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14.63% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 24: Finishing Some Errands

Bab 24: Finishing Some Errands

"I can't believe it..." Misty uttered for seemed like the hundredth time, but it was understandable considering what we had all witnessed.

Legendary Pokemon were considered akin to gods or guardian deities in this world, so anyone who had the rare chance to see one would feel incredibly humbled afterwards.

In the Kanto region there was Lugia who commanded the three legendary Avians, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. In Johto there was Ho-oh who commanded the three legendary dogs, Raikou, Suicune, and Entei. In fact, it had been the difference between the regional Legendaries that had led to the majority of wars between the Kanto and Johto regions in the past.

Even in today's world there were numerous conflicts regarding the legendary Pokemon, particularly in regions like Hoenn where the earth and sea cult were based, who worshiped the Pokemon Groudon and Kyroge. Groudon was the being that could create severe droughts, and raised the land masses from the sea, while Kyroge was the one who expanded the seas and would summon torrential rains.

And in the Sinnoh region was the Diamond and Pearl clans, who worshiped the primordial Pokemon of time and space, though not by their actual names of Dialga and Palkia. According to our lessons the two clans had waged war against one another for centuries, but thankfully they were living peacefully in modern day Sinnoh.

They weren't the only ones, as every region had some story or history regarding their own Legendaries, though unfortunately I didn't know anything about those regions outside of our lessons. Nearly every region however knew of and had worshippers of Mew, the genetic ancestor of all Pokemon.

I thought I had been prepared for when I inevitably came face-to-face with another legendary after my meeting with Arceus, but our encounter with Ho-oh had changed that thought entirely. I don't know if it was because I was dead at the time or something else, but the two legendary Pokemon had felt entirely different from one another.

The girls of course were the most effected, as this was the first time any of them had ever encountered a legendary. Dawn and May at least had some warning from me regarding the fact that we would run into Legendaries one day, Misty however had no idea that encounters like the one today could become incredibly common for us.

She had been so distracted by the fact that we had seen Ho-oh, that Misty hadn't even been too affected when we found the charred remains of her bike along with a hundred or so crispy Spearow. We only stuck around long enough for her to retrieve her bike, while May and Dawn captured a few Spearow to send back to the labs in Hoenn and Sinnoh.

And again we were on our way even as the rain fell on us, making our way through the mountainous pass until we could see the twinkling lights of Viridian city through the haze of rain. Seeing the lights in front of us, I held up a hand to stop the three girls, and turned towards them before saying with a serious tone,

"Before we get to the city I want to say something."

"Well hurry up! It's starting to get cold standing out in the rain like this!" Misty complained irritably, making me smile wryly since she had been the one to refuse a poncho earlier.

"I won't take long. All I wanted to say is that we shouldn't tell anyone about us seeing Ho-oh earlier."

Though Dawn and May nodded in solemn understanding, Misty retorted irritably,

"You stopped us for THAT?! And why the hell shouldn't we tell people we saw a legendary??" Crossing her arms from irritation, I simply told her,

"None of us are native to Johto. How do you think the Ho-oh fanatics will react if the four of us claim to have seen it? Or the Lugia fanatics for that matter?"

Misty was silent as she realized the truth in my words, and the thought of what the fanatics might do dawned on her.

While for the most part Ho-oh and Lugia were regarded as guardians of their respective regions, and the vast majority of people did in fact 'worship' them, it was often little more than simple offerings as a sign of respect and thanks for their protection. There were however certain groups of people that were borderline fanatic in their devotion to the legendary Pokemon, sometimes regarding them as the one true God of every region.

Naturally they were one of the last groups I wanted to risk attracting the attention of, but there was another group that was even more concerning to me as I added,

"Plus there's Team Rocket to think about. They'd jump on any recent sightings of the legendaries, and I'd say none of us want that kind of heat either." Misty paled as she reached for the Pokeballs on her belt protectively, obviously having heard the numerous stories of what Team Rocket was capable of.

"You're right..." She said quietly after a moment, while both Dawn and May nodded in agreement.

So, with everyone in agreement, the four of us hurried down to the city so we could get to the Pokemon Center. Thankfully I already knew where to find it due to my many visits over the last few years, and we were all soon stepping out of the rain as we walked into the Center.

"Ace!" Nurse Joy exclaimed when she saw us, hurrying over as her Chansey collected a bunch of towels.

