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39.7% The Saga of A Mage Family / Chapter 27: FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS


Meanwhile, on Jack's side

While lurking in the darkness, trying to play his hunting game, Jack's also put his attention into nano-machines internal display inside his Iris. A lot of new logs appears in his display.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 1 die. remains 29/30 foes. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 2,3,27,28,29 die. remains 24/30 foes. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 6 disabled. remains 23/30 foes. done.

"What, disabled? What is that mean? Are they alive but unable to fight anymore? Who did that? Mother Nindya? Or Meyrlion ?" Jack inwardly asks himself.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 7 disabled. remains 23/30 foes. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 8 suicide. remains 22/30 foes. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 9 suicide. remains 21/30 foes. done.

Jack dumbfounded. "What is this? Multiple suicide acts? What's going on? Why did they choose to suicide? Whom had they face?" Jack's trying to figure out himself. His wild guess leads to en spine-chilling conclusion.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 10 suicide. remains 20/30 foes. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 11 suicide. remains 19/30 foes. done.

"They must have wronged Mother Nindya. What a miserable people, dare to provoke the worst nemesis. They must have experienced something worse than being prisoners of war. What a miserable destiny, to voluntarily choosing suicide..".

Jack shakes his head and gave a sign of condolence. "R.I.P numbers 19, 20, 21 and 22. If you have the opportunity to repeat your life, please never provoke any frail-and-weak-look grandmother. They may be your worst nemesis, a hidden T-Rex*. Let's have a peaceful life. Amen."

His internal display still gives him lots of notifications. But, the latest notification log displayed on the screen caught his attention. This is shocking news for him.

[system@localhost]# echo. number 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,5 massacred. remains 2/30 foes. done.

Jack's grim face turns into dumbfounded. "What the hell is this? Massacred? Do you think a human's life is just a number? This must be Meyrlion's bad habit of overacting. Are you trying to play the role of bloodthirsty demon lord? What an overpowered villain you are! You must have been inserting some cheats codes into this game! Have you ever been taught that great power comes with great responsibilities? At least make an option suicide for them. Stupid brother !"

Jack feels it is right for him to vent disappointment inwardly. He was putting a high expectation to fun some fun using his gun, due to finding crowds of people that deserved to be antagonized, but someone takes most of them away.

Who knows when he will found a bunch of idiot people who commit something deserve to be antagonized? Most likely when he was holding a gun without restricted by law.

The fun is not ruined a lot. Dammit!

Jack annoyed with his brother, "You took my preys, moron. How if you let me have some fun? I want to play Counter-Strike game but you massacred them all in a single breath. Not fair. And you ruin my day..."

Feeling unhappy about losing his prey, Jack decides to pursue the remaining enemies. He chose to pursue the number four.

Inside his internal display, his location is not too far away, a little more step upward than Jack's current position. It seems like he picks a strategic position to observe everything. Then he might be someone influence. Maybe he is doing some analysis of their combat area.

Jack decides to hunt him.

While managing his slow breath, carefully he goes up to the hilltop.


Alas, he is unlucky. The wind changes its direction.

Now the wind is flowing through his direction first.

His heart shrinks. He knows that someone could detect his position through the flow of winds. His body odor could lead dogs or something with a very sensitive sense of smell into his disadvantage. His mood becomes worse.

But its too late to regretting anything. The wind's changes also carrying the sound of the dog's barking.

Hrrrr... woof woof Hrrrrr.....!

Three big dogs have already appeared before his eyes, run after him and jump to attacks with their fangs. A direct confrontation!

Hrrr... woof woof Hrrrrr.....! Hrrr... woof woof Hrrrrr.....!

Jack realizes that his situation is not good. He chooses to take four rolling to the left side and strike them back with a barrage of shots.

BANG! BANG! Two consecutive shots using double tap* hit perfectly into the head of a big dog.

Kaiiing.....! One enemy down.

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Another hammering* shoot again, accurately hit the eyes and breakthrough the skull.

