As he walked towards his car, there were thousands of questions running at the back of his head. But most importantly, he wanted to know if he could remember the face of his mother. He closed his eyes as he put on his seat belt.
His hands were on the steering wheel at the ten o'clock position. He was gripping the wheel tightly and tried hard to collect the first memory of his near the lake.
That familiar sound of someone.
And suddenly he felt all lightheaded before he recollected one flash of the memory.
On those lounge chairs, it was her mom who was resting all leisurely and next to her was his uncle, Conrad. His mother seemed all happy. They were talking about something and that man, his uncle Conrad, surprisingly he could make his mother laugh.
The sound of her giggles rippled through his ears.
And then she turned with her hand covering her mouth as she was trying hard to suppress her laugh and she called his name.
"Raymond !!!"
What will Oshana do now to save her life?
Will she tell everything to Sebastian?
Stay tuned to find out !!!
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And do add my new books into your library.
They will be released soon.
Kiss me or Kill me
The Perpetual Traveler