"After going through so much and not seeing you for so long, Ripha, maybe Solus needs your support more than your criticism." Elina said.
"You are right." Menadion sighed. "I've always been a demanding parent and old habits die hard."
"After seven hundred years, I'd say they don't die at all." Solus stabbed at her lasagna like they had a long-lasting blood feud.
"Epphy!" Menadion said.
"Solus, dammit!" Solus grunted.
"Lith!" Lith tried to make light of the situation, obtaining only a murderous glare from all those involved.
"I know it's asking much, but would it be possible to take a tour of the tower?" Bytra put herself in the line of fire just to make them stop arguing.
"Which tower?" Baba Yaga asked.
"Menadion's." Bytra shrugged. "No offense, but Bloodhaven is more like a nursery and Silverspire looks like a patchwork put together at the last minute."
"None taken." Baba Yaga and Silverwing lied through their teeth.
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