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85.07% God succession system / Chapter 495: Streaking Among the Dead

Bab 495: Streaking Among the Dead

Miyamoto Rei was having the worst day of her entire life.

Yes, teenage girls often claimed the same thing for completely ordinary and moronic reasons, like breaking a nail or their hair not cooperating. Rei however felt she in particular was justified in claiming so today.

Firstly there was the literal apocalypse that started today, turning many of those she knew into mindless walking corpses that tried to kill and eat her. Then she had to watch as one of them bit her boyfriend, as he tried to keep it from biting her instead. Said boyfriend then turned into one of Them right in front of her, before her ex-boyfriend then smashed his head open right in front of her.

The 'icing' on the cake so to speak had been when a strange monkey/man appeared out of thin air completely naked, and proceeded to spray her with his hot and sticky cum.

Though things did seem to go on a bit of an upturn after she calmed down from THAT particular moment, Rei found herself in the most outrageous situation yet, as she stood almost completely naked in front of nearly forty people, three of which were boys from her class.


Following the command of Alex's perverted dice, Rei had stripped herself down until all she wore were her thigh-high socks and her shoes, in case of any hazards like broken glass and the like. However they made her attire, or rather the lack thereof, seem infinitely more lewd for some reason than being completely naked.

And now she could feel forty pairs of eyes running across her exposed flesh, lingering on her E-cup breasts before moving down her toned tummy, and halting at her lower lips.

The girls looks weren't so bad, as Rei had changed clothes in front of them for P.E. And swimming classes numerous times. It was the looks from the three boys that Rei was most humiliated by, their perverse gazes lingering on her nipples and pubic mound as they tried to hide their growing bulges.

The worst one was Takashi, whose arousal at seeing her naked was clouded by rage as he rounded on Alex once he stepped up behind her,

"What are you making Rei do!?!"

As Takashi's voice echoed throughout the otherwise empty halls, he gripped his new bat with enough force that he would had destroyed his old one as he fought against the urge to swing it at Alex. But before the ape-like man could respond, Rei stated angrily,

"Alex isn't 'making' me do anything! This is none of your concern Takashi!"

All traces of her previous hesitation were gone in the face of Takashi's words, her hands gripping the pole of Rōzupōkā tightly without twitching to hide her privates.

No one believed her of course, but Rei didn't care as she stepped up to Takashi so closely that her nipples were barely an inch away from rubbing on his chest, and sneered,

"You're just angry that you'll never get to touch a single inch of THIS!" Twirling as she spoke so that her hair whipped his face, Rei then readily smacked her own ass before Takashi's eyes tauntingly before strutting away to the vanguard, her ass cheeks jiggling with every step.

Even as Takashi eyed Rei's ass as she strutted away, someone else couldn't but eye it as well, her mind wandering before she casually approached the red-furred man.

"Is that the type of play you prefer my lord?" Saeko asked Alex curiously, to which he replied,

"Exhibitionism definitely has its appeals, but I don't really practice it that much since I don't like showing off my women to other men. Rei and I currently have an arrangement though." Saeko nodded slowly as she thought on Alex's words, before she slowly strutted forward to the vanguard alongside Rei.

Every eye turned to Saeko curiously as she stood beside Rei to take the vanguard, before she surprised everyone by suddenly brushing her hand along her waist, and her entire long green skirt fell to the ground as it pooled around her feet.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the crowd as Saeko stripped right in front of them, before one girl stepped forward as she demanded,

"What are you doing captain!?!" With a couple other girls from the kendo club also directing inquiring eyes at her, Saeko simply replied to them,

"I am merely doing what I think will best please my lord." As she said that Saeko looped her thumbs into the waistband of her lacy black panties, making to remove them as well, when the girl that spoke up demanded again,

"But why!?! Why go so far for someone you literally just met!?!"

"Yeah! Do you even actually 'like' him!?"

