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81.47% God succession system / Chapter 474: Play Stupid games, Win Stupid Prizes

Bab 474: Play Stupid games, Win Stupid Prizes




With each match that they saw of the Junior Cup, Elec was growing increasingly frustrated as the skill and strength of Alex's progeny was becoming increasingly apparent. Not only them, but also several others known as Gohan and Millicas were also making a name for themselves with constant victories, and also annoying was that they appeared to be close to Alex's children.

"What even is this?!" Maki exclaimed in dumbfoundment as one of Alex's children won yet another match, none of them having been so much as challenged so far.

"As I thought, that entire clan is too dangerous to be allowed to live." Elec stated as his free hand clenched into a fist, while he alternated between watching Alex's children fight, and the projections showing his wives who were participating in the preliminaries.

"What are we going to do Elec?" Oil asked his elder brother nervously. He was the tallest and fattest of the four siblings, but under his brother's glare he seemed to shrink from nervousness.

"We'll do nothing for now." Elec said slowly, before continuing, "It's obvious that we severely underestimated the strength of our opponents, and I don't plan to be made a fool of by Saiyans yet again."

Elec's expression then morphed into a sinister sneer as he concluded, "We'll do nothing for now, nothing but study our opponents and learn everything we can about them for the duration of this tournament. Once it is over, the two of you will go and visit Zuno the 'All Knowing'. There, you will question him about any and all weaknesses they possess."

His decision made, Elec smirked as he swirled the wine in his glass, before pouring the entire contents in his mouth. Elec savored the taste for a moment, before allowing the wine to travel down his throat.

"Ah, the wines of planet Sake are truly exquisite!" He then lamented while pouring himself another glass, "It's a shame that they're becoming a rarity after the people there tried to poison Frieza, and he wiped out the entire planet in response."

"I see. Shall I keep your wants in mind the next time I destroy a planet Elec?"


Elec choked at the sudden question as he whirled around along with Maki and Oil to see none other than Frieza himself standing there.

"F-Frieza! What are you doing here?!" He demanded with more than a little fear in his voice, making Frieza smirk as he remarked with false despair,

"It seems people are already forgetting about me. I've only been dead a few years and there's no more begging and groveling at my feet." The words were barely out of Frieza's mouth when Elec, Maki, and Oil swiftly went to their knees and prostrated before him.

"P-please forgive us Lord Frieza! We were just so surprised by your sudden visit that we briefly forgot our manners! It won't happen again!" Maki desperately pleaded from her position on the floor.

Frieza took a moment to enjoy the panic the trio were showing him, before finally saying,

"Alright then that's enough. Come, we have business to discuss." The tyrant then turned around and left the viewing room without giving them a backwards glance, making the three siblings look at each other confusedly, before hurrying to follow after him into the corridor.

"U-uh, can you possibly elaborate what you mean by 'buisness'?" Elec asked timidly, hoping he wasn't angering the tyrant in some way.

"The Dragon Emperor." Frieza said bluntly, before continuing,

"He single handedly removed the entirety of my influence from this universe in only a few months, and now I need to rebuild from the bottom up. That's where you three come in, as your loyalty to my empire is unquestionable, right?" Maki and Oil nervously glanced at Elec at that, even as he readily said,

"Of course Lord Frieza! We are only your humble servants!"

"Humph." Frieza snorted, but still continued, "either way, we still need to discuss ways to 'deal' with this fake emperor."

Elec nodded as he said, "I agree. We've already decided that the entire clan will need to be wiped out, as his children could also cause us troubles in the future." Frieza nodded in agreement and stated,

"No worries, I've already located a possible partner for that."

"As expected of Lord Frieza!"

"None can compare to the strength and foresight you posses my liege!"

Frieza snorted as Maki and Oil showered him with praise, though he did notice that Elec was strangely quiet, not that it mattered.

"We're here." He said suddenly as they stopped before a door to one of the private viewing rooms.

Elec felt a sense of foreboding as Frieza began opening the door, and thick rolling waves of the most powerful and sinister aura he ever felt assaulted them.

'What is this!?!' Elec questioned within his mind, finding himself unable to even speak in the face of the suffocatingly powerful pressure.

When the door opened further and the Heeters were able to actually see inside the room, they were greeted by complete darkness with the only light available being from the window in front of them. And all they could see was a single chair sitting in the middle of the room looking out, so none of them could see the figure sitting in it.

"Enter." The figure commanded in a deep voice, prompting them all to quickly enter the room before the door slammed shut behind them.

