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80.2% Killer of MC’s / Chapter 77: Graduation

Bab 77: Graduation

9th heaven is known to be the strongest within the world of DKSIL. It is unmatched when it came to power, resources, pills, talent, formations, everything,

But now, it was a complete isolated place. The only thing that remained were the corpses of all the ones who lived in 9th heaven. There was an ocean of blood covering the entire place. Even the buildings were reduced to rubble.

At the center of all this death and destruction, were the Lu sisters, the most feared twins of all time.

They were completely unscathed, not even a droplet of blood could be seen on their bodies.

"We have avenged mother…" Lili got a bit teary eyed when she remembered their mother.

"We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye..."

"Perhaps I can help with that." A voice came from behind them. It was naturally Alex.

"Saviour." The twins had completely forgotten that Alex can bring back the dead. It was because of all the rage in them that they forgot something as important as that.

"I love what you have done to the place." Alex felt like it was just another tuesday when he saw all the death surrounding them.

He never liked anyone in this world except for a few.

"Saviour… is that Little Zhen?" Lili pointed beside Alex.

Alex teleported to Zhen's location and his mother. He rescued them both. They were under some sort of drug, he could tell because they acted like a pair of zombies, they were alive but just dead on the inside.

He used the droplet of life on them and returned them both to their natural state. Maybe it was because they were exhausted mentally that they still slept like a log.

Alex rescued them both because they had helped them when they needed it. He is just returning the favour.

"It is. I have to drop them off at first heaven. I will make sure that they are safe from any harm. Now that all of 9th heaven is gone, no one should bother them anymore… speaking of which."

Alex extended his hand and activated the soul and time stone at the same time.

A certain figure emerged from the stones. It was a beautiful woman. Good looks, powerful, had an aura of a confident woman. She also wore a weird type of dress similar to a woman's clothing from China hundreds of years ago.

"Mom…" unable to believe they were watching her come back to life, they hugged her almost immediately as they fell into tears.

The Queen of the West was in a state of confusion. She needed time to recollect her thoughts.

Alex did not stay there for too long as it wasn't his business. He grabbed ahold of Zhen Congming and his mother before teleporting to a nearby hospital.

He dropped them off leaving them in the care of doctors. They just needed some rest. And after everyone hears what happened in 9th heaven, there will be mass confusion and panic across the world. Meaning that they won't notice Zhen Congming or his mom weak and defenseless in a hospital bed.

This is why Alex wasn't worried about anyone attacking them.

He was about to leave and keep reading his manga, until he felt a familiar presence.

"This presence… feels familiar but I don't know who it is."

Alex walked into a bar, which is where the familiar presence was.

It was the first time Alex has ever been in a bar, he is not a fan of drinking alcohol. It was quite empty with only less than 5 people that were inside the bar.

Then, a mature woman caught his eye. It was Su Han. Beside her, was Little White, the same beast that Hao Ren had in the story.

He remembered how she used to look: strong, mature, confident, beautiful, sexy… although she still looked beautiful and sexy as before, everything else was gone. She looked like she had given up on life, on hope, everything.

The only thing she had was Little White and alcohol.

Little White smelled someone familiar, someone he hated so much with all his heart.

He bared his fangs at Alex, and started to bark hysterically and loud.

"Woof! Woof!" The noise caught the attention of the few people, but ignored him almost immediately.

Su Han turned to face Alex. Her eyes showed she was surprised. Fear, anger, sadness could be seen in her eyes.

"You!" She pointed at him.

"Looks like we meet again, Su Han." Alex did not care for this woman at all. Had he not been for himself, Su Han would have imprisoned him inside a jail because he released Steven from an egg long ago.

Many people at the time thought that Steven was a power beast that came once in a million years. Greed showed in their hearts and they wanted to tame that beast, but Alex already did it before them.

Su Han was one of those people. Though she wanted Steven because she wanted to make sure he didn't fall into the wrong hands, it still didn't change the fact that she wanted to kill Alex to cut off his connection to Steven.

He counted himself lucky not to be dead.

"WOOF!!! WOOF!!!" Little White kept barking non-stop.

Alex gazed at Little White, a bit annoyed by him. He started to whimper and slowly backed away.

