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26.92% So... I Reincarnated as a Dungeon Core... In the Middle of the Ocean... / Chapter 6: My Dungeons First Visitors

Bab 6: My Dungeons First Visitors

Its been a couple of hours since Bruce's divine protection ran out, and Bruce is feeling uneasy. The anticipation is killing him, he doesn't know when some sort of creature from the depths of the ocean may spring forth... While He was thinking about all that, something finally decided emerge from the ocean depths

(Bruce) 'Finally... I don't know whether I should be scared or exited toward my new visitor, I've been so bored lately that I've actually started to hope something would appear...'

Bruce's eyes where glued to the spot where the creature was emerging, he watched as it slowly crawled out of the water, and onto Sandbox's sandy shore

(Bruce) 'System... That's a big lobster...'

Sandbox's first visitor is a meter tall, 5 meter long lobster, with a metallic silver carapace, and massive claws. It crawls around the beach cautiously, checking if the cost is clear

(Bruce) 'System, are we able to appraise it with my dungeon appraisal skill?'

(System) 'Yes we can. However, since it is not a part of the dungeon, you can only appraise basic information about it like name and rank'

(Bruce) 'That's good enough for me, It will give me a clue as to what I'm looking at exactly... I'm confused as to whether I should be intimidated or not...'

{Appraisal Results}

Silver Clawbster (Rank D+)

(Bruce) 'hmm... Hey System, how strong is D+'

(System) 'D+ would make it a decently powerful monster, it's most likely evolved as well. Also, to help give you a good idea of how strong it is, the average human in this world is usually rank E- or E+'

(Bruce) 'So that would make decently strong then'

(System) 'Yes it would, also, I would like to tell you something very important about rank'

(Bruce) '???, what is it'

(System) 'In this world, there is a big power gap between creatures of a different rank. A creature that is rank D could mop the floor with another that is rank E. As each rank of creature tends to be 2 times or more powerful than the last rank. So make sure to be careful when handling higher ranked creatures'

(Bruce) 'Well... That's terrifying... So that would mean this overgrown lobster would completely crush a group of humans then... Right'

(System) 'If your talking about the difference in stats, then yes. However, since humans are so intelligent. They can use many different strategies to take down a creature a rank or two above themselves. You'd also have to factor in the quality of equipment they carry, as it can also help close the stat difference between themselves and monsters'

(Bruce) 'Well that's good to know. Also, just out of curiosity, how strong are X ranked creatures and monsters. Because you said that each rank is about two or more times stronger than the last rank, wouldn't that make X ranked creatures a walking apocalypse'

(System) 'That would be correct, X ranked creatures are so powerful to the point where there most basic of attacks will level mountain ranges'

(Bruce) '...'

(Bruce) 'Do they exist in this world...'

(System) 'Yes, but there's only a few of them left. However, they're so strong that they don't have any need to really do anything anymore. They usually just spend all of their time sleeping. They're also not creatures set on destroying the world. In fact the last time a X ranked creature ever engaged in combat was about 4 million years ago when a SS ranked creature went on a rampage near its sleeping grounds. The X ranked creature sleeping there at the time wasn't all that happy about it, as it cared deeply about the surrounding ecosystem. So it did the only logical thing, and completely obliterated every trace of the SS ranked creature in an instant. The X ranked creature then went out of its way to restore the surrounding ecosystem back to its original glory using magic'

(Bruce) '*sigh*, at least I don't have to worry about one trashing my dungeon...'

(Bruce) 'Also, is it just me, or are even more lobsters here than before...'

While Bruce and System where chatting about ranks and powerful creatures, more Clawbsters had crawled out of the water and made Sandbox their new home

(Bruce) 'System, am I able to use the appraisal skill without your help?'

(System) 'Yes'

(Bruce) 'That's great, I don't want to have to rely on you for everything system. I want to be somewhat self sufficient...'

(Bruce) 'Well, enough of that... Lets try appraising these new visitors'

Bruce focused on one of the new Clawbsters. As he stared at the Clawbster, he pondered as to how in the world he was suppose to appraise it, but as he stared at it more and more, the feeling came to him naturally in a way he couldn't explain...

