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81.7% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 134: Ride of the Combee

Bab 134: Ride of the Combee

I quickly surveyed my surroundings after smashing my way into Surge's private quarters, immediately taking note of the numerous women that were gathered around while basically being naked, the sickeningly sweet fragrant smell that hung in the air, and then finally the girl that must have been Chloe.

The only clothes she was wearing were stockings and shoes, and she seemed to have fallen to the ground as I smashed my way into here. I quickly scanned her aura, which was filled with signs of arousal, her face to see that her expression was flushed while her eyes were slightly glazed over, then her chest to see that she was breathing heavily while her breasts bore red marks to indicate that they had been manhandled, and then finally down at the space between her legs.

I made sure to scrutinize her vaginal lips closely, noting how puffy and wet they were from arousal, but also how there was no indication that her virtue had been plundered before I arrived. That was a relief.

"Look at that, it's the baby Ketchum!" Surge snarled suddenly, finally drawing my attention to him as he glared at me hatefully.

Despite the loathing and disgust that filled me when I saw him, I forced a smirk back at his glare and asked, "what's wrong Surge? Did Giovanni dump you during the honeymoon?"


Skipping the insults and military training altogether, Surge simply released a savage roar as he charged at me directly.

Normally this wouldn't mean much to me, as I regularly sparred with my own pokemon and would take on my Tauros charging at me without flinching. Surge however, was a different story.

The man was tall, far taller than anyone else in either Kanto or Johto, I'm sure of it. Add the fact that he was jacked on top of that, along with his military training and all of the training I can tell he's done since, and this dude was easily the most dangerous human in all of Kanto to fight.

I'd say imagine fighting the Rock, with Rambo's training and Captain America's strength. And that was probably STILL putting Surge mildly.

So I didn't hesitate to defend myself with full seriousness as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, and reinforcing them with aura right as Surge slammed his forearm into me. Instead of pushing and sending me flying back though, he continued his savage charge while pushing me across the concrete floor all the way to the wall.

Then he raised a massive and meaty fist, and drove it right at my face with his full force.

Thankfully I was able to move slightly despite being pinned by him, and shifted my head to the side to avoid the hit.


I blinked as Surge literally broke the concrete wall with his bare fist, creating a web of cracks in its surface while apparently taking no damage himself. What was this guy, the fucking Terminator?!

Well two can play that game!

I brought my feet up and planted them on Surge's chest before shoving him back as hard as I could. Naturally, the big fucker was literally sent flying back across the room before falling into a tumbling roll.

The second my feet hit the ground again I shot forward at Surge at full speed, angling my shoulder just right that I drove it right into his solar plexus right as the giant got to his feet.


I could feel the air being forced from his lungs as I rammed into him and drove Surge back, slamming him into the wall this time. Then, while he was still stunned from having the wind knocked out of him, I hurriedly delivered a series of quick jabs to the weak points on his body, kidney, spleen, liver, and even brought my knee up into his groin.

"Grah!" Surge growled as he swept his arms to try and grab me, only for me to duck beneath them fluidly before bringing my fist up into his armpit.

The fucker had a better reaction time than I thought though, as he suddenly grabbed me by the scruff of my neck with his other hand, and threw me back away from him.


I hit the glass hard, not hard enough to go through it, but to the point that cracks spread out from my point of impact before I fell to the floor beside Chloe.

"Are you ok?" She asked while checking me over, putting her breasts right in my face as she did so.

"Get back!" I cried as I grabbed her and ducked to the side, right as Surge's boot stomped on the spot where my head had been less than a second prior.

We rolled a few times to put some distance between us and him, before we ended up in a position that made it seem like I was pinning her under me. And while in such close proximity, I could smell the arousal coming from her body while also feeling the heat radiating from her skin as she looked up at me amorously.

"Take this, and keep your head down!" I snapped at her while handing her my cloak, and also wondering inwardly just what drugs Surge had used on her. It definitely had to be an incense though with that scent in the air.

I quickly shot to my feet and turned to face Surge once more while putting a bit of distance between myself and Chloe to keep her out of harm's way. Just in time I might add, as I deftly dodged a massive right hook before using the opening to land a punch in Surge's side, right under his ribcage.

After that I dodged the return elbow, before leaping up and grabbing Surge's head while bringing my knee up to it.


