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99.06% RWBY: The Phantom of Remnant / Chapter 105: Questions and Healing

Bab 105: Questions and Healing

Humming a soft melody, Magna slowly ate breakfast while relishing the taste. He had just finished showering after his morning workout.

It was actually almost 8 'o' clock since he decided to test out his new powers.

Rewind. A quirk belonging to a girl named Eri. It allowed the user to rewind the state of a living target, making them physically younger.

It also needed to accumulate power before it could be used, though that was fixed due to aura.

Magna found that his aura could be used to expedite the charging process. He tested his power on animals, trying his best to control it.

And he found that it was possible to control it… to a point. The longer he used 'Rewind', the stronger it grew.

From seconds, to minutes, to years. Once it got to a certain point, it became unruly and basically rewinded the target into non-existence.

Luckily, he tested it on animals and insects or else he might've accidentally erased someone.

Anyway, it was 8 in the morning and classes start in about an hour. Luna was surprisingly up and about while her sister was sleeping in.

Magna watched in amusement as the white haired wolf girl clumsily helped Emerald with her garden. Emerald, on the other hand, was chewing away at a mint leaf as she cleaned up overgrowth.

"Hey," Emerald said, not caring about her volume, "Can you cook breakfast for the rest of us, Magna?"

Placing the last bit of his omelette into his mouth, Magna rolled his eyes and nodded.

Swallowing, Magna turned towards Luna and said, "You mind waking up your sister? She'll get pouty if we eat without her."

Luna's tail rapidly started whirling about as she nodded and said, "Leave it to me!"

"Great!" Smiled Magna, "Just make sure you do it…"

Before Magna could finish, she ran at Argo's sleeping form and jumped onto her stomach.


Seeing Argo cough while looking around in confusion, Magna lightly face palmed as he muttered, "…gently."

Magna quickly left the room since he knew what was about to happen. Right as he shut the door, the sound of fighting could be heard from inside the room, followed by Argo's angry yelling, Luna's half laughing and half crying voice, and Emerald's groans.

After a few minutes, Magna returned to the room with three steaming plates in hand. Emerald looked tired as she blankly looked at the mess before her.

Argo's bed was a mess, sheets and blankets sprawled all over the place. The two wolf girls responsible for the mess were rolling around on the bed while locked in "combat".

Argo was fighting dirty as she continuously jabbed her fingers into Luna's ribs while periodically yelling, "Taser!"

Luna, on the other hand, was pinching her sister wherever her hands could reach as she glared at Argo with teary eyes, no doubt due to the effect of Argo's 'attack'.

Magna quickly placed the food on a desk and pulled the pair away from each other. Before either girl could speak, Magna raised both his hands high into the air and roared, "FISTS OF LOVE!!!"

He quickly brought down both his fists atop their heads as a loud bang echoed through the room. Both girls screamed in pain, collapsing to the ground while grabbing their heads in pain.

"Ow ow ow ow…"

"Why me!?!"

Magna light dusted off his hands and glared at them as he said, "Now that you two are no longer fighting like children, breakfast is ready. Eat it quickly because we have about… 45 minutes before our first class."

They both gave Magna an aggrieved look before walked over to the desk where the food was. Emerald was already eating with relish, casually watching the show before her.

Luna grabbed her a plate and paused for a second. She looked over at Argo and shuffled over to her as she said, "I-I'm sorry sis. I shouldn't have woken you up like that."

Argo's eyes became gentle as she softly placed her hand on Luna's ribcage and said, "I'm sorry as well. Does it hurt?"

Luna winced as she nodded, tears appearing in her eyes. Seeing that, Argo's eyes also started to tear up.

Magna saw that Luna was feeling sore so he walked over and smiled, "I'll heal you, Luna."

Emerald raised an eyebrow as she said, "So, is it a healing power this month? Please don't tell me that we're doing 'all out training' again? I… I don't think Beacon will allow it."

Anyone could see that Emerald was terrified by the idea of 'all out training', since it meant that they were fighting with the intent of causing near fatal harm.