{Appraisal Results}

x7 Clawbster (Rank E) (1/2 a meter tall, 2 and 1/2 meters long)

X4 Copper Clawbster (Rank D-) (3/4 a meter tall, 3 and 1/2 meters long)

X1 Silver Clawbster (Rank D+ (1 meter tall, 5 meters long)

(Bruce) 'Yes!, I can now appraise things on my own!, isn't that great system, now I don't have to keep relying on you for appraisal'

(System) 'yes... great...'

Bruce thought he heard a tint of sadness in systems voice, but he wrote it off as just his imagination playing tricks on him

(Bruce) 'Anyways, it seems like the Clawbsters are going to be staying here at Sandbox for a while... And it doesn't seem like they'll pose any real threat towards me... So I'm just going to go into sleep mode for a while, wake me up if anything new happens, okay system'

(System) 'Acknowledged'

Bruce closes his imaginary eyes, and the world blacks out, just to for everything to suddenly reappear again

(Bruce) 'Even though it doesn't last long, It still feels like I woke up from a long deep sleep after going into sleep mode... Anyways, what happened system?'

(System) 'Have a look for yourself...'

Bruce uses his dungeon clairvoyance to view the surface of Sandbox

(Bruce) 'What the heck is all of this...'

All the Clawbsters are gathered up at one side of the island, menacingly clacking their claws. Their numbers seem to have doubled whilst Bruce was in sleep mode, and they seem to be preparing for something as well. As the Clawbsters are definitely agitated at something

Then, three 14 meter long serpents emerge from the water, as they emerge the Clawbsters menacingly clack their claws at them, trying their best to intimidate the massive beasts

(Bruce) 'This doesn't look good, those snakes look pretty strong... Appraisal, activate!!!

{Appraisal Results}

x3 Lesser Water Serpents (Rank C-) (1 and 1/4 meters tall, 14 meters long)

(Bruce) 'Those things are LESSER!!! What the hell would the greater version look like!!!'

The two opposing sides stare at each other for a while... And then a battle breaks loose

The three serpents start the fight off by firing a volley of water bolts towards the Clawbsters. Clawbsters hit directly from the water bolts are severely injured, and one is even killed. Any water bolts that end up missing their mark end up hitting the ground, causing little explosions sending sand flying into the air

(Bruce) 'So these are C ranked creatures huh... Scary... Those water bolts may as well be mortar shells...'

After the volley of water bolts, the Clawbsters return fire. They open their claws up wide as they fire a volley of water bullets, while not as powerful as the water bolts, they still seem to somewhat phase the serpents. As they reel back in pain from the massive volley

Both sides continue to attack each other from afar for about 10 more minutes until they start running low on MP. The Clawbsters clack their claws at the serpents menacingly. Its almost like their saying, this is useless, just leave us alone already. The serpents respond to their message by charging out of the water at full speed and killing a couple more Clawbsters.

(Bruce) 'That was rude...'

The Clawbsters seemed to agree with Bruce's words, as they angrily charged towards the serpents, attacking viciously with their massive claws. Especially the Silver Clawbster. Since he's the leader of the Clawbster group, Bruce can see how he's probably the most pissed off at these serpents. As he can be seen tearing rigorously into the closest serpents flesh with his claws. Bruce could almost see flames in his tiny, Clawbster eyes

After another 5 minutes of fighting, one of the serpents is finally killed. The moment this happens the two other serpents grab their comrades dead body and retreat back into the ocean, most likely to devour it. As it's worth a lot more food wise than the Clawbsters. And as they retreat into the ocean, the Clawbsters can be seen clacking at them in victory.

The battle is over, and the Clawbsters seem to mourn the loss of their comrades. About 8 normal Clawbsters, and 3 Copper Clawbsters died during the fight. And the remaining Clawbsters can only push on without them. It also seems that the Clawbsters aren't cannibalistic. As they just pile up the corpses of their fallen brethren in a 3 meter deep/wide hole they made near the center of sandbox.

(Bruce) 'I feel kind of bad for them... Even if they are just over sized metallic lobsters...'

(System) 'After a while, the corpses will be absorbed into the dungeon to be turned into DP'

(Bruce) 'Well... Their loss is my gain I guess... Don't worry Clawbsters, I won't let your losses be in vain!'