I have to say, that was more than a little satisfying to hear as I shattered Surge's nose, which instantly produced a fountain of blood that sprayed in the air as he fell over backwards. Going down on top of him, I planted my knees into Surge's chest before cocking my arm back, and punching him in the face as hard as I could.

And then I did it again.

And then again.

And again.

The room was filled with the sound of me punching Surge over and over again, leaving him no room or opening to recover or retaliate. And with each punch I dealt more damage to him, a cut above his brow, a crack in his jaw, and I even felt something pop when I punched his cheek.

I was so focused on pounding his face in, that I hadn't noticed Surge's arm moving until something grabbed my ankle.


I didn't even have time to react before I was pulled off of Surge and flung away, right at the same exact spot of that damned window. And this time it DID break, sending me out into the open air.

"Bastard..." I swore with a casualness that didn't match my current predicament.

I then effortlessly flipped myself into a better position to stabilize myself before my feet slammed into the floor of the arena. I definitely did NOT go tingly and numb up my legs from that impact. Not at ALL.

I glanced up at the window to Surge's private room just in time to see him leap from one of the two holes in the glass now, and came crashing down to the ground in front of me like it was nothing. I swear, that fucker IS the goddamn Terminator!

"Ptoo!" Surge spat out a glob of blood, that had a tooth in it, after landing nonchalantly before fixing me with a look.

"You bay loog libe a bat, but you'be hab some prober traibing..." He said through his broken nose with a quizzical look, obviously wondering where I had gotten such training in a place like Pallet. Not to mention that it was obvious that I had quite the extensive battle experience and instinct.

"Eben ib you habe traibing though, what aboubt your pokemon?" Surge then threw off his jacket so that his upper body was bare, also revealing a band on his upper bicep, before reaching into the large pockets of his cargo pants. "GO!"

Ten pokemon appeared around Surge at his cry, all of them different, but every single one being an electric type. Amongst them was a Raichu, Alolan Golem, Electrode, Electvire, Ampharos, Luxray, Manectric, Pawmot, and a Toxtricity.

And that was only around Surge. Above us the air became filled with dozens on Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone, all of which were crackling with electricity that charged the very air around us.

As they all focused on me with hostility, Surge also pulled out a pair of knives so large that I wasn't sure if they still counted as knives.

"Alright then, LET'S GO!" I cried out in response, calling out several of my own pokemon as well.

Appearing around me were Cubone, Graveler, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Onix, Sceptile, Houndoom, Exeggutor, Snorlax and Charizard, while Honedge immediately approached me to grab her hilt. Neither the sash wrapping around my arm, nor the immediate drain on my aura alarmed me since we had done this several times in our training against Janine.

I then raised Honedge while pointing her at Surge and his pokemon, and cried out, "ATTACK!"


"Bulldoze!" Lucario cried, stomping his feet while charging into the lines of Rockets and their pokemon.

"Get that thing!" One of them cried out irritably, right as Lucario used Agility to up his speed even more.

He went from being a blur to disappearing altogether from their view before reappearing right beside the captive pokemon, all of which were either bound in chains or with control collars, like what Ace had found inside Mt. Moon.

"Thunder Punch, Metal Claw!" Lucario declared as one paw crackled with electricity, and the other gained a metallic sheen. He then used the two attacks to destroy any of the restraints on the other pokemon, either overloading the collars, or smashing the shackles.



The pokemon all watched in awe as their restraints fell to the ground in tatters, before Lucario stated to get their attention,

"Each of you now have a choice to make! Either run and hide, or stand and fight! ARE YOU WITH ME?!"

Lucario had barely uttered the words before he was responded to with a earthshaking cry of agreement from the other pokemon, all of which were ready to fight.

"There it is! Get the blue one!" One of the Rockets leading a group declared as they all pointed their human weapons at him, 'guns' if Lucario recalled correctly.

"Pathetic." He sneered, taking a stance in front of the other pokemon so that they would not be caught up in the cross-fire, and using the move Iron Defense.

The sound of bullets striking metal echoed as the entire group open fired upon Lucario without hesitation, forcing him to remain in place to protect the pokemon behind him. Some may have natural defences that would protect them from the human's bullets, but most didn't, or were still too weak or young to properly defend themselves.

That was fine though, as the clips holding the bullets wouldn't last forever, and Lucario could just take advantage of that opening to counterattack. Or so he thought.

"What the-?!"

The Rocket grunts grew shocked when their guns began to glow with an ethereal pink light, before they were all ripped from their hands and thrown upwards.