"Are you all alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah we're fine, just a little waterlogged." May answered as she and Dawn peeled off their drenched ponchos, while I did the same wth my jacket.

Shocking me though was when Misty slipped the suspenders off of her shoulders, and stripped her top off in front of everyone to wring it out. She was wearing a bikini top underneath, but the sight was still eye catching to say the least.

A little ways away from us Piplup and Riolu shook themselves off, while most of the water had already ran off of Squirtle.

"Nurse Joy, did my brother come in earlier with a Pikachu?" I asked as she began toweling off my head.

"Yeah, he did. I was really surprised to see Ash get here before you did Ace." I nodded before saying with a wry smile,

"I had a few things to do first. How's his Pikachu?"

"His Pikachu is fine, it just needs some rest after being attacked by a flock of Spearow and using too much energy." Nurse Joy said while handing May, Dawn and Misty their own towels to dry themselves off. She then added with a tone of inquiry,

"I take it you and tonight's one night stands will be wanting your usual room?"

All three of the girls directed pointed looks at me from the way Nurse Joy referred to them, to which I readily corrected her,

"They're my future wives Joy. Well, May and Dawn are. Misty will probably want her own room?" As I said that the two aforementioned girls snuggled up to my sides lovingly, while Misty looked away awkwardly.

What I didn't catch though were the smug looks the two girls gave Nurse Joy after I referred to them as my future wives, while the nurse's eye twitched just ever so slightly.

Not seeing a single shift in her aura though, I missed the entire exchange as Misty awkwardly said, "Yes, I'd like my own room please.

Nodding in affirmation, Nurse Joy said, "very well. If you can finish drying yourselves off here, I will go and register each of you in our system."

Turning on her heel after saying such, Nurse Joy then returned to her desk to do just that. And once she out of earshot, May muttered to us, "is it just me, or does something seem 'off' about that Nurse Joy?"

Though I looked up at May in confusion, both Dawn and Misty nodded as the former said, "I thought I was just imagining it..."

"Yeah. The way she referred to us as 'one night stands', it almost felt as if she was acting superior or something." Misty added before all three turned to look at me.

"Don't look at me. I've known her for three years, and there's never been anything suspicious in her aura."


With Riolu adding in his affirmation of my opinion, the three girls just glanced at each other as they had some kind of silent conversation between them. Deciding not to get involved, I told the two staying with me,

"I'm gonna go call professor Oak now that we're away from Pallet town. Nurse Joy will point out our room if you want to go and warm up. I'll be there in a bit."

May and Dawn both looked at me while Misty looked away pointedly, as the former kissed me on the cheek before saying with a wink,

"Ok, but don't take too long~!"

"We have a surprise for you." Dawn added as she kissed my other cheek, prompting me to hurry through the things I needed to do.

Thankfully the room for trainers to make their video calls was just to the side of the room we were in. So, after drying myself enough so that I wasn't dripping all over the place, I hurried over to one of the terminals and entered professor Oak's number while Riolu and Squirtle caught up to me.

"Hello?" The professor said right as he picked up the phone, before seeing me through the monitor.

"Oh. Hello Ace." He said in a less than pleased tone, the reason for which was obvious when I looked at all the bandages covering his arms and hands.

"Hello professor." I greeted back to him, before asking with concern, "what happened sir?"

Professor Oak deadpanned at me as he stated in an accusatory tone, "well, SOMEONE went and caught a bunch of Carvanha and Sharpedo earlier that caused a bunch of havoc in the lab. Joshua even almost lost a finger."

I grimaced at the professor's tone before saying in an apologetic tone, "sorry. They were about to attack a boat full of passengers, and I wasn't sure how else to handle the situation while also ensuring they didn't attack someone else later."

The professor nodded slowly before saying, "I know. You made the right choice for the situation my boy, I just wish you'd have given me a bit of a heads up."

I just chuckled awkwardly before telling him, "well, I'm planning on getting a Pokenav before heading into Viridian forest tomorrow. That should help if there's another situation in the future."

The professor's expression changed to one of relief when he heard that, as he said, "I'll appreciate it, and I'm sure your mother will as well."

I nodded in agreement since my mom would definitely want to check in on Ash and I as much as possible, but there was usually quite a bit of distance between the cities and Pokemon Centers in Kanto, and so that meant many nights spent camping. But a Pokenav would also allow me to keep in contact with anyone I meet on my travels, like Misty.