She physically shivered as she remembered all the times she broke a bone or got torn up.

Magna also shivered. The training was effective, no one could refute that point. But it was just too brutal and he wasn't a masochist.

"Don't worry, we won't be doing an 'all out training session'. And, the power I have this month is more than just a healing power."

Magna grabbed Luna's shoulder as the small horn atop his head started to glow. Luna exclaimed as the pain faded in an instant.

Taking back his hand, Magna smugly smiled as he explained about his new power.

After he finished explaining, Emerald was the first to react.

"THAT'S SO BULLSHIT!!! Doesn't that mean you have unlimited aura as long as you rewind yourself every few seconds after using your aura!?!" Screamed Emerald.

Magna stalled for abit before saying, "I… don't think that's how it works. I can only rewind the physical state of a person. And aura is the power of a person's soul. Plus, I'm not even sure that 'Rewind' can effect me."

He searched through Eri's memories, consciously ignoring the painful memories in search of clues. And after reviewing what was available, he came to the conclusion that he couldn't effect himself.

Fueled by curiosity, Magna touched himself and tried to use 'Rewind'. Key word: Tried. His horn didn't even glow, nor did his aura move to activate the ability.

'Good thing I found out now, and not when I'm fighting grimm or sparring.' Mused Magna.

Though this brings another question to mind. Does 'Rewind' work on grimm? He couldn't test it since there are no grimm within a certain radius of the school.

He either needs to wait for the forever fall school trip or he has to ask Professor Port.

'Hmmm… these are questions for future me to worry about.'

Magna shook his head and look over at the clock, "Thirty minutes till class. You girls done eating?"

"We've been finished for a few minutes now. You've just been so deep in thought that you didn't notice." Replied Emerald, who was patting her stomach in bliss.

"Yup!" Cheered Luna, "And Argo's in the shower. She said that we can go on ahead."

Magna nodded, "Okay then, I'll leave now then since I need to talk to Professor Port."

Receiving a quick goodbye from the two girls, Magna hastily left their dorm room and started jogging to class.

As he got to the courtyard, he came across Pyrrha, who seemed to be relaxing in morning sun.

Magna slowly jogged over and said, "Aren't you cold?"

Pyrrha jumped a little, a cute yelp escaping her lips as her aura flared up. The next moment, Magna felt something pull his wrist as he flew towards Pyrrha.


Magna slammed face first into Pyrrha, pushing her down. He shook his head, trying to shake off the pain as Pyrrha's shyly squeaked.

"I-I'm sorry~ You surprised me and I-"

Holding up his hand, Magna flashed a small smile and said, "It's fine, Pyrrha."

The pair fell silent for a few moments. Once they could finally think straight, Magna glanced over at Pyrrha and said, "Hey, I still owe you that meal. You wanna go out after school?"

Pyrrha's face instantly matched the shade of her hair as her mouth curved into a happy smile.

"S-sure thing, Magna. I'd love to g-go out with you."

Magna chuckled, "Great! I know this awesome little noodle shack. I freaking LOVE eating their when I can."

The spartan warrior nodded happily as she said that she'd swing by his dorm around 5 before running off.

Magna whistled at her speed. He didn't really get to see Pyrrha fight during iniation but he could see that her agility definitely leveled up.

She basically disappeared from his view, leaving a small gust of wind I'm her trail. He also noticed that her aura was controlled and it barely wavered as she ran.

'From what I can see, she's definitely gotten stronger. Heck, I couldn't even stop myself from being effected by her semblance. And that was just accident.' Mused Magna.

Unconsciously, Magna started to smile as he muttered, "Man, now I'm really looking forward to sparring with her."


Magna finally arrived at Professor Port's class. The portly man was currently writing away on the blackboard while listening to classical music.

Hearing the door open, Port turned towards Magna and exclaimed in surprise, "Ah, Mister Opus, it's a surprise to see you so early in the morning but it's a surprise I welcome fully. Please take a seat wherever you wish."

