She made a bunch of fires. She would then go and gather as many wild vegetables as she could. Onions, wild carrots, wild edible roots that tasted like potatoes. Actually she gathered mostly the vegetables now. She would cut them and dry them on self-made racks.
Two days passed. She realized she can use her powers every two days. So she used the waterway to bring the dried food to the mountain and just throw them on the shore of her small stream. Then she climbed up, put them on the sun and let them get sundried as well.
For almost a dozen days she did that and finally, all the food was up. She chose this time to stay up as her vegetables started seriously growing fast. She watered them with the combined powers of plant and water that gave them the needed boost.
After she met those chickens they never appeared again. But she sent one more time almost small hills of vegetables to the crew. This time she sends enough for everyone to eat at least one month.