Kaiiing....! Another one down.

Hrrrr.... !!!!

Jack has no chance to shoot the last one.

Its fangs have pierced in his arm. Moreover, this big dog is trying to tearing up his arm. The pain began to spread throughout his nerves.

His gun was dropped somewhere.

Now, Jack is forced to fighting bare hand.


Just like a wild dog suffering of rabies, that mad dog beats Jack brutally.


Now, its big body is pressing Jack, prevent him to make any resistance.

Blood flows everywhere. Jack couldn't even feel his right hand anymore. He does not know how severe the injury he suffered. He doesn't want to think about it too.

All he can do now is stand up and fight; maintain his calmness and looking for opportunities to launch a counterattack.


Jack's blue-jeans were torn, and so was his bomber jacket. His white t-shirt was in red with nonstop blood flowing. While the dog's claws and fangs have torn his clothes to pieces, mercilessly, his body gets scratched anywhere. Its ferocity really overtook the dose of any mad dog on Earth.


Jack doesn't know how many minutes had passed in the dead life battle between humans with this 'magic' mad dog monster. He just feels all his body are in pain.


Jack's left arm finally touched something on the ground that could be used as a knife, sharp stone fragments! His spirit is somehow lit again.

With all his power left, Jack thrust that sharp stone towards its eyes.

Crot!! Crooot!!! Crot!! Crooot!!! Crot!! Crooot!!!

Kaiiiing.... kaiiing…..

Without reserved, Jack did it repeatedly. Both the right eye and the left eye of the mad dog has become his target. He repeats his pricks, again and again. More pricks, more.. more ...

Crot!! Crooot!!! Crot!! Crooot!!! Crot!! Crooot!!!

Jack minds keeping repeating the same instructions. Never stop, because his life is in a stake.

Crot!! Crooot!!!

Blood splattered everywhere. The land around them is flooded with the blood of that maddog. The pool resembles a flood, a pool of blood.

This mad dog is shocked. Its mentality is down. Its pride is hurt. And suffered severe physical damage. Its whole body was covered in blood. The expression on its face looked surprised. The face of living being getting flooded by a pain.

It never crossed its mind that a mere human being was able to put it in a miserable state.

Presumably, it never expected to get a counterattack like that. What a waste, even though it had been dominating that human and clearly almost won.

For a moment, the mad dog stopped the attack due to the accumulation of unbearable pain in his body.

And this is the chance Jack has been waiting for. Inspired by some show of an MMA fight, Jack grabbed the dog's back neck with his right leg and pressed the dog's esophagus with his left leg. While the left arm that is still active serves as a locking barrier, holding onto his right leg. Similar to a crab that clamps its prey neck.


The monster is suffocated. It is panicked because of a sore throat and difficulty to breath. As hard as it could, it tried to rebel. The claws on its legs brutally tore Jack's body back.

But Jack doesn't care. He only focuses on the lock of his legs and as much as possible add more pressure to the beast's neck.




Jack did a jolt which narrowed the neck lock.


Jack didn't remember how many minutes had passed, but slowly the creature's movements were now weakening. He is staggering. And limp. Then he fells to the ground unmoving. Either die or unconscious.

"Did I win?" Jack thought. His vigilance is still high.

Jack feels grateful he has ever watched those MMA matches. The technique of crab's lock on the dog's neck made him escape death. No, that technique is made him cheating the death. Who could never guess to become the winner from the life-and-dead-match against monstrous maddog summoned by a mad mage?

Now he really understands, what does God mean by creating species of crabs. Crabs are their nemesis. He vowed not to eat big crabs for the rest of his life, of course, if not being forced. "We won, mister crab!" He says inwardly. Jack's index finger is pointed high up and challenged the sky with cocky. "We won !"

"Really? Hmmpf ... Impressive". A voice was heard in Jack's ear. It was a female's voice full of coldness and intent to kill.

