"What are you thinking about?"
Caspar suddenly appeared behind Finland, who wasn't paying attention because she was preoccupied with so many problems. The girl gasped and held her chest in shock.
"Gosh... don't sneak up on me like that... You startled me," she grumbled.
"It was not my intention to sneak up on you, but you were too absorbed in your thinking, you didn't hear me coming," Caspar said in his defense. "What is troubling your mind?"
"You must know..." Finland sighed. "Before all this trouble is over, I can't calm down."
"Me too." Caspar hugged Finland from behind and buried his head in her hair. "I'm scared to death if anything happens to Aleksis..."
Finland was surprised when she felt some dampness on her hair – was Caspar crying? She touched Caspar's hands on her waist and tried to calm the man down. She did not expect that behind his calm appearance, Caspar was actually very worried about the whole situation.
I am happy they finally had this conversation where Finland apologized for one-sidedly deciding to leave him in the past.
Now they can really start over.