A pool of tears fell from her eyes and dropped to the ground. Su Han started to cry at the sight of Alex.

She ran up to him and started to punch him repeatedly on the chest. Her tiny strength could not even hurt him in the slightest.

"Return to me what you have taken from me you bastard!" Her voice caught the attention of the people, but they also ignored her. It seemed that she had made a ruckus before because they seemed used to her behaviour.

"Return what?" Asked Alex in a non caring tone.

"Return them to me… the people you have taken away from this world." Her punches got softer and weaker until they stopped.

"You mean Hao Ren, Zi, and Xie Yujia?"

"Yes... they were just children, they did not deserve to die… but you robbed them of their lives and future." Her cries became louder and more hysterical.

Alex noticed cut marks on her wrists, not just one but many, some of them looked fresh but healed..

"God…" Alex just realized how much this had affected her life. And he still did not feel sorry for her. Had it been 2000 years ago, then maybe he might have felt something, but he has long gotten used to this type of behaviour.

He had killed many innocents, like Naruto, Luffy, though he forgot about Luffy. But, he always killed their loved ones before killing them to make their souls more valuable.

It could be said that he was somewhat immune to this. He is not emotionless, just used to it.

"I think you need to come with me." It was the owner of the bar that came beside Alex and grabbed his arm firmly.

Su Han had just confessed that Alex killed people, and they were children. He couldn't just ignore this and wanted to bring Alex to custody. But he was just an ordinary human with no strength at all.

Alex touched the ordinary man's head and he fell asleep. The rest of the people were to heavily intoxicated to care.

"Please… return them to me. They did not deserve to die without having lived their lives." All Su Han cared about was bringing back Hao Ren and the girls back to life.

There is no way that she has the ability to resurrect them back to life. It was just a dream to her.

She already quit her job as a teacher and as an inspector because the pain of losing people precious to her was too much to bear. She also tried cutting her wrists to kill herself, but chickened out by healing herself almost immediately.

"I cannot do that." That was a lie, he could bring them back except Hao Ren. He made a deal with Satan long ago to offer the souls of the MC's.

But why would he bother himself to resurrect two girls he didn't care for?

"You heartless bastard! You took them away now you bring them back! You are just a demon in human skin! How can you live with yourself knowing what you had done?" Su Han got angry once again and started to punch Alex's chest angrily.

Alex grabbed her hands.

"Okay, I will bring them back… only after you answer my questions." Alex pushed Su Han down by force. He sat down and looked at her seriously.

Even if she answered his question, he will not bring them back.

"You better answer truthfully. I hope you haven't forgotten what happens if you lie to me."

Though Su Han was drunk, she knew she had no way to beat Alex. She sat there and listened.

"Do you believe that they deserved to die?" Asked Alex.

"No. They did not."

"Hm… do you believe what I did was inhumane, evil, cruel?"


"Very well… then, do you believe that humans are capable of what I did?"

"Killing innocent children? No! Only a demon is capable of that."

"Last few questions… then tell me, do baby infants, who are still inside their mother's womb, deserve to die?"

Su Han was startled by this question, but she answered, "no."

"That is not what people think, Su Han. You say that I am evil, the devil, cruel, and yet there are people, literally to this very moment, who kill their own children who have yet to see the world, all because they had unprotected sex and because they did not want to be responsible for a child that they had brought into this world."

Su Han got an idea of where he was going.

"People have been doing this for a long time, even girls in high school do it all the time. Little baby infants, who did not ask to be born, and who did not deserve such a cruel fate die every day, but they do, and yet people are okay with this."

"So tell me, Su Han, how are my actions any different from normal people?"

Alex got this idea not from an anime or movies, but from his past life.

He had brothers and sisters. But his mother aborted most of them. It was mentioned long ago already, so it's not surprising.

Su Han was quiet. She had failed to realize this. She thought that Alex was the only evil being, but in reality it's all over the world.

Alex is not saying that what he is doing is good, it's just that it is no different from what people had been doing.

Alex never viewed himself as a saint, nor was he ever going to be one. But just remember that even God killed for his own reasons.

Alex had his own reason as well...