I then straightened up as an idea came to me, prompting me to ask the professor,

"Professor Oak, can you do something for me?"

I then explained what I wanted to the professor, which he readily agreed to. A few minutes later there were two Pokeballs sitting in front of me that were no longer registered in my name.

"Thanks professor." I told him gratefully, to which professor Oak said while waving his hand dismissively,

"Think nothing of it my boy. But if you could indulge me, is that a Squirtle there with you?" I glanced down at Squirtle at the professor's question, who had practically crawled into my lap to see the monitor I was using to call him.

"Yes it is." I replied with a bit of pride, while my little turtle happily commented,


The professor however only stated at us with a bit of awe before asking, "where did you find one so quickly? You didn't befriend it before starting your journey like that Pidgeot, did you?"

I shook my head at the professor's question before explaining,

"Pidgeot told me about a whole island of Squirtle line Pokemon that he'd found a while back near Cinnabar island. So I decided to go and try to capture one when I started my journey."

"Squirtle squirt!"

Professor Oak just sighed while massaging his temples as he listened to my story, before muttering to no one in particular, "I guess it was the right thing to give you an egg instead of an actual starter.... Speaking of, how is your egg doing?"

To answer the professor's question, I readily retrieved the Charmander egg from my bag to show him, but as I did so I noticed that it was significantly hotter than it had been before, while the aura coming from it felt slightly different.

"Is something wrong?" The professor asked as I scrutinized the egg for a moment.

"...no, it just feels hotter for some reason... Might be because my hands are cold from the the storm." Figuring that might be the case, I gently put the egg back into my bag until I retired to my room for the night.

Professor Oak and I then spent a few more minutes chatting about a few things, before we decided to end the call. After that I made a few more calls to mom, letting her know Ash and I both made it to Viridian city ok, and then to a few businesses around the city.

Though several of them were closed already, they still recorded my messages saying that I wanted to order supplies through them, and would like them to be delivered to the Pokemon Center in the morning. On top of the Pokenav there was still several things I needed before truly setting off, but I hadn't been able to get them in Pallet town without specially ordering them in advance.

When I had finished making my calls I got up, alerting Squirtle and Riolu, and began making my way to the area that was typically used for battling during the day. Right now though, it was filled with a few dozen Pokemon that the trainers staying at the Pokemon Center had let out for the night, with even May and Dawn's Pokemon resting among them.

Grabbing two of the three remaining Pokeballs on my belt, I released the Pokemon inside to join them.



Treecko and Miltank cried out as they appeared, announcing themselves as the rest of the Pokemon around us looked over curiously. Now everyone on my team aside from Pidgeot and Sharpedo was present.

The former was because he preferred his freedom and solitude, so he would be flying above us during the days and nesting nearby at nights. Currently the alpha was roosting on the driest rooftop he could find, but through our connection I could feel his emotions in turmoil after our encounter with Ho-oh earlier. I couldn't blame him.

Meanwhile, I wasn't letting the latter out just yet since Sharpedo were known for their temper and bad attitude. Since I haven't had the chance to have a heart-to-heart with it yet, I wasn't going to risk it attacking and eating a person or Pokemon who accidentally got too close. But I knew that if I could get it to listen, Sharpedo had the potential to become a true powerhouse of my team when it came to aquatic battles.

That would have to wait until we were in Viridian Forest though, as much as I didn't want to seem like I was excluding it from the group. Looking over the four Pokemon before me though, I said to them while gently scratching the spot between Miltank's horns,

"I'm going to let you guys out to get to know each other tonight, so behave ok?"

"Millllllllllllllk." Miltank lowed in affirmation as she nodded her head, while Treecko just looked away pointedly and Squirtle saluted dramatically before going over to meet some of the other Pokemon.

I just smiled wryly at Treecko's attitude, figuring that it'll acknowledge me eventually as we trained and battle together in the future.

Right as I was about to leave I suddenly remembered something, and turned back to my Pokemon as I said sternly, "By the way, whenever I'm not around Riolu is in charge, so listen to whatever he says."

My partner puffed his chest up proudly when he heard me say that, while I was pretty sure Treecko clicked its tongue in response. Miltank and Squirtle however both nodded in affirmation before returning their attention to May and Dawn's Pokemon.

Satisfied, I then left for real as I headed to my next destination by following the aura I was most familiar with outside of Riolu's, Ash's.

When I arrived outside the door to his room for the night, I opened it without any sense of respecting Ash's privacy while saying, "knock knock! Anyone home?"

