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53.33% Game of thrones: the tale of the dark overlord. / Chapter 8: Into foreign lands, part 1

Bab 8: Into foreign lands, part 1

A few months after the conquest of the summer islands, in a castle in lotus port, there were four men, two identical ones, black haired and green eyed, one that looked like a common middle aged man wearing robes and a blonde man with green eyes, and with them was seated a blonde, blue eyed boy, of course the members of this group were the twin, Aurelius, Gerion and Maximilian.

They were discussing the current state of the summer islands. After the princes of red flower vale escaped the rest directly surrendered, they then handed their lands to the new governors, and were all send to new locations in some of the other islands, in that time the only problem were the inhabitants of the smaller islands that at the beginning kept attacking from time the supply ships from time to time, but after the first month they were uprooted, after that they focused heavily in the production of the golden heart bows, and recruiting archers from the remnants of the islands army's. In the end two thousand were recruited to be part of the army while five thousand were going to be used as defensive troops to protect the summer islands and Naath, of course with the help of the empire army, they will be support troops for the most part and can't have a sizable force of their own instead mixing their troops with the regular troops of the army to prevent any types of idea to form in their minds.

"The cargo is being loaded in the ships, as per your request, fruits, parrots, macaws, spotted panther cubs, monkeys, feathered capes, furs, fruit wines and silks to take as sample products. Also they are bringing one of those brown bellied wyberns. I know they are only as big as a monkey but is it a good idea to bring one of those things with us?". Asked Gerion. As the only one of them who comes from the seven kingdoms he was tasked to select the products that they were to bring to Westeros.

"It will be fine, they are tamed already. I'm sure your king would appreciate it, or maybe some of your lords, you said they looked like miniature dragons after all, I'm sure we could sell them for a good price, if not then we could just take it back. In any case Gerion here is the other part of our deal".Said Maximilian while someone knocked the door and then enter with a box in his hands, and then leaving after placing it in the table in front of Maximilian.

When the box was opened you could see a beautifully crafted great sword with a lion in the pommel.

Gerion's eyes went wide after seeing the sword. So many hardships and all of them just to get this, and there's just one thing he could say, it was da*n worth it, maybe this is what every family feels when they see their ancestral sword, it's not so weird now that Tywin tried to buy the ancestral sword of all the houses that became poor and none of them accepted.

"This is it, everything a I did had a meaning at least". Said Gerion without taking his eyes off the sword.

"Cato you will remain in charge while we are gone. Cassius you will be with me while we visit the lords paramounts and offer them the trade agreement." Said Maximilian.

So in the next few days they departed in five fast ships, these ships were faster than any ship in the known world. Having almost three times the speed of the westerosi ships.

After two days of travel they arrived to the docks in Dorne.

When the dornish guards saw the five ships with banners they have never seen and full of men and armored nights they gathered around them and prepared for them to get down from the ships.

After a few minutes the knights started to disembark. The one in the front clad in full armor, with a strange helmet covering almost all his face besides his eyes, nose, and mouth, with a red crest running across the helmet from one side to the other, and with a toga wrapped over his shoulders and covering the left side of his body. Then came five knights wearing similar armors and helmets but with the crest running from back to forth and red capes with a black eagle in the middle, the same as the other hundred of them, just that the other hundred didn't had crest in their helmets. And all of them except for the one in the front have huge round shields and spears.

Then the knight in the front spoke "We are envoys from the Nicene empire and came to engage in diplomatic talks with your nation, if you were so kind as to bring us to someone we could speak to we would be grateful."

But before any of the port guards could speak a man came from the back and said "my name is Areo Hotah, captain of the Martell guard and bodyguard of prince Doran Martell. If you tell me the reason you came here I could ask my prince to grant you an audience". Said the white haired man named Areo.

"We recently conquered the summer islands and our prince thought it would be a good idea to be in good relationship with our new neighbors and try to establish a trade agreement, as for were our prince is, he is making sure everything is ready to go and meet your lord". Replied Cassius while standing in front of the knights.

"Wait for me here, I'm going to ask prince Doran to grant you an audience". After that Areo left.

After a couple hours Areo came back with forty guards and stood in front of the ships, and after giving a good look at them he could see how imposing the ships looked.

After that Cassius and the other hundred knights came down once again.

"The prince will grant you an audience just twenty of your knights can accompany your lord, we will take you there". Said Areo.