Once inside they could also see another figure in the room, Frieza's father King Cold, standing off to the side as if awaiting an order. But the three of them hardly noticed him as the rolling waves of power increased with every step that brought them closer to him, until Elec could barely choke out,

"I-I understand you can help us wipe out the Dragon Emperor and his family." The mysterious figured hummed lightly at the statement, before asking,

"His family too you say? Quite the ambitious lot, aren't you?" Elec nodded at the question, his courage building with every passing second as he said,

"Yes! He himself is extremely bad for business, and even if we got rid of him then his wives and children would probably just become a bigger problem in the future. There's already no one who'll take the bounty we've placed on his head."

"And with good reason too." The mysterious figure laughed condescendingly, before the chair he was on swiveled around to reveal to Elec and the other two that it's occupant was none other than Alex himself.

"What is the meaning of this!?!" Elec demanded of Frieza at the revelation, seemingly forgetting that the man he was demanding answers from could kill him with a twitch of his finger. However it was Alex who replied as he answered,

"It's quite simple, I made Frieza and his father my slaves to keep them under control, and ordered him to bring you three here to see if you were truly dumb enough to target my family."

Though Alex was smiling as he said that, thick suffocating waves of killing intent rolled off of him when he mentioned their intentions for his family.

"Guh!" Elec and his two siblings grunted as they were all forced to the ground, all while Alex casually sipped on what Elec recognized to be HIS wine.

"You weren't kidding Elec about this being a good vintage. Maybe I'll enchant the bottle to refill itself with it so we don't have to worry about it running out. Plans for later though since I have to decide what's going to happen to the three of you!" Though his smile never left his face, Elec, Maki, and Oil didn't get any good feelings from the tone in Alex's voice when he said that.

They never got a chance to ask what he intended to do with them though, as Alex suddenly twisted his hand, and an ear splitting scream rang out.


Elec's cries echoed out as his right leg from the knee down suddenly twisted itself unnaturally, with his foot making several rotations that should've been impossible. Maki and Oil then watched with undisguised horror as his left leg proceeded to do the same, before his arms followed them one at a time.

Soon Elec was just a whimpering pile of twisted and mutilated flesh, kept alive only through Alex's magic as he prolonged the man's suffering. But not for long though.

Alex only let Elec live long enough to tell him,

"You know, if your plans just included trying to kill me I would've laughed it off and maybe even given you guys a free hit just to see if it tickled." Alex then used his Telekinesis to lift Elec's body up to his level, and for the first time showed an expression of anger as he snarled,

"But instead your dumbass decided to target my children as well, and THAT is something I will not tolerate." Elec screamed once again as another surge of intense pain passed through his body, before he was unceremoniously dropped to the floor.

Normally Alex would use his 'Soul Break' on a person like Elec to prevent their resurrection and other potential future problems, but in this particular instance he decided not to. The Dragon Ball universes actually had their own versions of Heaven and Hell, and Alex was more than happy to send Elec to someone who would torture him for eternity on his behalf.

While normally that kind of decision might come back to bite him in the ass, Alex was positive that even if someone revived Elec he would still be harmless based off of what he knew from the DB storyline. Despite his plans to take over Frieza's empire, Elec and his group was never mentioned in any of them.

Frieza was dead for FIFTEEN years and they did NOTHING to take control of his army like Elec wanted. Instead, they apparently sat around with their thumbs up their asses, until Alex assumed they were used as villains in a one-off arc after the Tournament of Power.

"M-my m-master..." Frieza suddenly struggled to get out right as Alex was about to kill Elec, making him look over at the tyrant and demand, "What?"

Frieza shuddered from having to call Alex 'master', but he forced down his revulsion before saying,

"I just wanted to say something to Elec real quick before you killed him." Though Alex narrowed his eyes at him, he eventually said,

"Sure I guess." Smiling widely at getting permission, and ignoring the fact that he HAD to receive permission to begin with, Frieza strutted up to Elec with a sadistic smirk.

Elec felt a small tinge of hope at Frieza's intervention, daring to hope he may get out of here yet and live to get his vengeance against the Dragon Emperor. But those hopes were quickly dashed as Frieza said in a voice loud enough for them all to hear,

"I just wanted you to know before you died Elec, I always knew that you intended to betray me."


Not just Elec, but Maki and Oil also reacted to Frieza's words, making his sadistic smile grow even larger as he taunted,

"What? You didn't really think that there was something in this universe I wasn't privy to, did you?" Frieza then took a step back as he turned his attention to Alex and said,

"That was all I wanted to say your m-majesty." Though he grimaced at the final word, Frieza still felt satisfied for the moment at the look Elec and his siblings gave when he revealed that little tidbit of information.

With no one else having anything to say, Alex then pointed at Elec and summoned his Demonic Flames, causing the eerie black flames to flare into existence as they instantly covered their target.