The world fells stopped for a moment. Jack's face turns into grim.

"Dammit, another enemy" Jack curses.

"To think a mortal with near zero magical power could enable kill our magical beast dog with only bare hands..."

Under the light of the moon, a shadow appears. The silhouette gives the impression that these new foes is a female soldier. But her eerie aura and very dense magical power emitted from her is something could be a disaster.

"So who are you really, Mister? Why are you getting in our way?" She asks in a very cold tone.

She comes closer, but still, her silhouette prevents Jack to see her clearly.

"I am just a pet control officer. Not more. I have duties to stop any potential danger spread in our denizen. My name is Jack. And who are you guys? Why you are terrorizing us?"

She is getting closer.

"Terrorizing is a word which was an insult to our duty as soldiers. We are proud to carry our King's duty to reclaim this country as part of our glory. I am vice-captain Val Vasilica of the fourth company of Dracula Unit Troops under His Highness Governor General Cowan of NTUC" She says still in a very cold tone.

Now Jack could see her clearly. She is a strange foreign beauty in her black uniform, her Iris is deep purple with red dots in the center. Her skin is covered by her uniform but judging by her face, she is almost as white as snow or pale. Jack could not describe it. Her hair is long blonde tied to a ponytail. She had a bewitching body curve which will shatter up every Victoria's Secret girl's confidence. Her lips look red wet and perfectly shaped.

"Vice Captain Val, I'm not involved in your wars. Why do your people attack us?"

"It's a normal consequence in any kind of war. Why do you bother?" She smiles. But her fangs are slowly getting longer than the normal human.

"Do you want to die? Or do you want to become like us?" She is grinning, mocking Jack's pale face.

"Believe me; I have through something called death. It does not scare me. I neither want to be your kind. I'm proud of being myself." Jack laughs while thinking about his survival chance. "Do you want to eat my flesh?"

She laughs "Let your blood be mine, Jack!"


"Because I'm thirsty. My kind needs fresh blood once every twelve full moons. Yes, someone must be sacrificed for our survival. That's why my kind banned from my motherland, Nevernia. Now, let me suck you dry..."

"My blood was polluted by any kind of chemical material, AIDS, HIV, TBC-a-b-c, T-Virus, M-Virus, Tobacco, and many more ... do you still want to suck my blood ?" Jack surely bad at lies.

"Sounds so delicious!" She laughs.


Suddenly she disappeared before Jack's eyes. And then reappeared again behind Jack.

Unfortunately, Jack's body was too tired due to his blood loss and previous fight. He cannot perform any resistance reaction to defend himself. In a blink an eye, he got his neck choked from behind.

"Myths said vampire victim would become the same kind with a vampire, but more idiot... F*cking Myths... Dammit, I never thought to meet some bloodthirsty vampire-like here." Jack curses inwardly. He can smell fragrant from her body. But a moment later, he could feel a pair of syringe penetrating his neck. And his blood is getting sucked. He becomes limp...

Another reaction comes from his nano.

[system@localhost]# echo. detecting unknown material trying to make some changes into the host body. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. successful identified unknown material as a new type of virus. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. calculating suitable countermeasure. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. executing planned action. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. ejecting wasted liquid contained the poisonous object. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. successfully prevent any harm changes in the host body. end.

"Ha... Who said that I'll become like your kind? Your f*cking poisonous fangs are now useless. Hail science ! " Jack smile dizzily.

Before Jack almost falls to a fainted state, something has caught his attention, prevent him to fully faint. Notification that appears in his internal display give some valuable information.

"No way, I'm going to die because blood loses?"

[system@localhost]# echo. detecting blood loss. done.

[system@localhost]# executing the best possible scenario to prevent more blood to lose. successfully. done.

[system@localhost]# executing the best possible scenario to recover from more blood lose risk. successfully. done.

[system@localhost]# executing the best possible scenario to generate more blood loss. successfully. done.