"Fine, I will ask my prince to come down and the men to bring the gifts". Answered Cassius before directing the knights and soldiers to bring the horses and a few carts.

After everything was ready Maximilian came down wearing a black tunic under a golden toga and a crown of laurels made of gold with a few sapphires encrusted.

After that they arrived at the palace. Just Maximilian, Cassius and the five knight captains, while the other fifteen knights wait outside the room.

In the throne room was prince Doran seated in his throne, he looked to be in his early thirties with black hair and black eyes. Besides him were, a tall slender man with thin eyebrows, viper like eyes and black hair, and a black haired woman.

"This is prince Doran of house Nymeros Martell, prince of Dorn and lord of Sunspear. At his side is his brother prince Oberyn Martell. And his wife princess consort Mellario". Said Areo before gesturing to the guests.

"My prince here we have prince Maximilian Holswig of the nicene empire, lord of the easterlands of Thessaly and conqueror of the summer islands, at his sides are commander Cassius of the eastern army and Sextus, Septimus, Octavia, Nona and Decima, captains of the Myrmidons". Said Areo.

"Tell me stranger why did you come to our lands, Areo tells me you said you wanted to establish a trade agreement but I have never heard of any Nicene empire". Said Doran, while the eyes of the Martells were on Maximilian.

"It would be strange that you did, the people from the outside never get pass the jungles in the north, and we were busy, from the time of my great great grandfather the empire was formed, but not until a decade ago we were truly united, and from there we focused on constructing cities and roads, and then we conquered the surrounding islands. When your lands are inhabited by barbarians and all kinds of beast that could rip apart an armored knight you tend to be busy. As a sign of good will I'm authorized to share our maps and let your people enter the summer islands and Naath, but for the time being I'm just interested in selling some of the things I brought if you are interested". Said Maximilian while gesturing to the guards to let the servants in.

"We are staying here for a week, if you have anything to talk with us during that time then I will be glad to comply. But now, tell me what you think of those." Then Maximilian pointed to the crates that the servants brought in.

In the crates were fruits, capes made of the feathers of exotic birds and robes and furs from exotic animals, and silk dresses, a few jars of wine, jewelry and besides this were a few cages with birds and a spotted panther cub.

"Well, we already get a few products from the summer islands the same as the rest of Westeros, I don't understand why wouldn't we buy yours". Said Doran.

"They are not exactly the same, our craftsmen are teaching the people from the summer island, thanks to our alchemist the purity of the gold has increased, and some pieces have lesser runes, improving the mental acuity of those who wield it, and the animals were modified by our shamans so they can form bonds with their masters, they will grow bigger, smarter and stronger. The wines were also made with different process, and there are some you won't find anywhere, like the plum wine, but it is extremely expensive, of course there are other types of wines and beers, but we aren't going to speak about these things today, I just came to bring gifts, other day we could speak about business". Said Maximilian while a servant started pouring the wine.

"So you just expect us to buy overpriced jewelry because you say they are "magic"?. You seem to think you are talking with other children". This time the one who spoke was Oberyn, while taking his glass of wine and taking a sip, then his eyes widened.

"It isn't a matter of believe, you could just use one and see if I speak the truth, we bring with us a few rings enchanted to detect poisons as long as the user touch anything close to it, if you use the hand with the ring close to a poisoned goblet it will become hot. Your people is good with poisons aren't they? Just take one of the rings and try it, put some poison in your wine glass and see if I speak the truth". Said Maximilian while drinking from his glass.

"Are you crazy?! How could I destroy this wine, this is the second best wine I have drink, just below dornish wine, it will be a crime to do something like that, I will just put some poison in a glass with water and we will see If you speak nonsense boy. Brother I know you don't like wine but you should really try this." Said Oberyn while drinking with a fanatic expression, it seemed the plum wine was really superior to any westerosi wine, except the ones from dorn if you were to believe Oberyn.

After that a servant brought a glass with water while other pour wine in Doran's. Oberyn took a ring from a beautifully carved box, it look like a simple silver ring, with a few runes carved in it. After putting the ring in his finger Oberyn took the glass and the ring become hot so fast that Oberyn let the glass fall.

"What was that?! My hand felt like burning, how did you do that?". Asked Oberyn with a frightened expression, while taking the ring out of his hand, at the same time all the eyes were on him, the servants were scared and Doran and Mellario just widened their eyes slightly before trying to return to a indifferent expression, but you could still see the astonishment in when they looked at the ring.