"Morning Professor," Said Magna, "I actually have a favor to ask."

Port paused, turning towards Magna with one eyebrow raised even though his eyes were still closed.

"A favor? Well, I need to know what it is first before I make any promises."

"Well…" Magna quickly explained that he wished to test his semblance on a grimm, since he didn't know if it would work.

Port smiled when he heard Magna's request as he release a deep, jolly chuckle, "Splendid! Most students never come to me for this kind of thing yet it is also another part of my job."

Magna tilted his head in confusion, "It is?"

"Yes, my boy. It is. Part of my job as the teacher of grimm studies is to allow students to fight against grimm in a controlled environment. However, no one comes to me for this, so I have to make it happen." Bellowed Port, his mustache practically twitching in joy.

Listening to Port's words, Magna couldn't help but remember when he and Weiss fought grimm on the first day of classes.

Shaking his head, Magna looked over at Port and said, "So it's alright?"

"My boy," Smiled Port, "It would be my pleasure."

Port walked over to the wall and picked up his weapon before walking towards the center of the classroom.

As Magna watched him in mild confusion, Port suddenly snapped his finger as a hole opened in the ground.

Beasts of all sizes and shapes could be seen in the hole, every single one of them unconscious on the ground in what seemed to be peaceful slumber.

"W-What the!?!"

Magna's yell attracted Port's attention as he chuckled, "No need to be too shocked, my boy. This is my semblance, 'Trophy Case'. It allows me to keep any prey that catches my eye as a living trophy. But it doesn't work on beings with a certain amount of intelligence."

Magna nodded as Port looked around before pulling out a sleeping Boarbatusk.

"Ah, Edgar you silly thing. You'll do nicely~." Muttered Port.

The portly Professor threw the sleeping grimm towards Magna and smiled, "There you go, young man. Test away!"

Nodding, Magna moved towards the slowly waking grimm and placed his hand on it's bone mask. His horn started to glow, extending until it was 8 cm long.

Both Magna and Port watched in curiosity as the grimm's form started to shudder. It fully woke up, whimpering as it tried to move, only to end up stumbling around.

Magna, seeing that he was able to effect grimm, pushed 'Rewind' even further as his horn grew to 15 cm. Gritting his teeth in an effort to remain in control, Magna watched as the grimm completely collapsed, it's body rippling like water.

Suddenly, the door to the classroom flew open as Glynda stomped onto the room.

"Magna Opus, headmaster Ozpin wishes to-"

Before she could finish, Magna's horn extended to 33 cm as 'Rewind' went out of control. The Boarbatusk couldn't even whimper as it's body turned into two different things.

A puddle of black water and a floating, purple orb.

The puddle simply fell to the ground while the orb merely floated for a few seconds before dissipating.

However, Magna only focus on the two objects for a second before quickly making some distance between him and the two teachers.

"Wait!" Magna yelled as the two teachers walked towards him, "I need a minute to get my semblance back under control!"

Glynda rolled her eyes and moved to step forward when Professor Port blocked her.

"Glynda, I know that you're a very busy person and that Ozpin wishes to speak with Mister Opus but I suggest listening to the boy. Whatever he did, it turned a grimm into a puddle. I don't wish to see that happen to you."

After Port finished speaking, Glynda narrowed her eyes before sighing, "Very well. However, I need details about what just happened."

Both Glynda and Port looked over to Magna. He showed a wry smiled towards the pair and sighed.

He slowly recounted what happened, how he wanted to test his latest ability on a grimm and how it went berserk due to Glynda breaking his concentration.

Throughout the explanation, Glynda showed no outward reaction as she seemed to internalise something.

After a couple minutes, Magna let out a sigh of relief as 'Rewind' finally went back into it's dormant state, his horning shrinking down to size.

Seeing that Magna's power had calmed down, Glynda quickly moved forward and grabbed him as she said, "The headmaster would like to see you about an incident that occurred last night."

"An incident from last night?" Muttered Port while Magna stiffened in Glynda's grasp, "Is Mister Opus linked to that aura burst that occurred yesterday night?"