"Allow me to assist you." A voice echoed within Lucario's mind, prompting him to look back and see a Gardevoir amongst the pokemon he had just rescued, along with a tiny Ralts beside her.

"Much appreciated. May I leave my back to you?" Lucario asked as he lowered his guard, and shot forward at the Rockets to incapacitate them.

"Of course! I would be more than honored to fight beside such a man!" Gardevoir declared, her entire body glowing pink with psychic energy as she used Hypnosis to put numerous Rocket grunts to sleep at once.


Lucario cocked a brow as another voice sounded in his head, one that was significantly quieter and more timid sounding.

He glanced back at the small Ralts beside Gardevoir, who was different from normal Ralts in that her body was a light purple instead of white, with a blue head and orange horns instead of green and red respectively. It was a curious color combination, but he was afforded no time to contemplate it as more Rockets appeared, all armed with more guns and pokemon.



Lightning crackled and ozone filled the air as a seemingly ordinary Pikachu unleashed an electric attack that would even put one of Surge's pokemon to shame.

"Holy Mew! Did you see that!?!"

"Is that seriously just a regular Pikachu?!"

"Make sure we capture it at all costs!"

Such comments could be heard from the different Rockets who beheld such power from a little Pikachu, but even as they said it their pokemon fell before it.

"What was that?! I dare you to try and take Pikachu from me!" Angrily declared the boy who was partnered with the mighty little electric mouse.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu stated as well, as if telling them to bring it on.


"Stay away!!!!!"

Goh was crying out in terror as a group of Rockets chased him, his phone in one hand as he continued recording the different things going on around them.

"Ash! HELP ME!" Goh cried out as he ran to Ash and Pikachu.

"Huh? Pikachu, Quick Attack!"


Pikachu moved like a blur as he attacked the pokemon the different grunts sent after them, while Ash himself charged at the grunts.

"Damn kid!"

"Get out of our way!"

Even as they cursed and sneered at him with their batons raised, Ash didn't falter as he punched the first guy in the face, literally sending him flying backwards.


"Yeah! I learned that from my Aniki!" Ash declared as he raised his fists, and proceeded to attack the rest of the grunts with his aura enhanced strength. They of course tried to fight back by swinging their batons at him, but all of that barely fazed Ash as his own defences also increased with aura.

The entire time this was happening, Goh was watching and recording still, his eyes wide while a pink tinge appeared on his cheeks.


"Combusken, use Blaze Kick!"

"Prinplup, use Whirlpool!"



A barrage of fiery kicks and a swirling cyclone of water engulfed different sections of the warehouse, the former preventing people from leaving due to the blazing walls of fire they created, and the latter sweeping them all up into the vortex.

May and Dawn glanced at one another before smirking with a slight nod, as they sent out several more of their pokemon to help battle.

"There they are! Stop them!" A grunt shouted as a couple of Rockets ran towards them.

Both Combusken and Prinplup leapt forward in order to do battle against their pokemon, leaving the girls exposed as the grunts themselves approached them with batons.

"These two will sell for a pretty penny." One of them sneered viciously, looking them up and down while undressing them with his eyes.

"We're already taken you creep!" May snarled as she deftly stepped within range of his baton, using the move Ace taught them to knock it from his grip, before sending the man into one of the nearby booths.

"Don't think we're just a couple of helpless damsels!" Dawn declared as she did the same with the other grunt.

Seeing the fruits of their labors, the two girls shared a look as a smile appeared on their faces. They can do this!

They won't be a liability for Ace!


Janine watched the battles taking place below with sharp eyes, noting how capable Ace's companions and brother were even as she searched for certain targets.

The infiltration group could never hope to apprehend every single one of the Rockets and customers within the Night Market, which was the purpose of professor Oak and his own group. Capturing any of those who tried to run away.

Regardless, Janine did not want to leave certain things to chance.

Amongst those frequenting the Night Market, several of them were several high-value targets that her clan was after. So while Ace and his team caused chaos, she was searching for them through the throngs of people.

"Ariados." She suddenly said, pointing to one such target that was trying to get away through one of the escape routes.

"Dos." It cried in affirmation, shooting a stream of webbing that stuck to the man's foot, which Ariados then began reeling in like a fishing line.

"No! Stop! Please help me!" The man's pleas fell on deaf ears though as he was continuously raised higher and higher up above the ground, until he found himself face-to-mask with a purple haired girl.

"Harold B. Smith, also known as the Sneasel. Wanted alive for questioning by the League."