[system@localhost]# executing the best possible scenario to recover from all injuries. ....waiting

[system@localhost]# completed. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. detected part of nano-machines-cluster inside another host. echo.

Jack smiles. Now it's time to counter-attack.

"Nano-machines, execute to replicate nano-machines-cluster up until reaching sufficient number in my body and new remote host" Jack whispers inwardly into his nano-machines.

[system@localhost]# echo. command understood. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. establishing pair connection into the new host. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. connection successfully established. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. establishing a master-slave relationship. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. the master-slave relationship established. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. executing dual replication in the master-slave host. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. sufficient nano-machines-cluster number reached the master host. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. sufficient nano-machines-cluster number reached slave host. end.

"Nano-machines, execute fully taking over the new remote host. Renamed it as Val" Jack whispers inwardly into his nano-machines.

[system@localhost]# executing the best possible scenario to taking over a new remote host completely. successfully. done.

[system@localhost]# renaming new remote host into new values 'Val'. successfully. done.

Jack smiles. Val, who is busy sucking his blood, senses something different with Jack and her body.

Jack whispers inwardly into his nano-machines. "Nano-machines, rewrite Val personality into my slave, harmless and obedient. Permanently rewrite her default attitude toward me is lo... "


Val pushes Jack away from her. She could not understand what is happening but she felt somehow Jack's smile is dangerous. Her feeling is really amazing.

Being pushed away by Val whole heartily, Jack fall to the ground. He cannot continue his command into his nano. His head hit the ground and he got dizzy. Somehow he forgets about his last communication.

[system@localhost]# echo. command understood. echo

[system@localhost]# echo. rewriting remote host Val default role as a slave to master host. permanently. successfully. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. rewriting remote host Val default role as harmless being to master host. permanently. successfully. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. rewriting remote host Val default role as obedient subordinate to master host. permanently. successfully. done.

Jack still feels dizzy, unable to fully gather himself. His head is vertiginous. He is unable to maintain control of his nano's works. He even forgets to recheck his internal display.

While Val feels her body is getting strange. Her hormone feels unbalanced. She feels so moody and jumpy. Her Anahata chakra felt so much hurt. Her head is also starting to get a headache. She wants to vent her anger, but she doesn't know why and how.

[system@localhost]# echo. ambiguous command. unable to understood. end.

[system@localhost]# echo. searching nearest matching begins with "lo...". from codes of attitude library... waiting

[system@localhost]# echo. found two most possible attitude. "lo.." for {absolute loyalty} and lo for {unconditional love} end.

[system@localhost]# preparing founded codes of attitude library.. waiting

[system@localhost]# preparing first codes of attitude library: {absolute loyalty} into the remote host

[system@localhost]# rewriting remote host Val attitude into {absolute loyalty} toward the master host. permanently. done.

Val feels like her heart is being crushed into pieces. Her body flinched. Her view is blank.

[system@localhost]# preparing second codes of attitude library: {unconditional love} into the remote host.

[system@localhost]# rewriting remote host Val attitude into {unconditional love} toward the master host. permanently. done.

[system@localhost]# echo. successfully carry all commands. done.


Val grabs her left chest. It feels so much hurt.

Suddenly she feels a very extreme nausea dan unable to hold not to pukes. Everything in her stomach was forced out. She pukes a lot.

She cannot stand this pain anymore.

And then fall in the ground. She has fainted.

Watching his foe goes down, Jack feels relieved. "I had never thought before, that vampiric tribe exists in this world. She's too dangerous. I do not want to end up like her, sucking other peoples blood to live. It's kinda life of some loan-shark. How despicable"

Jack whispers inwardly "Nano, perform some action to changes her need of blood into a vegetarian one."

[system@localhost]# echo. command understood. done.

[system@localhost]# executing proper process into vegetarian type... successfully. done

WedhusSlayer WedhusSlayer

A double tap or hammer a shooting technique which the firearm's sights are not reacquired by the shooter between shots.



Victoria Secret


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