After 30 minutes, the Clawbster corpses start to glow as they sink into the sand, becoming one with the dungeon

(Bruce) 'Okay then, lets see how much DP I've gained'

{DP Results}

x8 Clawbster = 400 DP

x3 Copper Clawbster = 360 DP

DP: 32/infinite ---> 784/infinite [DP's at 32 because of the sleep mode time skip, +20 DP from the daily DP generation, +6 from the Clawbsters existing in the dungeon, +2 from the dungeon itself]

(Bruce) '...'

(Bruce) 'WHAAAT!!!, Thats so much!!!"

(System) 'The amount of DP you gain from a dead creatures depends on their rank, size, and level. However, the amount of DP you gain from your dungeons creatures will be reduced'

(Bruce) 'Thats cool and all, but I wish that I could've absorbed that serpent though. I bet it would have been worth tons of DP... *sigh*'

(Bruce) 'Well, no use dwelling on the past. Instead, lets focus on the future'

Bruce thinks for a couple of minutes, trying to come up with an idea of how he wants to spend his DP, and then, he finally gets one

(Bruce) 'Hey system, am I able to add the Clawbsters to my dungeon?'

(System) 'Well, it all depends on whether or not the monster is willing to join. That willingness can very across different monster species'

(Bruce) 'Sounds good, I think I know how I can get the Clawbsters to join me'

(System) '?'

(Bruce) 'In order for everything to work out perfectly however. I'm going to need to use my dungeon editor skill on the Clawbsters after they join me. I've done some more research on the skill, and it gives me an idea'

Bruce's plan was this... He wanted to recruit the Clawbsters into the dungeon. After that he was going to use a special feature of his dungeon editor skill. This special skill, is boss creation. It allows him to create boss monsters for his dungeons floors. Boss monsters are stronger than normal monsters by a lot, and are usually more intelligent as well. A floor can only have one boss monster, but there can be several mini bosses. Mini bosses are just weaker, smaller boss monsters. And the good thing about them is that a dungeon can have multiple of them on a floor

(Bruce) 'I said I wouldn't let the Clawbsters deaths be in vein, so this is the best I can do for them... I've grown somewhat attached to them... Haven't I...'

(System) 'Correct'

(Bruce) *Sigh* well... Its Clawbster time!'

Bruce starts out by designating Sandbox as a floor, or what he'll be calling zones. Bruce doesn't plan on making his dungeon castle style, towering high in the sky, or digging deep into the earth. He plans to make his dungeon an island. An island in which he can build wonderful ecosystems on, and just have fun with

Once Sandbox is designated as a floor, he uses some DP to create some tree's and all sorts of other fauna on the island. As the tree's and plants suddenly appeared the Clawbsters were a bit surprised. As all of these plants just appeared out of thin air, but after a minute or two they calmed back down. Because it didn't mean anything bad for them, all it meant was free food

DP: 784/infinite ---> 740/infinite

(Bruce) 'Yesh, now they don't have to worry about food as much anymore. Anyways... Now it's time for the tricky part'

(Bruce) 'System, lets try and recruit the Clawbsters to the dungeon'

(System) 'Affirmative, linking you to the Clawbsters minds now'

Bruce felt his mind link to the Clawbsters. He could understand what they where thinking in a weird way, as they didn't speak any sort of language. Instead, they just knew what they wanted, and that's all they ever needed

Bruce mentally clears his throat

(Bruce) 'Um, can I have your attention please?'

The Clawbsters all stop what their doing and look around for the source of the voice in their heads. Even though they can't normally understand any sort of language, they can somehow understand what the voice in their heads is saying

(Bruce) 'Please, no need to be alarmed. I just have a proposition for you, that's all'

The Clawbsters settle down a bit more, but are still a little weary of the strange voice in their heads

(Bruce) 'For now, I will introduce myself. I am the guardian of this island, and I'm able to see everything that happens on it. And I had seen your fight with the Water Serpents that had attacked you earlier'

After Bruce mentioned the serpents the Clawbsters became riled up again, and it took a minute to calm them down again

(Bruce) '*sigh*, anyways, like I was saying. I've seen your fight with the serpents, and I wish to aid you encase something like that ever happens again. I can give you the strength to fight those serpents if they decide to return, as well as other powerful foes. And in return, you shall serve and protect the island with your life

The Clawbsters all freeze. As Bruce's connected to their minds he can sense what their thinking. The Clawbsters want to take up the request, but are unsure of whether or not they should do it. So they've all just frozen up for now, trying to make up their minds

But then a loud clack interrupts the silence, and all the Clawbsters turn and look at where it came from... It was the Silver Clawbster, and his eyes had a determined flame blazing within them. Bruce could feel his determination to defeat the serpents the next time they appear. And he was willing to take up Bruce's offer in order to gain the strength to do so... And so slowly, that fire in his eyes spread to all of the other Clawbsters, until every single one of them was willing to serve the island

(System) 'The Clawbsters are ready to be recruited into the dungeon. Do you want to recruit them?'

