me know ahead of time" said Thor grabbing Freya into a hug.
"But than it wouldn't be a surprise" said Freya as she leaned into Thor's ear.
"Down, Not in public Freya, but since you are already here I have someone you should meet" said Thor.
"Fleur where are you" said Thor
"I'am over here master" said Fleur sitting at the Ravenclaw table
As I spotted Fleur I walked toward the table with Freya grabbing my arm, followed by Luna who seemed to be dosing off.
"Freya I would like you to meet my recently acquired apprentice, Fleur this is Freya one of the three Goddess who believe they can control my life" said Thor as he gave Freya a fake glare.
"it is nice to meet you Lady Freya" said Fleur as she bowed her head.
"charmed darling, it seems this husband of mine is collecting blonds left and right" said Freya both eyeing Fleur and Luna.
Luna tilting her head as she didn't understand what was going on. While Fleur was blushing up a storm.
(POV Change on another table)
"Harry do you see her, Oh bloody hell what I would give to spend just one night" said Ron as he was hit over the head by Hermione.
"Ronald no need to spout your deplorable none sense" said Hermione as she kept reading her book.
"Would you shut it Ron, The last thing I need is to be on a Gods bad side because of your mouth" said Harry while he ate.
"Ron what are your brothers doing" asked Hermione as she spotted two gingers walking toward the Ravenclaw Table.
(Pov Normal)
As I ate my food my attention was taken from a Loud noise behind me.
"I'M FRED WEASLEY, I'M GEORGE WEASLEY, WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK FOR A REQUEST MY PRINCE!" said the twins simultaneously on there knees with both heads bowed.
When I turned around I was confronted by the two trouble makers,
"What is it that you need of me Midgardians" said Thor as he stopped eating to turn around on his seat.
".....I'll ask my brother, but no Promises you two" said Thor as he couldn't believe what was happening.
"THANK YOU PRINCE THOR, WE WILL ALWAYS BE IN YOUR DEBT" said both the twins as they stood bowed and walked back to there table.
"We'll isn't this place lively" said Freya as she smiled.
(Asgard same time)
"Odin what was that, the last time I felt a chill that bad was when Angrbooa told me she was pregnant" Said Loki while he hugged himself.
"Oh please tell me it isn't so SIGYN, tell me it isn't so, SIGYN WHERE ARE YOU?" said Loki running out of his room.
(POV Change Somewhere on a Island)
"Diana you've been summoned by your mother" said the armored curly blond haired, white woman.
"Thank You, Mala I'll be on my way" said Diana
"Hurry Diana one of the Gods have descended" said Mala with a worried expression.
Am I enjoying this, A little.
Hi have a good time.