Ash jumped in his seat when I came in, surprising me somewhat as I looked around to see him sitting in a chair, while a bandaged Pikachu laid in the bed.

"Aniki! You startled me! I thought you were that Misty girl again...." My little brother exclaimed before finishing Mareepily, as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

As Ash returned to his seat beside the bed, the little Pikachu in it was looking back and forth at us in alarm, before exclaiming,

"Pika pi pi Chu!?!"

Ash and I just laughed at the confusion of his starter, which was understandable since we were almost completely alike in terms of appearance, the only difference being the color of our eyes, and the scar on my cheek.

"It's ok Pikachu. This is my older brother, Ace." Ash said as he introduced me, while I reached my hand out to the electric mouse.

"Nice to meet ya, take care of my little bro for me." I said as Pikachu looked at my hand, then at me, before taking it as it exclaimed in affirmation,

"Pika pi!"

After we shook I turned to leave, but stopped long enough to toss a Pokeball to my little brother while saying,

"Here Ash. Someone defeated a ton of Spearow on the route to town, but I already have Pidgeot, and I figured that the guy who defeated them would be in too much of a hurry to catch one."

Ash looked at the Pokeball dumbly for a second, before he laughed awkwardly while saying,

"Thanks Aniki, I was just too focused on getting Pikachu to a Pokemon Center to think about catching one of those Spearow!" Ash continued laughing while scratching the back of his head awkwardly, making me smile warmly at him as I said,

"Don't worry about it. Just remember that I'm not going to keep helping my rival out when you do something like that again. Also, what is that?" Ash looked at the object that I was pointing at after I noticed it, to see an egg sitting there.

"Oh... Nurse Joy gave that to me shortly after I got here. I'm not sure why, but she said something about thinking it belonged to me... Maybe she thought I was you Aniki?" As he said that Ash picked up the egg and offered it to me, to which I quickly waved him down while saying,

"No, she gave it to you, so it's yours to look after. Besides, I don't think Nurse Joy made a mistake." Though Ash looked confused when I said that, I just smirked as I watched the aura coming off of the egg react to Ash's own, giving me a fairly good idea of what was inside the egg.

"Well, his journey is sure to be interesting..." I muttered to myself after leaving Ash's room, thinking on the Spearow I gave him and the egg he now had.

When May and Dawn had caught a few Spearow to send to their home regions, I also used my aura to locate the strongest one before catching it for Ash, mainly for the reason I gave him before. Of course, I couldn't say it was entirely out of the goodness of my heart, as Spearow were considered to be extremely vindictive and spiteful. I was curious to see how he was going to handle training one.

That however drew my attention to Pokeball I was still holding on to, leading to me knocking on another door as the inhabitant shouted,

"Just a moment!" A minute later Misty opened the door to reveal what I thought was quite the tantalizing sight, her wearing nothing but a towel as her body dripped hot water from the shower, while a few suds even remained in her hair from her shampoo.

"What is it!?" Misty snapped when she saw it was me outside her door, which was understandable considering I interrupted her shower.

"Sorry, I'll just take a minute. I just wanted to say sorry on my brother's behalf about your bike, and though it won't repair it, I wanted to give you this." I then handed her the Pokeball I had been holding onto, which held one of the many Carvanha I'd caught earlier.

"Though the Pokemon inside it is known for being tough to handle, I think you'd appreciate it as a water type specialist. Also, I also wanted to say that if you'd like, you're more than welcome to join May, Dawn and I on our travels. The two of them seem to like you, and as they say, the more the merrier!"

As I beamed at Misty in a friendly manner, the tomboy narrowed her eyes at me as she stated, "you just want to try and add me to your little harem, don't you?"

I made a sharp intake of breath when I heard that, before saying in offended tone, "excuse me!?! I'll have you know that was only about eighty percent of the reason why I invited you!"

Though she narrowed her eyes at me, there was a slight smirk at the edge of Misty's mouth as she asked, "and the other twenty percent?"

I adopted a slightly more serious look as I told her, "truthfully? A water type specialist would be much appreciated on our journey since a lot of it will be traveling by sea, and I think you'd also like the chance to see and capture some of the water Pokemon we'll see when we go to different regions."