"Please! I'll give you whatever you want if you let me-"

Whatever he was going to say next was cut off as Janine stuck him with a needle, instantly rendering him unconscious before Ariados proceeded to wrap him in a cocoon of webbing, and hang him from the ceiling with the other.

"Now onto the next one." Janine said while immediately locating her next target. And while Ariados was also capturing them for her, she couldn't help but to glance at the arena where Ace and Surge were battling.

"You better win Ace..." She muttered under her breath, before the sound of glass breaking took her attention as several people tried to flee by flying away on their pokemon, having them smash holes in the roof of the warehouse.


"You'll never take me!" One man shouted in glee as he flew away into the night on his Honchkrow, with several other people doing the same around him.

"Oh no you don't!" Came a cry that made him look up just in time to see half a dozen Staraptor coming right at them.

"Shit!" The man swore as he desperately tried to fly away, except the Staraptor were faster than his Honchkrow.

"HA! Just try to catch me on my Pidgeot!" Another declared provocatively as he and his pokemon darted just out of reach of the Staraptor's talons.



Before the guy could respond to the cry that made his Pidgeot alert, a pair of large talons grabbed him from above and ripped him off the back of his Pidgeot.

"What the-?!" The guy started saying, before he was dumped on the roof of the warehouse and spun around to see the largest Pidgeot he had ever seen standing over him.

"Gol gol?" Cried a Golbat inquisitively.

"Geo. Pidgeot." The massive Pidgeot responded, before spreading its wings and taking off yet again while leaving him to the mercy of the Golbat.

Sending a 'small' Gust at another human trying to escape on a flying pokemon, Pidgeot happened to glance down towards the roof to see its human fighting someone. And it was someone etched VERY clearly into his memory.

Pidgeot recalled with perfect clarity the day his life was turned upside down. The day that humans came to their forest, capturing any and all pokemon that they saw, including his mother. He also recalled how his father, the Lord of that area of the forest at the time, challenged the humans to protect them all.

And then he was killed.

The one who killed his father was none other than the large human below, the same one currently fighting HIS human.

When he saw Surge, Pidgeot was filled with righteous fury like nothing he ever experienced before. Every single part of him desired to dive down and end the human right then and there, but he did not.

His human had told him to leave it all to him, that he would avenge his father for him. And Pidgeot believed him.

It was Ace who showed him warmth after Pidgeot lost everything. It was Ace who taught him how to become stronger, as well as providing a partner to spar against. It was Ace who promised to avenge his father and free his mother one day.

Pidgeot had placed the entirety of his trust in his human, and Ace had never once let him down. So, Pidgeot decided to leave everything to him, and focused his attention on capturing those who dared try to flee to avoid being captured.

It was right as he pulled another human off the back of their pokemon that a low buzzing noise could be heard, prompting Pidgeot, Golbat. Wendy and all of her Staraptor to look up curiously.

"""Bee Bee Bee Bee Bee!"""

"""Bee Bee Bee Bee Bee!"""

"""Bee Bee Bee Bee Bee, Bee Bee Bee Beeeeee!"""

High up above them, were dozens of Combee flying in numerous V formations with Vespiquen at their head.


At her command, all of the Combee began to dive down at the fleeing criminals like fighter squadrons, whipping up winds around their bodies with their own Gust as they did so.

While they were doing that, Vespiquen was also fighting by using Power Gem to snipe anyone who was trying to flee.

"That bitch.... She's not the only one with an army at her back!" Snarled one man riding away on a Fearow, who tossed out one of his own pokeballs to reveal another Vespiquen.

"Take care of that bitch, Vespiquen!" He ordered her while trying to flee out over the ocean.


With a cry, the second Vespiquen unleashed her own army of Combee to combat Ace's Vespiquen.

"Quen....." She growled at the challenger, almost sneering at how small she was compared to herself. However, the size of her hive was nothing to scoff at.

Well over a hundred Combee appeared to attack her and her hive, outnumbering them by quite a bit. But Vespiquen wasn't worried. A hive was nothing without their queen.

Focusing on the rival Vespiquen, she commanded her hive to attack the other Combee, which they did without hesitation.

"Bee Bee Bee bebe!" One of the Combee shouted.(Translation: for queen and honey.)


With their war cry, the Combee all flew into battle while their queens continued to glare at one another.


The rival Vespiquen ended up blinking first, only for Ace's Vespiquen to suddenly appear before her as she used Agility to increase her speed, and both of her claws began to glow with bug type energy.