Glynda nodded, dragging Magna out the door as she said, "Please inform Oobleck that Magna may be late to his class."

Before Port could reply, Glynda walked out of the classroom. Sighing, Port pulled out his scroll and messaged Oobleck.


The sound of ticking rang throughout the room as Ozpin stared at Magna with a small smile.

"Mister Opus…" Said Ozpin, "I would like to know what you were doing last night."

Magna raised an eyebrow and asked, "Am I in trouble?"

Ozpin quickly waved his hands and chuckled, "No no, your not in trouble. I'm just curious about what happened. A burst of aura like last night's is unusual and I just wish to understand what caused it."

Magna internally scoffed. He admits that Ozpin was probably telling the truth about being curious, but he probably wasn't telling the whole truth.

Magna knew that the aura he released last night while in 'Nine-Tails Charkra Mode' was extremely potent. Bits of ambient aura still existed in the area, affecting flora, fauna and grimm alike.

He could actually feel it from Ozpin's office, which shows just how powerful the charkra mode was, considering they were nowhere near the afflicted area.

"Well… I was just messing around with my semblance. You know how it is, training and developing moves, all that jazz."

Ozpin frowned for a second before smiling once again as he said, "And how was your progress? Did you… create a new semblance?"

Magna paused before slowly nodding, "I did."

Tapping his horn, Magna grinned as he said, "I created a semblance which allows me to 'rewind' a living things state of being."

Glynda, who was silently standing behind Ozpin, looked over at Magna in shock as she stuttered, "T-then that would mean!-"

"That I could give an amputee there limb back. That I could undo a person's injuries. Technically, I could turn an old man into a young boy."

Magna watched as his words registered in the headmasters mind. Ozpin's breathing became erratic, his hands shaking as he stared, no, glared at Magna.

"Would you mind demonstrating your… ability?"

"Uh… Sure? But I'm not gonna turn anyone into a kid." Replied Magna.

Before Ozpin could ask why, Magna cut him off as he said it was dangerous. He didn't explain how it was dangerous but the warning look he gave Ozpin was enough to deter him from asking.

Waving Glynda over, Ozpin said, "Glynda, if I recall correctly, you underwent an operation when you were 22, correct?"

The stern teacher's body shook slightly as she took a deep breath, "My team was killed during a mission while I managed to escape. However, a Manticore pierced my stomach with it's stinger, leaving me unable to have children."

Both Magna and Ozpin winced at the sheer pain in her voice as she spoke.

Ozpin quickly jumped up from his chair as he said, "I-I'm so sorry Glynda. I… I didn't know."

Taking a few deep breaths, Glynda wiped the tears from her eyes and replied, "I'm not blaming you, sir. No one knows what my operation was for. I've… never told anyone."

"Why wouldn't y-"

"Don't ask. Please Ozpin." Pleaded Glynda.

Ozpin stood in shock, speechless. When he finally recovered, he fell back into his chair and said, "Glynda, I'm authorizing a month long vacation for you."

"I-." Stated Glynda.

Ozpin quickly cut her off and said, "Glynda, you've been working here for years and you haven't taken a single day off. Go and enjoy yourself, you deserve it for all you've done."

"But the school-"

"Will be fine." Said Ozpin, cutting her off, "I may seem a bit… unreliable when it comes to looking after the school but you have my word that the school will still be standing when you come back."

Glynda was stunned, words failing to come out of her mouth. She was both touched and concerned.

Instead of agreeing with Ozpin, Glynda quickly changed the subject as she turned towards Magna.

"So how are you going to heal me? Do I need to lie down or prepare anything?"

"You don't need to prepare anything since all I need to do is touch you. Though you might wanna sit down. This might be a little… disorienting." Said Magna.

As Glynda sat down infront him, Magna focused on the memories inside the cluster. A localized rewind was technically possible but it took even greater control to use.

He not only needed to control the area effected, but he also needed to stop his aura from increasing rewind's strength.