Misty stood there for a moment as she contemplated my words, obviously tempted by the chance to visit different regions for the water type Pokemon that are there. Before she could answer though, I told her,

"You don't have to say anything now, but the offer is out there. We aren't leaving until tomorrow, so you can sleep on it. And if you can't decide by then, I'm also getting a Pokenav before we leave, so you can get ahold of me if you ever change your mind."

With that said I turned around to take my leave, and let Misty get back to her shower while calling out a goodnight behind me. I could practically feel her eyes on the back of my head, before they shifted to the Pokeball I gave her as she slowly closed the door.

With that being the last thing I needed to take care of, I finally hurried to my own room to join my two lovely girlfriends. And when I opened the door I became aware of two things, the girls were still in the shower, and that Dawn's Shinx was laying on one of the chairs in the room, sound asleep with what appeared to be numerous charred cords laying around it.

Though I was confused on why Dawn brought her Shinx with her, when even Piplup had been with the rest of her Pokemon, I put it out of my mind as I entered the bathroom and quickly began stripping out of my still-wet clothes. While I hung my Ranger jacket up to dry in the bathroom, I tossed the rest of my wet clothes into the laundry chute so they'd be washed, dried, and folded for me first thing in the morning.

And once the final sock left my foot, and disappeared down the chute, I quickly opened the door to the shower to find the tantalizing sight of two seductrusses waiting for me.

"What took you so long~?" May asked playfully as she reached up like she was stretching, only she was emphasizing her naked D-cup breasts for my viewing pleasure.

I answered by slapping my hand on her juicy ass as I grabbed onto it, and pulled her closer before doing the same to Dawn.

"I had a few errands." I told the two of them, before sealing Dawn's lips with my own.

Though we had kissed numerous times before now, never had we kissed with the passion and heat that we both showed in that moment. Even the relatively shy Dawn was downright 'ravenous' as our tongues wrestled against one another, her arms linking around my neck as my left hand kneaded her ass experimentally.

As the kiss went on I could feel heat on my leg as Dawn rubbed her crotch against it, and her erect nipples as her B-cup breasts were squished into my chest. We soon however reached the time limit as May tapped Dawn on the shoulder, seemingly signaling that her time was up as she broke the kiss off with a pout.

"My turn~" May eagerly exclaimed before sealing my lips with her own this time, while her hand went downwards until her fingers found, and then wrapped around, the base of my cock.

Slowly her hand pumped up and down my length as we kissed, until it was joined by Dawn's as they both worked on it simultaneously. It was then that May actually broke off the kiss, as both she and Dawn looked down at it to see it in all its glory.

"It's so...big!" Dawn exclaimed with a bit of fear bleeding into her voice, which I could understand for a pair of virgins after seeing my full length and girth.

Wether because Arceus did me a solid, or because of how much I had applied my aura down there, my cock had grown to a nice ten inches long with a girth that made even experienced women blush. I may had been pleased with the seven inches I had in my previous life, but I certainly wasn't going to complain about a bigger cock.

"Well if you're too scared, I can go first-" May began as Dawn seemed to freeze from seeing it, only for the other girl to cut her off as she declared,

"No! We battled for it, and I won! So I'm first!"

As if to punctuate her declaration, Dawn separated from May and I as she turned her back to us, and leaned forward slightly while reaching back to spread her cheeks, presenting both her butthole and pussy to us.

"P-please.....put it in...." Dawn pleaded to me, despite her obvious embarrassment... Or perhaps it was eagerness.

Never one to turn down an invitation, I approached Dawn with my cock standing at the ready.

Instead of simply impaling her with it though, I kissed Dawn's shoulder tenderly before I started lowering myself while planting gentle kisses down her back, until I found myself with my face mere inches away from both of her tight virgin holes.

Dawn and May weren't simple quick and easy fucks, girls that I'd simply ride hard and fast as we both focused on getting off. I hoped to have them both around for the rest of my life to cherish and love in every regard.

And to that end, I needed to ensure they were both as comfortable as possible to enjoy our first time together. So, after taking a second to admire the view that was mere inches from my face, I stuck my tongue out and made to lean forward to help Dawn in preparing to take my length.


At that very second, the entire Pokemon Center shook with enough force that Dawn fell forward just before my tongue could connect with her tender flesh, and May exclaimed,

"What was that!?!"

While the two of them were looking around in alarm though, my expression morphed into one of anger as I said,

"Whoever that was, they're dead men for giving me blue balls!"

Saying such, I stood and stormed out of the shower to confront whoever was stupid enough to interrupt my sexy time with my girlfriends.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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