Looking at how easy Zero was able to take control of the sword Rose was more than just sup rice because it looked like Zero would start killing until they is a river of blood but in an instant that was on gone.
Zero looked took a few deep breaths and looked at Lily who was still crying and said "sorry Lily your master is weak and he needs to train some more and Zero turned around and went to the prize of the collection.
On the grandest of all the display stands, there was a beautiful big black bow and five black arrows and out of all the artifacts in the armory, this was the grandest.
Zero did not try to comfort Lily at the moment as he was afraid of scaring her some more and the where two who could do a better job than him next to her.
Rose would know better than Zero how to comfort and explain to Lily what happened and as for Saber than was no one better than him making people feel better.
He was both cuddly and soft and his charm can disarm anyone so Lily was in go hands and Zero needed to prepare for what coming and the sword will be very useful to him and the other thing was the black bow.
The Blood moon sword was one of the most deathly swords in the world and Zero could tell that the sword still had a lot of mystery behind it.
Zero was getting closer and closer to the bow when there was a sudden pressure on him trying to stop him from approaching the bow.
The black bow was not a simple bow but a peak spirit artifact with a mature artifact spirit and mature artifact spirit were a pain to deal with.
Once an artifact had a mature artifact spirit it would not just let one use it and it would fight back.
Zero ignored the pressure it was not something that could stop him at all with his Golden body thee toughness of his body was too strong that the pressure that the black bow was giving off did not hinder him even a little bit.
Zero walked to the black and this time he had learned from the Blood moon sword and he did not waste any time and used his Sharingan.
With red shining eyes, Zero grabbed the bow and the moment he grabbed the black bow the true battle finally began.
It was too strong that the pressure that the black bow was giving off did not hinder him even a little bit.
Zero walked to the black and this time he had learned from the Blood moon sword and he did not waste any time and used his Sharingan.
With red shining eyes, Zero grabbed the bow and the moment he grabbed the black bow the true battle finally began.
Zero was fighting to subdue the black bow and the black bow was fighting for its freedom and their fight took place in Zero spiritual ocean.
This was the only way that artifact knew how to fight and it was by attacking a person's spiritual ocean and their way of attacking could be called the most dangerous.
Cultivators can train their bodies until their as strong and a tough as steel but there was no way to train your spiritual sea.
The only defense against this kind of attack was to have strong will power and mindset and Zero was not lacking in this department.
The black bow kept attacking desperately and it still does not make any difference at all and Zero was able to quickly make it submit to him.
When the black bow submits to Zero he was able to finally understand the bow, the black bow name is the Elephant bow and it is a heavy bow.
The Elephant bow weights 25 tons and the best part about it was there was close to evolving to a Saint artifact.
Zero looked at where Rose was and saw that Lily was no longer crying but she was following closely behind her mother.
"Mrs Fields" said Zero in a low voice that carried and Rose Field looked up from the book she was studying and looked at Zero.
"Do you happen to have a storage ring that you are not using with you at the moment could you give it to me?" Zero asked.
Rose did not speak she simply took out a storage ring and gave it to Lily and she went back to looking at the book in her hands.
Seeing Lily walking towards him with no fear at all the shadow in Zero heart disappeared and walked to the display cauldron and they met there.
Zero took the storage ring from Lily and quickly marked it with his spirit sense, the storage ring was the lowest quality but it did have 15 cubic meters within it.
Zero up the Blood moon sword and the Elephant bow in the storage ring and looked at the cauldron and looked at Lily.
"What do you think of this cauldron" Zero asked Lily. Lily looked at the cauldron meaningfully for a second and from the way that she looked at it Zero could tell that she wanted it but she was not sure of what it was exactly.
"It looks better than the one I have" Lily finally answered after looking at the cauldron.
HAHHHAHAHA Zero could stop himself from laughing answered showed that she did not understand the cauldron and what Zero was asking her.
Being laughed at made her angry and she folder her arms and looked at Zero trying her best to look stern and serious but it only made her look even more adorable.
"Of cause, it looks better than the one that you have right now. The one you are using is a level 1 spirit cauldron and this one is a level 6 spirit cauldron. With this cauldron, you would be able to refine higher grade pills faster and easier than the one that you are using right now. You can have it is yours from now on." Zero said...
"is it right for me to take it when you why don't you take it to master you are better than me at refining so if you have I you would be able to improve your refining," Lily said as she tries to protest but Zero stopped her before she could go on father.
"Little girl remembers that the cauldron does not make a pill master but only helps make them great and as for me, this cauldron is not good enough for me some I going to get myself an even better one than this" Zero said.
Lily looked at Zero and looking at the cauldron as if trying to figure out if Zero was playing with after something the girl finally made her move and took the cauldron for the display stand and she looked at Zero some more.
Zero only smile and looked at the young girl saying nothing, a smile appeared on Lily's face she said "thank your master and I will not let you down" and she turned and hurried to her mother to show her the cauldron.