"So what are you doing here? Koko?" I prod, continuing to moan in the delight of the savory, meaty flavor overtaking my mouth. "Are you even listenin'?"
"Of course not, dear. I'm listening to you," she said absently.
"Koko, what are you doing here?"
"Oh. That?" She began. "I came to tell you that your mate, the human Iris one. Yeah... I think that was her name, or something or other. Well anyway, she and that other one.... Ambrossa, I think, both of them have found your lately whereabouts. I also happened to overhear them talking that they think you might be special."
"Shit. I'll just avoid leaving proof behind, for a while. But how do you know any of this?" I ask. "Swear Koko, if you've been stalking my Mates..."
She calmly ate her steak with precise precision, "I wouldn't say stalking, more like crashing into on purpose and playing on their guilt to make them allow me to stick around for a while."
"Way to make my life easier, man. Did you just 'crash into' any more of my Mates?"
"Oh yes, I have," she lifted her pointer and middle fingers up, bending them down at, "'crashed' into all of your Mates. Funny people they are, all have a sense of humor. But other than that? They're all quite loyal."
"Koko, you... ass." I struggled for the word.
"No worries dear. I have enough as for the both of us..." she trailed off looking over my shoulder, both our plates cleared the waitress from before approached and offer the paycheck. I nod but watched Koko as she stood up quickly with a growing smile and I felt my heart sink.
"Hello, Luna deary!" She waved at the new customer. "Come here! Meet my close friend."
"Koko, you bitch." I grit out. Behind me walks the Mate I just ran from, the growling Alpha.
"Hello Koko, I almost missed you," a voice drawled out, her voice left me hungry. Shivers crawled over my spine, leaving me breathless. My ears honed in on her steps, the heavy pitter - platter. My Wolf howled, reaching for the newcomer, reaching for her Mate.
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