"Answer me this, Su Han, how are my actions any different from those people?"

"They're not different… but that doesn't mean that you did not kill Zi."

"I know."

Alex began to walk away.

"Wait! I answered your questions, now bring back Zi and the others." Su Han said.

"No." Alex stopped walking. "At least their deaths were not in vain."

"You… die!" Her anger got the better of her. She grabbed her sword from her waist and intended to hack down Alex down the middle.

Surprisingly, her sword cut through his head all the way down his waist. His body was cut in half and it laid on the floor.

The people who saw Su Han killing a guy with a sword, they immediately started screaming for help while running.

She dropped her sword and started to cry again.

"Zi… Hao Ren… I have avenged you both."

Somehow she did not expect why Alex was so weak compared to last time. But, she didn't care because she finally managed to kill Alex. Only she wished she would have that long ago.

In another part of the city, was Alex just chilling and watching his favourite anime. Truth to be told, he never talked to Su Han after all this time.

After literally meeting Su Han for like 5 seconds, he wanted to leave, but knew what situation she was in. Her anger for Alex will never be quenched unless she kills him.

Because he wanted to watch his anime, that he activated his reality gem, made a clone of himself and left him to his own devices. Which then let him escape and let him watch his anime.

Whatever his clone said was not Alex. His clone said that to make Su Han feel a bit better or worse…

Either way, he did not care.

At least he gave Su Han the satisfaction of avenging Zi and the others.

Days have passed since Su Han thought she killed Alex.

Su Han was standing in front of tombstones labelled 'Hao Ren' 'Zhao Yanzi' 'Xie Yujia'

She felt better after killing Alex, like a burden had left her heart. She touched the scars on her wrists and wondered about something.

"This past year I was only drinking, filled with rage. I blamed myself for not being stronger to protect you all. But I now know that Alexander Anderson is not the center of evil. Killing him will never bring you three back, but at least I won't have to worry about him."

She looked at the clear blue sky. She has been inside the bar for many weeks that she hasn't seen the sun in all that time.

The sun hit her beautiful face. The wind blew through her hair making her look elegant. She felt that Hao Ren and the others were in heaven, happy together without any pain or worries.

For the first time in a long time, she felt relieved and free.

"I will promise to live my life for you three. Someday I will join you. And when I do it will be a great and reunion."

She left some flowers on their graves, and also on other tombstones.

Those were Zhao Yanzi's family including Zi's uncle. He was never killed by Alex. He killed himself after learning what had happened to his brother, sister in law, and most importantly his niece.

She left with a tear trickling down her eye. "No more crying." She said and left the graveyard.

After that, she did actually manage to live a happy, long life. She never forgot about Zi or the others. She did miss them and she always will. But she knows that crying and feeling bad about it won't make it better.

And so, that was the last time Su Han ever thought about Alex.

At least one person in Dragon King's son-in-law world had a happy ending.

Alex forgot about Su Han already. He sat on the middle of the grass as the sun hit his face.

During those days, he killed the old hag that he hated, Hermit Qingfeng AKA Xie Yujia's master. He also killed any dragon or inspector that wanted to kill him before, except Su Han.

He also killed all the people in 8th heaven who treated him like shit when his cultivation was stolen. Note that this happened before Alex reincarnated, but the memories were still there.

"Saviour…" Lili came for Alex alone. Which is weird because Lili and Linlin are almost always together.

"Lili? How did it go with your mother?"

"I just wanted to thank you like this." Lili got on top of Alex by sitting on him. She drew her face closer to his and kissed him tongue and all. Alex was quick to react and responded back.

Their actions of course caught the attention of people nearby. A good looking man and a very beautiful woman were making out in broad daylight.

"Hehehe." Lili laughed cutely as she retracted her head. She was blushing but seemed very happy..

"What was that?" Asked Alex with a smirk.

"I just wanted to take the lead for once." Lili was always the shy type, meaning that she never kissed him first because she was still too shy.

"Where's Linlin?"

"She's with mother. And also… mother wanted to meet you." Lili grabbed his hands and teleported them both to 9th heaven.

9th heaven was the same when he last visited it. But there was on building that stood out from the rest. The building was very tall and made out of pure gold, how that is possible no one knows for sure as it has been there for a long time.

