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64.7% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 132: Chapter 129: Talking in the Restroom

Bab 132: Chapter 129: Talking in the Restroom

Author's Pre-Chapter Note: I just found out that I forgot to post the announcement chapter last week. I sincerely apologized for not letting you guys know and may have left you worried. I'm fine! I just took a week off to celebrate my birthday and take a break. Not to mention that the chapter I was working on wasn't ready at the time, and I'd rather not publish an incomplete chapter if I can help it.

Again, I apologize for keeping you guys waiting. Updates are back on schedule now. Enjoy this week's new chapter.


When we regrouped with Ume, she gave Sue the biggest stink eye that I've ever seen. I calmed her down and asked her to use the hide detection spell on me so I would follow Sue in the restroom. She followed through with no arguments and said she'd wait outside to take the spell off me when I was done. The Arch Imp wouldn't see or sense me, but she'd know that I was still nearby, and so with me sticking to her like glue, we went inside.

The next couple minutes after that were probably the most awkward I've ever experienced in my lifetime. I didn't want to risk anything from not seeing Sue past the stall door, so I had to follow her inside … and watch her do her business.

"To go this far, I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. Do males actually get off on this?" Sue asked with a flushed face. There was nobody other than me and Nyra nearby to hear her.

{How do you expect me to answer that when you won't even hear it?}

According to Ume, with the hide detection spell in effect, nobody outside the arranged field would know I was here. There is, however, a different effect between producing one around a specified area, and one that encompasses a single individual. While people won't cross the boundary and interfere with the area the spell's taking effect, having it surround a mobile person, i.e. myself, would make me undetectable through most senses, but I could still potentially interact with the world. Meaning, even if they can't see, hear, or smell me, they could still potentially touch me if I'm not careful.

While I could still see my hands and body through my perspective, when I checked on the mirror as I walked in with Sue, I didn't see any hint of me in the reflection at all. I was basically invisible. Even when I moved the stall door, it looked to be moving on its own in the mirror's reflection. I could only imagine what mischief one could pull having access to such magic.

"That was a question directed to you by the way, Jinma, and I know you can use [Telepathy], so humor me a little, would you?" Sue then asked, which left me and Nyra surprised.

{Would it still work with me under the spell?} Curious, I decided to enact this last-minute experiment and linked Sue to my [Telepathy], <... Some males might, but I'm not one of them.>

"Huh, I know I wouldn't be caught dead like this by some of my peers … but I might learn to like it if it's you watching me, Jinma," Sue admitted while averting her gaze with a reddened head.

<Okay, so that proves [Telepathy] was a success even with Ume's hide detection spell on me, but now I question if you're right in the head and how you even know I possess that skill. Please answer with your mind as well,> I requested.

<Hey, I'm still young and haven't really explored what's out there yet and you're the one who decided to follow me inside instead of having your wife watch over me. As for how I know about your [Telepathy], that's classified … wow, this feels so much weirder than I thought it'd be,> Sue commented while resting a hand to her head.

<Talking with our minds is weirder than me watching you in the stall?> I asked with a raised brow.

<Not like that!>

<I don't know, I find this pretty kinky,> Nyra commented.

After Sue was finished with her business and left the stall, I watched her head to the sink to wash her hands. <So, in order for you to still have your eyes on me, how do you plan on convincing Eugus to let me accompany you on your dungeon crawl?> she asked.

<I would inform him and Noire that certain evidence last night revealed that we're being watched by suspicious third parties—which is true, considering you're the culprit—and I'd feel unsafe leaving you, my 'fan,' all by your lonesome and vulnerable for a couple days,> I explained.

<You know, under better circumstances, I would be so happy to know you worry over me,> Sue admitted, <Still, while I can prove that I can look out for myself, that would defeat the purpose of why you need to take me with you. Very well, I shall play along with the charade, but know that I was tasked to provide assistance under dire circumstances. I'll help however I can without getting too involved and interfere with your quest.>

<I don't know how necessary your help is, but fair enough,> I said.

Sue then splashed her face with water and dried off with a towel she pulled out of the knapsack she carried inside, <May I ask a few questions, Jinma?>

<Shoot,> I answered.

<Since we're pretending everything's fine in front of the others in your party, may I still behave around you as I have been?> she asked.

