Six self-propelled large Brig Ships arrived at Bangakalan City's shore. This is a flat-bottomed ship, built mainly for river and canal, Indonesia as a country with thousands of islands really depends on its sea transport. Although this type of ships normally transports heavy loads such as coal, woods, stones or sands. The ones that arrived at the city were the largest type, they were 150 meters long and 20-meter wide. On top of these six, there were thousands of people, they were civilians, probably more Surabaya City survivors.
James Randall arrived at the port, and he directly approached Alex's group, he was accompanied by dozens of foreigners, they were mostly guards. Before he spoke to Alex, he seemed to delegate one of his man to take care of the people and supplies from the ships. He had no problem making Alex's group waits. Watching James action, the people around turned anxious.
Alex moved closer and started the conversation:
if anyone can guess another trivia in this chapter..
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