(Bruce) 'Yes, recruit them to the dungeon'

(System) 'Recruiting Clawbsters to the dungeon... Recruiting complete... The recruited Clawbsters are now considered dungeon monsters'

(Bruce) 'YES, my first dungeon monsters! I will make sure you become strong, just as I promised'

Bruce proceeds to activate his dungeon editor skill. He then selects all of the Clawbsters for editing

{Dungeon Editor Designer}

(Sandbox - Zone 1 - Unnamed)

x10 Clawbsters

x4 Copper Clawbsters

x1 Silver Clawbster

(Bruce) 'Lets see here'

Bruce edits the Clawbsters to his hearts content, as well as the zone that they will be living in. He then proceeds to lock in and accept his edits

{Dungeon Editor Results}

(Sandbox - Zone 1 - Clawbster Beach)

Add - Clawbster Spawn Point (Spawns a Clawbster every 3 hours)

x10 Clawbsters (Evolve)

x4 Copper Clawbster (Mini Boss)

x1 Silver Clawbster (Boss - First Boss Discount)

(Cost: 700 DP)

DP: 740/infinite ---> 40/infinite

(Bruce) '*Phew*, well now... Lets see how the Clawbsters turn out'

The first to change are the 10 standard Clawbsters. They begin to glow, grow, and evolve into Silver Clawbsters. When the changes are done, the Clawbsters can't believe their beady little eyes. As they scamper around and test their new bodies, they are filled with determination to protect Sandbox at all costs

The next to change are the 4 Copper Clawbsters. They begin to glow brightly and rapidly increase in size. The light surrounding them then begins to slowly fade away, revealing 4 huge Golden Clawbsters. When they see what they've become, they skitter around with glee. Now the only thing they have left to do is to test out their new found ability's. And they're just itching to do so on one of those serpents

The last one to change is the Silver Clawbster. He begins to shine with a brilliant light, and he is enveloped in it. His size increases dramatically, and all the other Clawbsters watch with anticipation for the big reveal... After a minute has passed, the light slowly begins to fade away. And what is revealed is a 3 and 1/2 meter tall Clawbster with a shining platinum carapace outline with what seem to be diamonds

(Bruce) '...'

(Bruce) 'Woah...'

Bruce activates appraisal to check out stats of his new minions

{Basic Appraisal Results}

x10 Silver Clawbster (Rank D+) (1 meter tall, 5 meters long)

x4 Gold Clawbster (Rank C) (Mini Boss) (2 meters tall, 8 meters long)

x1 Platinum/Diamond Clawbster (Rank B-) (Boss) (Needs Name) (3 1/2 meters tall, 13 meters long)

(Bruce) '...'

While Bruce is busy staring at the insane new status of the Clawbsters, six shadows quickly approach Sandbox. The Clawbsters see the approaching threat and quickly move into the same formation they did last time. Bruce realizes what's happening and quickly snaps out of his trance as he watches everything unfold

The shadows finally reach the island, five of the six shadows emerge from the water, revealing five Lesser Water Serpents. Shortly after the Serpents emerge, the sixth shadow emerges, revealing a massive serpent

After seeing the massive snake emerge from the water, Bruce decides to appraise it

{Appraisal Status}

Water Serpent (Rank B-)

(Bruce) 'Oh boy... Here we go again'

While Bruce is taking cover in an imaginary blast shelter. The leader of the Clawbsters is filled with more determination than ever before as he clacks his powerful claws towards his opponents menacingly. And a few seconds after that... The battle begins...

BackroundCharacter BackroundCharacter

(1) I had a lot of fun writing this extra long chapter. And I hope you had fun reading it as well

(2) I'm unsure of what I want the leader Clawbsters name to be. So I'll be looking through the comments (if I get any...) for a good one

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