Lightly stretching, Magna asked, "So how many years am I rewinding?"

Before Glynda could answer, Ozpin butted in and said, "I believe it would be 15 years since Glynda is thir-"


Magna's lips twitched upwards as he forced himself not to laugh. Ozpin was currently sprawled out on the ground with a mug shaped bruise on his face.

"Sir! Do not… talk about a ladies age. It is very rude."

Ozpin's aura glimmered as the imprint on his face disappeared. He lightly dusted him and sighed while looking at the remains of his mug.

"I apologize for my lack of tact, Glynda. But was it really necessary to throw a mug at me? That was a gift from Oobleck, you know?"

Glynda adjusted her hair, glaring at Ozpin while impatiently tapping away at the ground. Ozpin received the message loud and clear this time as he quickly motioned Magna to heal her.

Reaching forward, Magna looked up at Glynda and cautiously asked, "So… 15 years? Yes..? No..? Please don't hit me."

Rolling her eyes, Glynda softly said, "15 years and 2 months…"

Nodding, Magna gently laid his hands on Glynda's stomach, only to freeze in place as his mind went blank.

Unconsciously, his hands started moving around like they had a mind of their own as he thought to himself, 'She's so soft…'

Her body was both plump and supple while retaining the springiness only found in the young and spry. Magna's teenage hormones were going crazy as he gently pushed his fingers into her stomach.


Looking upwards, Magna's heart nearly stopped when he saw Glynda glaring down at him

However, his eyes slowly drifted from her stern face to her large breasts that were blocking all of her face, minus her eyes.

Her eyes narrowed even further, causing Magna to snap out of his thoughts.

Pressing his hands against her stomach, Magna closed his eyes and focused on the power within himself, willing it to the surface.

The horn atop his head glowed, signifying the start of his semblance. For 10 minutes, Ozpin and Glynda watched him with rapt attention.

They could see his how his semblance affected his body, via the horn and his glowing aura. Glynda could actually FEEL his semblance's affect on her.

She could feel the phantom pains from her womb fade, while a warm feeling seemed to emanate from deep within her.

After another 5 minutes, Magna started sweating as 'Rewind' forcefully increased in strength.

'Not good!' Mentally screamed Magna.

He tried to keep the output low, since he only had control over a certain level rewind. However, due to it's nature as an accumulation quirk, it was slowly getting more and more powerful.

Luckily, he was almost done with Glynda's treatment. Gritting his teeth, Magna allowed 'Rewind' to increase it's power as he said, "Ozpin! In 5 minutes, I need you to grab Glynda and get her away from me."

Ozpin didn't ask any questions and do nodded with a serious expression on his face. He naturally noticed how Magna's semblance was slowly increasing it's strength, even though Magna clearly didn't want it to.

However, after 2 minutes, Magna's eyes flew open as his horn grew instantly. Pulling away, Magna jumped away from Glynda and roared, "OZPIN!!!"

In an instant, Ozpin crossed the distance between himself and Glynda, grabbed her by the wrist and fled to the other side of the room.

Magna was secretly in shock, considering how fast Ozpin moved. He noticed that Ozpin's aura was gently enveloping his body, so Magna guessed that the headmaster must have used his semblance.

Anyway, Magna raised his hand and touched his now antler shaped horn. It grew into a twisted form and seemed to be about two thirds his height.

Yet it felt weightless to him.

He swung his head back and forth, waving the single antler around while marveling at the fact that he had an antler on his head.

"Excuse me, Mister Opus. I would like you to stop swinging your horn around. While you won't break anything, your aura is creating waves in the air."

Magna quickly looked up and managed to catch a glimpse of a soft wave of golden aura, following after his horn.

'Sweet…' Mused Magna.

"Well," Said Magna, "I think we're done here. Imma head on out now. Laters Ozpin, Glynda."

Then, without waiting for them to reply, Magna walked into the elevator and pressed the button.

Nexusprime117 Nexusprime117

Hi! I'm really sorry about how long this chapter took. I've been having a really bad case of writers block.

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