"Hahaha scared old man? I told you it was a enchanted ring, you know that while there doesn't seem to be magic in your continent in the other ones there still are, even if they are different, now you think it is worth to buy one?". Said Maximilian with a mocking smile. Cassius and the Myrmidons had smirks on their faces and Oberyn's lips were twitching.

"Then tell me, what you said about the cubs it's true? Maybe I should buy a few for my kids". Said oberyn while putting the ring on its box.

"Well we could speak about those thing at a later date, I don't want you to throw me out of the city while I tell you the price. Oh right, I took the liberty to make my chefs bring some food, shark fins, lobster, aurochs and wyvern meat. For dessert we have chocolate and strawberry cakes, lemon pie and pineapple tart. For drinks of course the wines and our special imperial dark beer". Said Maximilian while the servants keep bringing the plates.

While this happened Doran was thinking what could be the best course of action, no one ever heard of that empire and now they come to his lands with a trade offer, of course there doesn't seem to be any reason to reject it, but what comes next? What other plans they have? But in the end think about any of that is useless, just time will tell, for the time being he will just enjoy the wine and the meat presented before him, maybe he should ask those chefs to teach his cooks to do these things, they taste better than anything he have tasted before.

After the feast Maximilian and his knights got back to the ship, leaving the Martells to think about their new guests.

The next two days Maximilian and his group took the chance to go around Sunspear, while the soldiers took the chance to rest and visited the taverns and brothels, seeing how similar the people of the summer isles and here were, even when it came to love, and what they liked the most, how it didn't matter if you were a bastard or not, while in the empire that term didn't exist since the only thing that matters are the merits you obtain, the same apply to the rules of inheritance, you could be the first son but if you are useless you obtain nothing, that make of the empire a society that thrives in the search of power.

At the third day of his stay in Dorne Maximilian's group was invited to the water gardens.

This time apart from the Martell brothers and lady Mellario were four children, a girl who looked like seven or eight, with rat-brown hair. The next one looked like five or six years old with straight black hair worn in a braid. And the last two girls that looked four or five years old, one had a pudgy face and black hair, and the other one had golden hair and blue eyes, with a gentle smile on her face showing her dimples.

When they were in front of the Martells Oberyn spread his arms and gave Cassius a hug while laughing, seeing this the Myrmidons looked to the side while trying to contain their laugh, seeing this Maximilian and the Martells stared dumbfounded, and looked at Cassius questionably while Cassius while Cassius lips were twitching.

"Someone is going to tell me what's going on here?" Asked Maximilian.

"Well they get drunk yesterday and fought all night, now Oberyn says they are best friends". Said Nona, while thinking for herself 'That and the fact that Oberyn tried to take him into his bed, but if I were to say something like that and your mother find out I would die'.

"Haha my friend I'm glad to see you here, I hope you brought more of that beer, I'm ready for another drinking competition". Said Oberyn while releasing Cassius from the hug.

"Well I brought a few barrels with me, but you will have to pay for them, no more free drinks". Said Cassius.

"Haha of course my friend. These are my children, the oldest Obara, Nymeria and Tyene. And my brother's daughter Arianne". Said Oberyn while gesturing to the little girls.

After that Doran and Lady Mellario, excused themselves, while Oberyn started drinking with the Myrmidons, and for the first time since he saw them they took off their helmets.

Sextus has auburn hair and blue eyes, Septimus is a bald dark skinned man, Octavia has curly black hair and brown eyes, Nona is a red headed woman with blue eyes and a face full of freckles, and Decima with her straight black hair and grey eyes.

Seeing their looks Oberyn was stunned for a second. "Don't tell me you were chosen for your looks or is it for how tall you are". Said Oberyn leaving the Myrmidons dumbfounded, because while they have bedded a lot of people and the numbers of those who wanted to were much greater they always thought it was because of their greater strength.

After that short exchange they started drinking and telling histories, and Maximilian and the Martell children were bored after some time so they asked Maximilian what he did to spend the time.

"Well it depends on the place, I love to swim. When I was home I used to run with the other children or play ball games and in the palace we used to play latrunculi, a board game, that reminds me that I brought a ball to play, I will tell a servant to bring it and we could play hand ball or soccer". Said Maximilian before gesturing to the servants to go for the ball. While the girls were interested in seeing these new games.

