Sarah's days at the confinement room became much better after that.
Ed didn't really speak much, mainly because he was afraid of getting caught doing so. He was already under observation for arguing in letting her go.
Sarah did try to find out more about why she was here, but Ed wasn't much help.
"I'm sorry, Sarah," Ed said forlornly, "I'm new here."
"But …. " Sarah started, then looked down guiltily, "No, forget it."
"What is it?" Ed asked, bringing his head down to look up at her.
Sarah gave a sad smile, "Nothing."
"It's not nothing," Ed said, "If you look like that."
"It's just that …" Sarah began, "It's just that you're so nice but how come you're working for such people? To lock me up?"
Ed looked away then, giving a big sigh.
"The pay is insanely good," Ed said softly, "And I need it because my mother's medical bills are so high."
He looked at her, his eyes pleading for her to understand.
I see the majority want Kay's love life. Troopmaster even said a cliff was fine.
ho ho ho ...
Okay, so another volume it is. However, it most likely would not be as long as this volume. Then again, I always seem to say that yet it goes beyond what I originally planned. /heh