Even as the girls who admired and respected her from the kendo club pleaded with her, Saeko just shook her head as she told them,

"I have already sworn myself, mind, body, and soul to my lord. My wants and desires are unimportant. Besides..." Turning towards Alex as she spoke, smiling wryly as she did so, Saeko finished, "...matters of love are unnecessary for a 'monster' such as myself."

Saeko's words confused those who were listening to her, not knowing what she was talking about, before she turned towards Alex and asked, "You know what I'm talking abut, right my lord? You referred to us as the 'protagonists' of this world, correct?"

Alex nodded at her question as he stated,

"That's right. It's been a while, but if I recall correctly you nearly beat a man to death in 'self defense' with your Bokken, and the incident awakened your sadistic nature. It turned you into a 'monster'." Saeko nodded as a smile the likes of which no one had ever seen before graced her lips, one of insanity as she stated,

"Yes. I am a monster. A monster that thrives off of overpowering my opponents, driving them into a corner as I slowly torture them to death! There is no greater ecstasy than the feel of their flesh giving way to my blade!"

Saeko's rant began to terrify the rest of the students since they had never seen this side of her, with several backing up slightly to get away from her, while Alex instead slowly approached her. Again he activated a magic circle while pulling numerous materials from his storage, creating something in his hand even as he said,

"And the only person worthy of a 'monster' is another monster. Right?" Looking towards Alex, her lord and master, as he approached, Saeko nodded while stating,

"Of course!" She had noticed the moment she laid eyes on him, unknowingly reacting to his Super Sadist title as she felt the killer aura radiating from Alex's body. She knew her place could only ever be by his side, wether as his vessel, or even as a thing for his personal use as she experienced the closest thing she could relate to 'love at first sight'.

Alex then held something up that drew Saeko's gaze to it, her smile widening as she analyzed the object, a collar. It was made of black leather with dark purple accents that matched her hair, with a pure golden tag that read,

'Busujima Saeko

Samurai/Sex Slave

Personal property of the Dragon Emperor'

Rather than say anything, Saeko turned and moved her hair so Alex would have access to her neck, around which he readily wrapped the piece of leather. And as the tag fell into place, Alex moved close to Saeko's ear as he whispered,

"You are my property, from now until the end of time. Do you understand?"

Saeko's head slowly nodded up and down as she breathed out, "Yes...."


Alex's hand smacked Saeko's asscheek as he gripped it firmly, before growling into her ear,

"Then rip those fucking panties off. And show the world what my property looks like."

"Yes, my lord!" Saeko declared as Alex let her ass go, before she grabbed the waistband of her panties and hauled them down to her ankles.

Stepping out of the panties and skirt that were bundled around her ankles, Saeko then struck a sort of pose that allowed EVERYONE to see her ass and pussy, the latter of which was crowned with a neatly trimmed purple landing strip. Unlike Rei though, there was no hesitation or embarrassment in Saeko as everyone gawked at her, only a strange sense of pride.

Alex wasn't too surprised at this though, as he recalled Saeko had literally gone into battle once wearing nothing but an apron and a thong, not caring who saw.

And while the girls were shocked at the development, Kouta and Ishii were both completely stunned at how two of the hottest girls in the school were now half or entirely naked before them. It was a sight neither of them had ever thought they'd be graced to see in their entire life.

But unfortunately they couldn't continue enjoying it forever, as a group of Them suddenly appeared around the corner at the end of the hallway, drawn in by Rei and Takashi's raised voices earlier.

"Saeko, Rei, deal with them." Alex coldly ordered, making both girls ready their new weapons.

With the sheathed Gōmon at her side in one hand, and the other on its hilt, Saeko shot forward as what seemed to her classmates to be superhuman speeds, though it was still exceptionally slow to Alex, Yami and Yuna. Beside her was the blade of Rōzupōkā, as Rei made her spear extend down the hall, where it impaled three of Them directly in their heads one after another.

Saeko meanwhile tightened her grip on Gōmon, before unsheathing and swinging it in one fluid motion, before re-sheathing it once more.

For a moment even They had stopped moving, as if trying to figure out had happened, before suddenly five heads rolled off of Their necks, and fell onto the floor.