With a cry, Vespiquen used X-Scissor on her smaller opponent to carve two deep grooves in her carapace in a large X shape.

The rival began to panic at the sheer difference in power, her own claws glowing as she tried to use a Slash on Vespiquen in retaliation, only for the alpha queen to grab her arm before pulling on it.



The little rival cried out in pain as Vespiquen proceeded to rip her arm off.

Amusement filled her as the smaller queen glared at her hatefully, before the ruby-like gem in her forehead began to glow from the move Power Gem.

Vespiquen almost sneered at this pathetic attempt, using the move as well so that the two beams collided in midair to compete briefly, before hers overwhelmed her opponents. And then, the rival's head was engulfed in the light.

Vespiquen kept up the attack until there were no more signs of life in the rival, and then ended it to find herself looking down upon her deceased body.

"Quen." She scoffed at the rival's weakness, before directing her attention to the mass of Combee around her.

By now they had all noticed the fight between the queens was over, and they were all staring down at her in awe.

"BEE BEE BEE BEBE!"(For queen and honey!)


And just like that, all of the Combee that had been against them mere seconds ago were now a part of their hive, swearing themselves to their new queen.

"QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!" Vespiquen screeched, declaring her victory before directing her hive, which had more than doubled in size, to attack those who were trying to escape from the warehouse. Their numbers were fewer now, but they were still there.

And as they gave her cries of affirmation, Vespiquen turned her attention towards the human who tried to use the rival and her hive to escape. She could see him even now in the distance, and it was oh so easy for her to snipe him out of the sky with another Power Gem.

"Haha! That may have cost me a Vespiquen, but at least I'll live another day!" The man declared as he and his Fearow soared over the open ocean.

"Fearow." His Fearow cried in agreement, right before it was hit by a ray of light.


The next thing the two of them knew, they were plummeting to the ocean below due to the attack hitting Fearow's wing.


The man cried in desperation, right before they hit the surface of the water.

He immediately returned his Fearow to its pokeball before grabbing another on his belt, which housed one that could swim him to safety. Before he could release it though...



The man tried to cry out in pain as something latched onto his leg and dragged him under, shooting back to shore at high speeds without caring about the wounds that it had inflicted upon him.

The entire time he was unable to breathe due to being underwater, and was on the verge of passing out when he was roughly thrown onto a boat.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" He immediately cried out, both filling his lungs and announcing his pain after his leg had been effectively ripped to shreds.

"Be quiet over there. At least you still have your leg, and your life." An annoyed voice snapped, drawing the man's attention to a young woman riding upon the most beautiful pokemon he had ever seen, a Milotic.

As if that wasn't enough, a second Milotic popped their head out of the water, before three more heads popped up as well. Except this time they were all extremely ferocious looking instead of beautiful, complete with a row of menacing looking teeth as well. Of course, it was three Gyarados.

Ignoring the man as he passed out, Misty directed her attention to all of the people desperately trying to flee capture by going to sea, either surfing on pokemon, diving down with their pokemon, or trying to take one of the multitude of boats that were moored outside.

She shook her head as each and every one was rounded up by her and Ace's pokemon, mostly Ace's, before being thrown into a specific boat that had no motor until they could be apprehended later.

"Good work everyone! Let's keep it up!" Misty declared to all of the pokemon, which included the entire school of Sharpedo Ace had.

A series of cheers responded to her declaration, before Blastoise proceeded to play chicken with a yacht. Naturally, Blastoise won.


At the same time, Daisy was waiting outside of one of the escape tunnels that Ace had marked for them earlier, her Vulpix darting playfully around her feet as she did so.

Soon her patience was rewarded as a group of men and women, the latter of which appearing exposed while obviously high on something, appeared.

"Out of our way bitch, or we'll have to mess ya up!" One of the lead thugs declared threateningly while his pokemon, a Scyther, flexed its scythes intimidatingly.

"Oh dear! Whatever shall we do Vulpix?" Daisy asked her little pokemon with false distress.

"Seriously! Move it before I have to do something-"


Anything else the thug was about to say was cut off as something landed behind Daisy, towering over her while glaring down at them threateningly.

"I'm sorry, but would you care to repeat that?" Daisy asked while acting as if she were such an airhead, all while Dragonite glared at them with his pink scarf, which was in fact Dratini spending time with her father.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

thanks for reading!

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