Elec's screams filled the room as the flames consumed his body at a torturously slow rate, while Alex used Spirit magic to ensure he felt every single second of his body being reduced to ash, even long after his nerve endings were destroyed.

When the screams finally ended, and the flames died down, both Maki and Oil were looking at the scorch mark that was all that remained of their eldest brother, until Alex asked,

"So, who's next?"


Frieza watched as Alex left the viewing room with his two new slaves in tow, as both Maki and Oil had pleaded for mercy from him since Elec had been the one who made all of the plans in their group.

"Even after all these months, this still makes me sick." King Cold snarled once the door closed behind Alex and the other two, to which Frieza nodded slowly in agreement, before saying,

"We only need to bear with it for a few more days, and then we'll be free once we win this idiotic tournament." They both then recalled the day Alex approached them in Hell all those months ago, and offered them a deal.

He'd resurrect them as his slaves, and they'd have to train and fight in a tournament he was hosting in several months time. If one of them won the tournament then they'd both be free to go, but if neither of them won then Alex would destroy their souls and end their existence once and for all.

Neither one had hesitated to agree to such a deal, as they were both confident in obtaining victory, while even if they lost then they wouldn't have to deal with being in Hell anymore.

But, even as Frieza mentioned them winning the tournament, he then added,

"However, even with the off chance that we lose, I did prepare some 'insurance' on that planet he left us to train on." That caught his father's attention, as King Cold asked,

"Oh? This is the first I've heard of this. What kind of 'insurance' did you leave?" Frieza's sneer widened as he said,

"Let's just say that even if our souls end up being destroyed, our 'legacy' will persevere." Realizing what his son meant, King Cold also sneered while wondering just how powerful his grandchild would be.

(A.N. Alright you degenerates, poll time. Should Frieza's 'insurance' be his son from the Neko Majin series, Kuriza, or should I go the degenerate route and make it a daughter? I'll let you guys decide.)


Alex shook his head at Frieza and King Cold's discussion as he made his way through the halls of the colosseum, obviously privy to every single thing they were saying.

'Once the tournament's over I'll need to check back on that planet for whatever it was that Frieza was talking about.' Alex thought to himself, to which Ddraig stated,

'Regardless of the outcome, I'd say you should keep those two around as training dummies partner, they seem pretty strong and hardy.'

Alex smirked inwardly as he replied, 'I won't deny I'm tempted, but Frieza is too conceited to remain under someone forever. I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow found a way to eventually remove or bypass the slave mark in the future, which would only bring a disaster if he does.' Ddraig grunted in agreement, but still considered it a missed opportunity.

With Maki and Oil flanking him, Alex soon returned to the private room being used by his family and Zeno, where everyone immediately noticed the two new figures behind him.

"Grayfia, this is Maki and Oil. Maki is to join the combat maids, and I expect that either you or Ravel could find a use for Oil somewhere."

"As you wish." Grayfia said as she bowed her head in affirmation, her eyes already analyzing Maki as she tried to determine how strong the petite girl was.

Not bothering with his two new slaves anymore, Alex made his way back to his previous position on the couch between Yui and Hisui before he pulled Mochi and Saya into his lap.

"So what have I missed?" He asked since he had put most of his attention on Elec and that situation before.

"Nothing much for the most part. The most interesting part was the last three matches to determine the first to to enter the semifinals, in which Edith, Gohan and Millicas defeated Yuki, Myuu and Videl." Alex smiled wryly when he heard that, and knew that, rather than actually being upset at her loss, Myuu would probably try to use it to get some special attention from him.

But he soon gave his full attention to the stadium as the announcer declared,


There was an explosive applause at the declaration, as the two boys in question stepped out onto the stage to begin their match.

"I'm going to win Regal!" Alec declared as he puffed out his chest, only for his younger brother to reply,

"No, I will Aniki!" The two brothers smirked at each other confidently as they awaited the start of the match with the tension in their small bodies rising.

While normally they considered their spars against one another and the matches that they were challenged to at school as 'playing', their dad had stressed that during a tournament they were to fight with their all. This meant that both of the Saiyan boys would be fighting with the intention of winning.



At the announcer's cue both boys suddenly shouted instead of immediately charging one another, their auras flaring to life as they both transformed into their respective SSJ forms.

Alec's was the more traditional transformation of golden hair/aura with the addition of draconic features, his hands shifting into lethal claws while patches of golden scales formed on his body, and two short antler-like horns peeked out from within his hair.

Regal's however was slightly different, as his golden hair contained streaks of red and orange as it stood straight up, and his aura appeared more like fire as his nature as a Phoenix reared its head. His regenerative abilities may be sealed, but Regal still possessed the power of a Saiyan, and the mastery over fire and wind that his mother's side of the family had.