For a second no one said anything as they stared at Saeko with a mixture of horror, and awe, her expression one of pure ecstasy while a sheen of moisture could be glistening along her exposed pubic mound.

"Look out!" One of the girls suddenly cried out as another group of Them rounded the corner, prompting Rei and Saeko to leap into action.

Even as the two girls quickly began dispatching Them, Alex barked at the rest, "Don't just stand there and stare! Help them!"

With his words shocking them into action, the group moved to assist Rei and Saeko as more of Them appeared. Not that they seemed to need it.

Even as they also fought and killed Them, the group quickly realized why Alex had referred to Saeko and the others as the 'protagonists'. Every single member of the group of 'protagonists' had proved themselves worth several of every other person as they fought.

Saeko and Rei were the ones to carve a path ahead, even without using the Dresspheres Alex gave them as they relied solely on their new weapons against the hordes of undead. And if one of Them was about to catch them from behind, it's head would suddenly explode as Kouta sniped it from position onwards the back of the group, despite whatever obstacles were in his way.

Shizuka wanted to use her Paladin Dressphere to smash her way through the hordes with her hammer, but Alex had reminded her that she couldn't inside without risking bringing the building down around them. So she reluctantly used her White Mage Dressphere, which didn't dress her in red and white robes like Yuna's, but instead dressed her like a nun with a large window in the chest to show off her J-cup breasts.

Though she couldn't smash Them with her Paladin hammer, Shizuka still helped by casting numerous White Mage spells that drastically helped the students fight, making them move faster through the Haste spell, or protecting them from being grabbed or bitten with the Protect spell

Saya meanwhile wasn't directly fighting too much, as she instead used the Scan ability belonging to her Gun Mage Dressphere to analyze everything she could about Them.

Body temperature, dominant senses, weak points, and even different ways in which the disease could be transferred. Every Scan she used revealed more and more information about Them to Saya, much of which she reported to her comrades to help them fight, like the fact that They were blind and relied on hearing.

With how many of Them that she was Scanning, and how much she was using it, it didn't take long for Saya to rejoin the fight herself however. Gathering energy within the unique gun created by her Dressphere, Saya began firing blasts of energy specifically designed to damage only Them, dropping every single one who even barely touched the energy.

Even as his comrades were busy in the front, Takashi was equally busy in the back as he proved why he had been their leader in the original timeline.

With the Yankee Dressphere active, and the metal bat the sphere created for him in hand, Takashi had singlehandedly held the rear as They tried to swarm the group from the back as well. With him being fired up from his 'Fighting Spirit', Takashi was smashing every single one of Them that got too close into pieces, while the thick leather jacket that hung from his shoulders protected his back from any that tried to bite through it.

"They're doing good." Yuna said in an upbeat manner, despite the hallway with his carnage and gore.

Alex nodded as he said in agreement, "they aren't trained, but their drive to survive is what keeps them going. Even the 'non-protagonists' are keeping pace after seeing how well the main group is doing."

Yuna nodded energetically as she watched a girl who got the Thief Dressphere dart forward, using her dual daggers to stab and slash the heads of Them even as she liberated their belongings from their pockets. Another girl that had been in the choir club was using the Songstress Dressphere to strengthen every one of her companions with the Battle Cry, which also helped to draw in more of Them as her voice filled the halls.

And even as dozens of Them appeared in a seemingly endless horde, the group didn't falter as they continuously drove forward. Even if one of them got bit or scratched while fighting Saya would notice immediately through her Scan, and would direct Shizuka to use the spells Esuna and Cure on the person before they turned. Esuna would remove the status effect 'infected' from them, while Cure would close the wound so there was no risk of bleeding out.

With the momentum the group was building without worry of infection, and each student would grow increasingly confident in their new abilities, they quickly found themselves outside the main school building as they entered the parking lot.