I raised a brow, <Such as?>

<Sidling up close to you, holding your arm, hugging you, sitting on your lap, to name a few,> Sue listed.

I looked up in thought, <I guess they'd suspect something if we suddenly treat each other differently from yesterday, and it'd be better to have you close by at most times, so sure, but don't look like you're forcing more than what's needed … or get too comfortable with the physical contact.> Though I made that warning at the end there, I felt that was more directed to myself, and for a good reason.

<I see ...> she answered, pausing from drying herself.

<Weird, why does she feel glad about that?> Nyra asked, which raised a brow from me.

<My other question is that I'd like us to continue having these private talks through [Telepathy] in case the need arises. May we do that? Does anyone else in your party know you can do this?> Sue asked.

<Other than Ume and my familiars … and now you as well, no,> I answered with annoyance in my mind's tone, <I don't want to risk people knowing I have too many skills than what's normal, so I'm keeping most hidden unless an emergency calls for them. As for having more of these talks through [Telepathy], unless they're of dire importance that can't be put off for later, I'll allow it. Just grab my attention and tug on your ear a little to let me know you need to talk through that. It's the same tell Ume uses whenever she needs the same thing.>

<Ahh, so that's why I've seen her do that a few times. Clever. Still, does it really have to be for business only?> Sue asked with a sulking expression.

<What else would you want to use it for?> I asked with a raised brow.

Sue pushed her fingers togethers and averted her gaze, trying to look innocent, <Like, I don't know, sharing juicy secrets we don't want others to hear, flirt … talk dirty, maybe?>

My expression soured, <You're not in a good position to make those kinds of requests, Sue. Since you're 'offering your body' to me, I'll fondle it as I see fit, when I see fit, and without warning, even someplace you wouldn't even expect to get groped.>

Sue widened her eyes in surprise, <J-Just fondling and groping? Nothing further than those?>

I hesitated in answering, <I … don't know about that yet. I just don't feel like doing something like that with you right now, not tonight, anyway. I'm already conflicted enough with shit right now as it is, so you're going to serve as my personal stress ball whenever I need a good squeeze … and for someone wanting to share 'juicy secrets,' you sure know more about mine and Ume's without us saying anything about them.>

Sue seemed slightly deflated at my answer, <Right … well, how about I share a few of my secrets to help even things out for now?>

<Are they secrets even worth knowing about?> I asked with a raised brow.

Sue looked to the side, <... You could call one or two of them my weaknesses, if that says anything.>

What was crazy about everything up to now was that my [Intuition] skill didn't trigger in the slightest, so she was telling the truth the whole time, including the weakness part. It made me more uncertain as to whether I could accept her offer.

<I know about you being a Champion, possessing the [Devil Eyes], and your wife being a Dragon, so that means I have to give three of my own secrets to balance things out. How does that sound?> Sue asked while counting her fingers.

I sighed in frustration, <Fine. Let's see if any of your secrets are any good.>

<Great!> Sue responded, sounding elated, before looking thoughtful, <Now, what secrets would be good …>

Though my expectations were low, I shivered slightly in anticipation of what Sue might reveal. Maybe it was because of how mysterious this Arch Imp was that practically any 'secret' she might hold was a valuable find. Nyra also seemed to be feeling the same.

<... Okay, I got it,> Sue said through my [Telepathy] before holding up three fingers, <Sue's mysterious secret number one: I can use magic, but it's not really my forte. My fighting style relies more in close-quarters combat.>

{Oooh, that does seem valuable. How efficient she is in magic may still be questionable, but anyone who's wanting to fight against Sue would be better off attacking from a long-range … although, it's strange. I'm pretty powerful in magic as demonstrated earlier in the dungeon, but I'm rather the same in how I'd like to fight. Sure, I may have just started learning about magic recently while I fought with my fists and feet most of my life, but even if my experience in both were the same, I think I'd lean more towards getting physical.}

Sue lowered one of her fingers, leaving two up, <Sue's mysterious secret number two: my favorite food is omurice.> {{AN: 'omelette rice' in Japanese}}

I was both surprised and confused. I didn't even realize a Japanese dish like omurice was a thing in Raiza. Though, considering the other things I've seen so far that also reflect Japanese culture, I wondered if I should even be surprised at this point. Then I questioned why Sue's favorite food would be considered such a huge secret.