In an instant their respective transformations were complete, and both boys released a feral cry as they charged one another.






They sounds of impact echoed throughout the colosseum as the two blurs known as Alec and Regal clashed over and over again, moving too fast for the majority of their audience to see with the naked eye.

Thankfully for them though, a projection of their fight appeared that showed them moving at speeds slow enough that they could follow their movements, allowing the audience to see as Regal punched Alec in the face, or when the elder brother used his claws to open a long gash in the younger one's side.


With his specially made glasses though, the announcer was able to follow every one of the boy's movements as he tried to comment at the speeds they were going, but that was easier said than done. Finally,


The biggest impact yet happened as the boys collided in the middle of the arena, kicking up a large cloud of dust that briefly obscured them from view, before it was swiftly pushed away by their rampaging auras.

What the audience saw was the two boys locked in what appeared to be a stalemate with their hands gripping the other's tightly, while their auras fought for dominance.

"G-give up Aniki, or I'll burn you!" Regal stated as his fiery aura pushed back against Alec's, while Phoenix Fire appeared on his arms that began creeping down towards their joined hands.

Alec however smirked as he confidently stated,

"Are you forgetting Regal? I AM THE OMNI SLAYER!"

Neither knowing nor caring about the look he suddenly got from Zeno at that, Alec opened his mouth and began to suck in like it was a vacuum. While this was confusing for most of the audience, as they hadn't seen Alec do this yet, Regal paled as his flames and aura began to get sucked into his brother's mouth.


The announcer asked as he passed the baton to the table of commentators, who were there specifically for this as Anne began with a proud smile,

"Of course! The Slayer magic that Alec mentioned before is a special brand of magic that was used to fight dragons in the world of Earthland. I myself am a Sky and Gale Dragon Slayer, meaning I can use my magics to manipulate the winds to either attack or use support magic. An additional trait of all Slayers, is that they are able to eat their respective element to replenish their energy and even temporarily increase their strength, like how I can 'eat' air."

There was a series of mutterings at Anne's explanation, while the announcer asked the question everyone was asking themselves.


Markarov this time spoke up as he stated,

"Nope it's not! It may seem the same but breathing is cycling the air in your body, taking air in and breathing it out. When a Sky or Gale slayer 'eats' air, there is a qualitative drop in the amount of air around them, even making it harder for anyone else to breathe." Markarov smiled wryly as he recalled when they discovered that on Tenrou island, due to Wendy and Sheria doing just that as they sparred against one another.

His attention, along with everyone else's, was drawn back to the stage though as Alec continued 'eating' Regal's aura and flames, increasing his own strength while depleting his brother's. Soon Regal was being pushed back as his knees started buckling under Alec's strength, all while he was unable to get away due to his brother's claws digging into his hands.

Soon Regal's transformation was dispelled due to him losing too much energy, resulting in him crumpling back as Alec pushed him out of the stage's boundaries.


Alec released his own transformation and raised his fists up as a deafening cheer filled the stadium from the intense battle, confirming his place in the semifinals alongside Edith, Gohan, and Millicas. Regal meanwhile was making his way back to the preparation area, where Ravel was waiting for him with a worried face.

The second he stepped out of the colosseum arena though, the seals on Regal's regeneration were undone, and flames appeared along his numerous gashes, cuts, and puncture wounds as they rapidly closed.

"I'm so proud of you!" Ravel said lovingly as she got down on her knees and embraced her son, to which he told her,

"I'll do better next time mom!" Seeing he was alright, Ravel smiled confidently as she nodded in affirmation before hugging him yet again as she said,

"Tonight we'll work on training your Phoenix powers, and soon maybe you'll also master your Super Devil form." Regal beamed at his mother's words, recalling when she showed him her transformation into a massive bird made of powerful Phoenix flames.

Ravel beamed as well as she imagined how her son would look when he pushed his Devil powers to the absolute limit.

He, like all of Alex's children with Devil mothers, was a Super Devil as indicated by the unique phenomenon that occurred during his birth. And with Phoenix flames having entirely different properties from normal or even draconic flames, it was possible for Regal to unlock powers and abilities that would make him a true terror to face as an opponent.

At that moment a certain blonde haired girl walked by the mother-son duo, flashing Regal a wide smile as she said while giving him a thumbs up,

"Good fight Regal! Now it's my turn!" Regal returned her smile as he encouraged her,

"Gook luck Aneki!" The girl waved as she entered the arena of the colosseum, just as the announcer called out,


(A.N. If you guys have any special requests for tournament participants, make sure to comment them. Also keep them realistic, as people like Sirzechs or Shiva wouldn't participate for numerous reasons. I'll also accept original character suggestions of people from throughout Universe Seven for a variety, just give me a description and name.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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