"There's so many..." One of the female students uttered, as literally hundreds of Them surrounded them. But as they were tarting to lose their newly attained confidence in the face of the daunting numbers, Alex quickly barked out,

"Black Mages, you're on crowd control now that we're not confined in the building anymore. Sentinels, do your job and hold Them back while the close quarters combatants dispatch those that get too close. And Shizuka-" the busty nurse looked to Alex expectantly with stars in her eyes, which only shined brighter when Alex said, "smash."

Immediately everyone set to do as Alex ordered, as the Black Mages began charging up their spells while the three Sentinels went to the front. Wearing heavy armor with massive shields, the Sentinels took up their positions at 12:00, 2:00, and 10:00 from the door, spacing themselves out as they panted their shields on the ground and activated their abilities.


"""Shield Wall!"""

All three of their eyes glowed red slightly as they use the Provoke ability, drawing the attention of all of Them despite their lack of sight. Meanwhile an illusionary hexagonal wall formed between all three of them, linking them to create a powerful barrier between them and their comrades.

While the only offensive abilities the Sentinels had were skills like Retaliate, Counter, and Revenge, the trio of Sentinels didn't have to worry about using any of them as Saeko and Rei went to provide support. With a group of about ten Warriors, Samurai, Dark Knights, and even a couple Festivalists, the girls began a storm of attacks on the undead that were held in place by the Shield Wall.

Behind them the Black Mages began bombarding the hordes of Them that were further out to destroy as many of Them as possible. Unfortunately they couldn't use the more powerful spells like Firaga just yet, but each spell the Black Mages used still took out several of Them at once.

But just as the group began getting into a rhythm, a voice behind them cried,


Before anyone could react, a certain blonde nurse leapt up into the air, much higher than any normal human could, with a giant hammer in her hands.

Her arms and legs were clad in thick white plates of metal with golden accents, ending in thick decorative plating at her shoulders and outer hips. Her actual body however was clad only in a tiny metallic thong, with matching small triangles that seemed to defy the laws of physics as they held her massive breasts in place.

Not caring about how exposed she was, Shizuka raised the hammer above her head as she was in the air, before swinging downward as she hurtled towards the ground.


It was like a meteor had impacted the earth as chunks of concrete and bits of flesh from Them went flying everywhere, with the dust clearing to show Shizuka standing in a small crater in the middle of the parking lot. They didn't register what had just happened though, as all of the remaining corpses surrounding Shizuka began to congregate upon her as They stumbled and fell into the crater around her.

Shizuka wasn't worried though, as she gripped her hammer with both hands and begun to spin around like a golden and deadly top, smashing apart any of Them that got too close to her.

"Don't forget your magic Shizuka." Alex told her with a smile, making the nurse pause before she made a expression that said 'oops'.

A second later a brilliant holy light began to radiate from Shizuka's body, setting any of Them that approached her on fire as she returned to the fight.

One by one the students stopped fighting as they became increasing dumbfounded by the nurse, who was sending vehicles flying and smashing apart the parking lot along with entire sections of the school building with her hammer. And even as they stopped fighting in awe, none of the students were endangered as all of Them quickly became focused on the racket Shizuka was creating.

Eventually Alex stepped out to an undestroyed area of the parking lot, and said to the rest of them,

"Shizuka's probably gonna be able to deal with the rest of them, but she's also gonna draw in more. Let's get ready to go while she's fighting." As he said that a large hummer-like vehicle appeared next to Alex out of thin air, the same vehicle he had used to get around Tortus when the sports car wasn't enough for everyone.

"Woah!" Kouta exclaimed as he excitedly looked over the vehicle, making Alex smirk as he said,

"Just wait until you see the weapons system." A small high pitched squeal was the only sound Kouta could make as his excitement built up even more. But before herding everyone on board though, Alex entered the vehicle himself in the driver's seats to change the settings on it.

Ever since he'd gotten the vehicle during his time on Tortus, it had undergone numerous adjustments and improvements from Hajime and the Grigori, and even more so after Azazel joined them and got his hands on Asora's tech and Age of Gods Magic. So with so many people needing to ride on it, Alex changed the settings to expand the interior and change the seating to ensure there was plenty of room.