"Wear this." Lili handed him a gown with an "X" in front of it. It was red and looked rather fancy.

"I am confused." Alex had no idea what was happening.

"Please, Saviour, wear this gown." Lili showed her cute eyes at him.

Having no other choice, he wore the gown. It fit him rather well.

'Maybe this is some tradition or something… I never really understood these types of things.' Alex thought.

But, something about this red gown reminded him of something… something that the twins told him long ago. He had trouble remembering.

"Follow me." Lili dragged him into the building.

Upon entering the building, they were met by the same lady that Alex brought back to life days ago, The Queen of the West.

The room was not made out of gold like the outside. It was fairly large and decorated with flowers and statues.

There was a red carpet lined up directly to her. But for some reason, Lili urged him not to step on it.

The woman greeted Alex with full respect.

"Anderson. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Uh… the pleasure is all mine… I think." Alex greeted her with respect as well. The twins loved their mother and had been longing to see her again for the longest time.

Since he loved the twins, he will respect the mother they loved, that had raised them since they were children.

"I'll be going now." with a bow, Lili walked to a room leaving them both alone.

Even after all this time, Alex has not seen Linlin. He could feel her presence just beyond the other side of the wall. He had no idea what they were planning.

"I can finally have a talk with my son-in-law." She said with a smile.

Alex did not know how to respond to that one. In most anime, novels and manga, when the parents of MC's girl would hear that she is in love, they would fly into a rage and make the MC's life impossible.

But, The Queen of the West welcomed Alex with open arms.

"My daughters have been gone a long time. I did not know what to feel when they left this world with some man that even the Heavenly Mother wanted to kill, but I am glad they left, because they met you. They are lucky indeed."

"I believe I am the lucky one to have met them. Without them, I would be lost." He said truthfully.

She smiled. Her view of Alex grew bigger.

"In this short period of time, my daughters have told me everything about their adventures. I haven't seen them this happy in such a long time."

The Queen of the West already knew most about Alex. Even if he was a killer, she didn't mind because she too has done a lot of killing in her days. If anything, it showed Alex how powerful he is and how far he will go to protect the twins.

If she did know his real power, she will die from shock.

There was a moment of pause. She took his hands and looked at him.

"I know that you will leave soon on more adventures. I entrust you with my daughters. Take good care of them, for the rest of your life. Love them both equally forever and ever… and ever again."

Alex also grabbed her hands and said, "I will."

She was satisfied with his answer. She grabbed three golden cups and poured some wine into them and also tying them together with a red string.

She then flicked her finger at a gong that was beside her.

Alex was more confused than before. What is she doing?

He felt 2 presences behind him. It was Linlin and Lili both in long red skirts with ancient Chinese engravings on them. They were blushing more so than ever before. They looked very beautiful in their skirts that even Alex was short on breath.

Now Alex knew what was going on. The red gown, red carpet, red skirts, the wine, red string… this was an ancient Chinese wedding ceremony.

He was getting married today and he didn't even know about it! He was utterly shocked and stupefied.

"Forgive me." The Queen of the West said after noticing his shocked expression.

"I was the one who rushed this wedding. I knew that you three will be gone for many, many years very soon.. My only wish is to see both my daughters marry the man they love most before they leave my side forever." The Queen of the West shed a small tear after seeing both her daughters walking down the red carpet.

Alex thought 'Why didn't let you me know beforehand? You had days to tell me!' he didn't say that, because he remembered that 9th heaven's time is a lot faster compared to Earth.

He might have been on Earth for days, but here it has only been a few hours since they arrived.

Of course, Alex had other choices:

1: run like a little bitch for no reason.

2: make them wait even longer, even though the twins were waiting 1000 years for this moment.

3: grow and pair and just marry them right now and seal the deal.

The twins stopped in the middle of the carpet. It seemed they knew what he was thinking. They were a bit afraid that the sudden marriage might somehow make him change his mind.

But once they leave this world, it was hard to tell just how long they were going to be gone. And they really wanted their mother to bear witness to this marriage.

Even if Alex did not want to get married now, they will keep waiting for him, even if it meant another thousand years.