Sue then left one finger up, <Sue's mysterious secret number three …>

There was a pause in the restroom with suspense hanging in the air.

<... I have a thing for males with sharp, glaring-like eyes.>

{You call that a secret?!} I screamed in my head, cutting off my [Telepathy] briefly.

<I only know of a few people who bear such eyes in my life, and they're very well known to be strong, confident, and dependable,> Sue continued, looking down and blushing slightly while pushing her fingers together, <And I've heard stories that in the rare moments the eyes of those same people soften and smile, they're seen as kind, compassionate, and happy to be with those who they love and cherish. Those traits seem to fit the kind of male I'd want to be with for the rest of my life. That's why I find those kinds of eyes an attractive feature.>

<Gee, I wonder who would have traits like those?> Nyra asked me in a sarcastic tone.

I didn't want to seem egocentric, but I felt like the description of those specific eyes relate to me. What's more, everything Sue said there, as well as the other secrets, seem to be true. My [Intuition] hadn't kicked in through the entirety of this strange moment of trivia. Even if they were true, I couldn't give into the Arch Imp's attempt to flatter me.

One thing I've noticed through my time in the Demon-Kin's country so far is that the majority of demons, specifically the females, found my eyes an attractive feature like Sue described. It just feels strange to me to be complimented by them, especially when I scared humans the majority of my life with those same eyes. The only humans who actually 'liked' these eyes were Mom, all my aunts, Hyo-chan, Komi, Aneki and her friends, and my Granny.

{Actually, that's a decent number, isn't it? Though, the times these eyes scared the rest still stick out to me. There's also the fact that these eyes were inherited ...}

Part of me never really liked these eyes of mine. It wasn't just for all the unneeded fights it brought me and scaring people away, but I heard my eyes resembled that old bastard I would never acknowledge as my father, the same one who abandoned Mom when I was born.

Going back to what type of guys Sue was into, if that old bastard also fell into the category of being strong, confident, and other positive things for bearing those eyes, then I wanted to rip them out of their sockets where they didn't belong. If not his, then I didn't really deserve them either. I could probably fake it until I make it with my confidence, but I didn't see myself as strong as Sue might be making me out to be, or dependable.

You can just ask both of my late best friends. Their gravestones can tell you plenty how weak and undependable I really was.

{I don't know if Sue and the Demon King see me the same way, but they both are gonna have to get their eyes checked, as I'm not as great as they think,} I thought, {I can't say that to Sue outright, though, or I might lose some credibility, as well as my chance to meet with the Demon King. The fact that I can't be honest with her for my own goals just goes to how much of a lowlife I really am.} I had to hold myself back from chuckling at the one-man roast I was holding.

<Jinma …> Nyra uttered in my mind, reading into my dark thoughts.

<Well, those are nice thoughts, Sue. Are we done here?> I asked her through [Telepathy].

"Huh?" Sue uttered. It looked like she was lost in her own thoughts before I pulled her back to reality, <I mean … I guess that's all, but what do you—>

<Then come on,> I interrupted, pushing the Arch Imp by the back and out of the restroom, <We gotta meet with the others and go over the plan before heading to Noire's. We got a lot to do today.>

"... Okay?" she answered, still slightly confused.

Once we met back up with Ume outside the restroom, she undid the spell on me before we regrouped with the rest of my party. I informed them that after my 'talk' with Sue and getting a second opinion from Ume, we'd ask Eugus to allow the Arch Imp to accompany us in our dungeon crawl. This was under the guise of 'protecting' Sue and keeping her from being alone after whatever messed with Nyra's memories last night. Other than Ren, whose [Intuition] skill probably hinted to her that something didn't feel right, the others bought our ruse and were for the plan. I had to find a moment to talk with Ren alone and inform her on what was happening on a 'need-to-know' basis.

With our plan set and Sue sticking close by me, I opened [Portal] and we stepped through, taking us right in front of the gates of Noire's cottage. Just to keep things safe after yesterday's craziness, I used my [Insightful Mapping] in combination with [Size Up] to survey the area and see if there were any possible interlopers.

{Huh … that's odd.}

<Jinma, are you seeing this too?> Nyra asked, already on the same page of my discovery.

<Yeah. Everyone from yesterday is here today, plus one additional guest, and it's … Konjiro's wife?>

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

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