"Alright! Start loading up everybody!" Alex called out a moment later, the door behind him swinging upwards to open with a small staircase descending for them to climb. Saya was the first to enter the vehicle, to find the inside expanded to an impossibly large compartment with several rows of seats, while the front looked like the bridge of a ship.

"Welcome aboard m'lady." Alex said with a smirk as Saya gaped at the interior of his vehicle.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to magic...." She uttered in awe, making Alex smirk as he replied,

"Just wait until you see Zenith. Sail on her once, and you'll never want to use another mode of transportation ever again."

While Saya was looking around, Alex pressed a button before saying into a small speaker,

"You are all now free to come aboard, and that means you too Shizuka." The nurse looked up from where she was when Alex said her name, surrounded completely by carnage and destruction as she swung her hammer one last time, and turned one of Them into a fine red mist with it.

"Awwwwwwwe... Do I have to?" She whined with big watery eyes.

"Yes you do." Alex replied back to her, making Shizuka pout as she hurried over to them while everyone else entered the vehicle.

While everyone was finding a seat, Alex was going over with Kouta how to use the weapons system that Hajime and Azazel added, when a new voice shouted,


Alex looked up to see a group of thirteen people running towards them as a group of Them chased them, twelve more students ad a teacher. With his face a perfect mask of calm, Alex stood and said, "Rei, give me a hand with this."

Rei readily stood and went to do as Alex said, having gotten somewhat used to her nakedness in the midst of all the combat, but froze when she saw the teacher leading the students.

"No way! I'm not helping that filth!" Rei snarled as she rounded on Alex, who continued to remain calm as he told her,

"I know. I'm not asking you to help him."


"This way everyone!" Koichi Shido declared as he guided his students towards what was hopefully rescue. He never thought he'd be rescued by a bunch of cosplayers being led by a guy dressed as a big red ape-man, but then again who'd have thought that there'd also be a zombie apocalypse?


"Shido-Sensei! Help me!" One of the male students cried out as he fell, cradling his ankle as he did so.

"How unfortunate." Shido said as the student gripped his pant leg, before he raised said leg threateningly.

Before he could stomp down on the student's face to make him let go though, Shido's entire body froze involuntarily despite the horde of Them bearing down onto them.

"W-what is this!?!" Shido demanded as fear began to set in, along with the undead as they prepared to bite into his flesh, before they too all froze suddenly.

Shido then watched with increasing horror as all of the frozen undead began to rise up into the air by an invisible force, before their rotting bodies began to twist apart violently as blood sprayed everywhere.

"That was a bit messier than I thought." Said a voice as the large ape-man entered Shido's field of vision.

"T-thank you for your help." Shido said while trying to sound as amicable as possible, yet he still felt chills go down his spine when he saw the smile the man gave him.

"Who said I was here to help you?" The man asked, before bending down and tapping the male student's ankle lightly.

"Go on the vehicle, we'll be there in a moment." The mysterious man said, snapping the male student out of his daze as seemed entranced by something else.

A second later Shido saw what exactly was distracting the young man as a naked young woman entered his field of vision, a young woman he recognized due to an order he had received from his father.

"Hello Shido." Miyamoto Rei said as she tightened her grip on the spear in her hands, her expression one of satisfaction even as she glared at him.

"M-miss Miyamoto..." Shido uttered, not sure exactly what he should comment on regarding the current situation between the strange man, her hostility, or her nakedness.

For a moment none of the three of them said a word, before Rei turned away from Shido while saying, "He's all yours Alex."

While Rei knew one day she'd probably have to get her hands dirty by taking a human life, Shido didn't deserve being the first one she took. So she decided to leave it to Alex, who would undoubtedly find an appropriate punishment for the snake.

Shido meanwhile looked hesitantly to the ape-man, Alex, and said,

"N-now, let's be gentlemen about this. I'm sure there's no need for blood to be spilt in any way." Alex smiled at Shido's words as he clapped him on the shoulder, and asked,

"Tell me Shido, do you know the story of Prometheus?"

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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