Alex stood up and hugged the sisters tightly.

He gently whispered in their ears, "I did promise that once we left the world of Hunter X Hunter, we will get married. And we `technically` did leave that world. So… let's get married right now."

They started to get teary eyed once more. They hugged him back tightly as well.

"Saviour, we love you so much." They said together.

The Queen of the West felt happy when she saw her daughters happy.

"Don't call me 'Saviour' anymore. We are going to get married, there is no need to call me that anymore."

"Then… how about 'hubby?' or 'Dear?'" Lili asked.

"Dear is fine. You can also call me anything that you like."

"Kay… husband." They both said and their faces blushed even more.

He grabbed their hands and they sat down on a blue carpet right in front of the Queen of the West. Their hearts were beating faster. They were incredibly happy and nervous at the same time.

"Normally, this isn't how the wedding is supposed to go, but since so many things happened today, it's going to be different." The Queen of the West said.

They all nodded, but Alex was still clueless when it came to these kind of things.

She then handed Alex a cup filled with wine same with the sisters, which were all connected to a red string.

"Anderson, drink the cup in your hand. Then drink the cup from Linlin and Lili's hands."

Alex was hesitant. He has never taken a sip of alcohol because it reminded him of his father.

The twins had forgotten about Alex's reason to never drink any alcohol. They remembered just now and felt that he was uncomfortable. Had they known, they would have gone for a modern day wedding.

The reason why they were doing a traditional Chinese wedding is because the Queen of the west is Chinese, and is used to the ancient Chinese wedding tradition.

'Screw my parents… they had already screwed my life before, and they will not screw the happiest moment of our lives.' Alex took a small sip of alcohol. It had a weird taste to it.

Alex was not going to let his parents ruin anything else. This is his own life now, and it has been for the longest time.

Once they saw him take his first sip of alcohol, the twins felt warmth in their hearts. He took his first ever sip of alcohol to marry them, even if it brought him terrible memories. They felt terrible, and yet they just kept falling in love with him.

But, they don't know that from now on whenever Alex thinks of alcohol, he will only remember the day they got married and not his abusive father. He is not even going to let him ruin his most cherished memories.

The twins took a sip from their cups. They intertwined arms with Alex, which he then took two more sips of alcohol from their cups. The twins also drank from his cup.

They then finished the cup of wine from their hands, completely emptying the cups.

"By doing this, Buddha, the heavens, and I have recognized that you three are now bounded by the strings of faith. You are now three souls bound together for this lifetime."

"Does… does that mean that we're officially married?" Asked a confused Alex. He is no expert in weddings, but even he knows that this is too short.

"Yes. Like I said before, many things happened that I had to make changes. It is short indeed, but now you are married to my daughters." usually it is a more confusing and long process, but right now it was an exception.

"Huh… and all it took was wine… neat."

"Saviour…" Linlin got close to Alex and kissed him followed by Lili as well. They were going to be like that for a while.

The Queen of the West stood up and left. She was glad to see her daughters married, as she had dreamed for a long time.

"They have been with me for over thousands of years, and yet, it feels like a blink of an eye since I got to know them." when she saw her daughter getting married, she only saw them when they were just children.

She wiped several tears off her eyes. Memories of her daughters were still fresh in her mind.

"Time does go fast indeed."

Right now, she had work to do. With all of 9th Heaven dead, she needs to clean up and make sure that no enemies should attack her or her family.

'After this, comes the bed.' she seemed to know what was about to happen and that was the main reason she left.

Meanwhile the newlyweds were still making out as they got bolder and more erotic.

"Linlin… Lili." Alex said softly.

"Yes… Saviour?" Their breathing was longer and deeper. They were on cloud nine right now.

"Let's go to bed."

Without given them a chance, he picked them up which was easy, and carried them to a room that was unoccupied.

They blushed hard because they knew that it meant one very important thing… and they were looking forward to it.

Alex kicked the door open then closed it. The bed was bigger than a king size bed, just enough space for the three of them.

After which, followed a dark and beautiful night with sounds of pleasurable moans coming from the room… after years of pent up desires, the moans didn't die down until sunrise.

The thousand year old virgins had finally graduated.

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