She just calmly looked at him while no emotions were shown or her face. This kind of reaction was quite strange. He expected her to rage a bit in fury but she just blinked and waited for the task.
They looked at each other under the stunned eyes of people and then she rose one eyebrow and gave him a cute smile. ''Taskmaster must have lived really long time.''
The expression on his face froze as the glint of surprize flashed. What is she planning? ''I did.''
''Considering your life as something long, you must feel really bored to bother with us, small worthless cultivators.'' Her smile became brighter and somehow her headmaster had a really bad feeling about it. But he was no the only one.
Taskmaster had suddenly some strange feeling like something was crawling up his spine from that cute smile. ''I am not. I just do what is my duty.'' He was about to say more but realized already his blunder. She got him there.
So many asked me about her future hubby... There are now three possible options. Anyone could tell who?Marry Christmas :)