After he explained the rules of the games they started playing and since he was much bigger than them they paired him with Tyene since she was one of the smaller and looked a lot like him, to the point they may pass as siblings.

While they were playing the adults were watching them and had smiles on their faces.

"It's been some time since I saw him playing like that, I child should act like a child all the time". Said Nona with her eyes glued on Maximilian, at this comment the others nodded and Oberyn stared trying to understand why she would say something like that.

"It's a shame we will only stay here for a few more days, but at least he could play a some more time with them, maybe even made friends". Said Decima

"The way you speak you are making it seem like he doesn't have friends back in your kingdom". Responded Oberyn, making they wake from their absentminded state.

"No, he don't" was the only answer Oberyn get before they all keep drinking.

Later that day while the kids went to swim Oberyn was trying to seduce the Myrmidons.

"If you want to get in my pants little man you have to prove your strength first". Was the response Oberyn received from Octavia.

Since they had been drinking they decided to compete in wrestling, for Octavia's surprise Oberyn almost defeated her and if he wasn't drunk who knows if he would.

But before the others could fight they heard cries coming from where the children were swimming. When they get there they saw Tyene on the ground and Maximilian giving her resuscitation.

"The prince and Obara were in a swimming competition and Tyene tried to follow them but she suddenly stopped and then started to drown". Said Arianne with a face full of tears.

"There there child, you see? She's fine now" Said Octavia trying to soothe her.

Then Obara and Nymeria gave Maximilian a hug and a kiss in the cheeks for saving their sister, making he flustered, making the adults laugh at that forgetting the previous scare.

The following day they were summoned by Doran who told them that the trade agreement would be approved, so they needed to set a price to the new products he was going to sell them.

In the end the price was set in hundred gold dragons for a bottle of plum wine, a gold dragon for a barrel of dark imperial beer (both of which were extremely expensive, you have to know that outfitting a knight cost around four gold dragons, and the ransom for a noble is around two hundred gold dragons, the arbor gold is priced ten gold coins and a barrel of good beer in a tavern is around a silver stag, in other words a barrel of imperial beer is more than two hundred times more expensive than others), the enchanted rings would be sold for thousand gold coins and the ceremony to grant a beast companion would be sold at the same price, and to proof that it actually work oberyn offered himself to get one and get a new born red viper which he found fitting due to his nickname. After the ceremony was over and the shaman retired himself oberyn was like a child with a new toy, he could feel the thoughts of the red viper and order it around, making it go in circles or stand and then lie down, or roll over itself. while it uses would be minimal since it was just born he still thought that being able to control a beast similar to the wargs of the north was something invaluable.

After that they set the prices for all the other things that were going to be sold, all the other types of cheaper wines, beers, fruits, candies, meats, even water. In the end they even made him agree to sell balls for the children to play and even sets of latrunculi.

By the time they did all this the day was ending so Maximilian and his group returned to their accommodations.

He expend the next few days playing with the Martell kids and letting them show him the city, one time they convinced him to escape from the Myrmidons with him and tour the city, it ended with them being carried to the palace by a group of guards.

And just like that the day of his departure came. Oberyn and the kids were going to see him go, while Oberyn wasn't that close to him, since he is a kid, he found drinking buddies with his guards.

But before leaving Maximilian leave gifts to the Martells, a spear made from the wood of a golden heart tree to oberyn, As well as a barrel of beer and a bottle of wine, to Obara he leave his own playing ball and since she told him that she wanted to be a warrior he gifted her a practice sword, for Nymeria he gifted her a golden heart bow, while Tyene got a game of latrunculi and tali (knucklebones), and Arianne got a parrot. Then all the girls hugged him before saying good bye.

Then the ships set sail to Highgarden, they were going to enter through the mander.

A few days later they saw a large castle in the distance, tall towers trying to reach the sky, three walls like rings surrounding it.

After that they were granted an audience with the ruler of Highgarden, inside was a room with a fat man at the head of the table, an old man to his left and a old lady to his right.

In the head seat was lord Mace Tyrell lord paramount of the reach, to his left was the lord Seneschal of Highgarden Garth Tyrell, and to his right Lady Olenna Tyrell.

While negotiations didn't go as well as with Dorne, basically because they now have good relationships with Dorne, but in the end they agreed , but with the condition that the most expensive products would be sold only to Highgarden as well as part of the cheaper ones.

After staying for a couple days they depart to Lannisport, finally it was time to see if the Lannisters always pay their debts.

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