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76.26% Careful Not To Break Reality / Chapter 147: Chapter 12: Attack

Bab 147: Chapter 12: Attack

'What did you do?!' The guard stumbled backwards as blood dripped down from the fingers that were blown away in the explosion, and he reached out to try to grab the pistol by his side though the remaining fingers refused to do the simple task as the explosion severely damaged both the soft tissues and the bones in his hands.

'Please...' Brakagi said with a desperate and crackling voice, 'call your superiors....'

The guard stepped backwards a few more steps to create some distance and ran towards a few more guards who are heading this way. One quickly tended to his injuries whilst the rest set up a small perimeter of containment. They all have their guns pointed at Brakagi, not too dissimilar to how the security guards of his governmental building did to him on the day of his removal. However, the difference lies in whether they will pull the trigger immediately or not.

'Tell your boss here that Brakagi is here. He will be interested in how I got out of my prison.' Brakagi said, 'if you keep pointing your weapons at me...you will face undesirable consequences, this strange thing that's haunting me...it will attack you!''Shut up, intruder!' One of the guard said before turning his head towards the mic, 'Sir, the Rocky intruder called himself Brakagi said he wanted to see you...Sir...? Acknowledged.'

Then, he pointed the gun towards Brakagi as the rest of the guards followed suit, and they opened a barrage of fire.

It looked like he will have to draw their attention with the less brutal way, Brakagi thought as he slammed his hand down onto the ground. The ring of Instability around his right wrist glowed as the metals that made up the surface that all of them are standing on twisted and crumbled before the magnetic field generators underneath began to smoke and burn up. Quite a few guards fell onto their feet when the floor shook, and the rest jumped off to the side to avoid the explosion of the generators.

A few of the metal shards also came flying towards Brakagi and those projectiles were absorbed by the shields he carried.

Brakagi's ring of Instability can be used both in ranged and melee scenarios, though the two different scenarios required slightly different start up. When used in range attacks, he can perform much more precise manipulations, but he will also need to probe the system first, thus needing more time in the wind up of his attacks. In comparison, if he activates the artifact while touching his target, the effect is nearly instantaneous, though it becomes incredibly difficult to control the extent, location and nature of the destruction.

Yet another reason for why it makes sense for artifact users to be enhanced physically or armed with protective and supportive gear as well as being extremely well trained, as the effect of using the artifacts alone can lead to unintended consequences liking having shard of metal in the face.

A fire alarm went off locally in the hanger as droids rushed to suppress the fire and smoke that surrounded Brakagi. In that chaos, Brakagi also targeted the weapons of the handful of guards in his close proximity, and easily overloaded the chambers, causing them to blow up while in hand. There are some light injuries on the other side, and the most threatening things so far is taken care of.

'This is your fault for not listening to me...' Brakagi declared as he tried his best to copy the tone of a brat, 'have I gotten your attention yet? Or do you want it to blow up your head?'

Finally, the leader realized the extent of what is going on and began to take Brakagi's words seriously and spoke once again in his communication channels.

'Call the elite squads.' He said simply as he glared threateningly at Brakagi before calling his squad back, as all of them have suffered levels of injury due to the explosion of the rifles. The droids are still swarming around the areas of fire and smoke where Brakagi blew up the generators, though now there is finally a bit of piece and quiet before the elite squads are here.

Brakagi wondered if he can simply negotiate with the elite squads, or will he have to do some fighting instead. He looked down at the timer on his tracker, and only a handful of minutes have passed after the first pulse. Jozzor should have already found an opportunity and made an document access request by now.

Just hold on for longer...Brakagi thought to himself, as the doors leading into the main compound far out in the distance opened and a single soldier dressed in black appeared. Brakagi hasn't moved an inch anywhere, so that elite guard will have to make his way towards him.

He is a tall human dressed in a black jacket, and he walked with a level of poise and confidence not seen in any of the other guards. In fact, he walked so fast and so elegantly that it almost appeared he is floating in the cloud.

He stopped a few meters away from Brakagi and looked him down. Then, he snapped a finger.

A shot of sniper rifle sounded in the distance, and sparks popped off on the ground half a meter in front of Brakagi as the metallic surface were shot through and the bullet went underground.'If anything else blew up, it is not my fault.' Brakagi said, looking down at the demonstration of power and control.'I don't like my time to be wasted.' The man declared, his hands back into the pockets of his black jacket. He looked about middle age, but that could simply be the quality of his skin and the appearance that he chose to have at this moment in time. The skin care and cosmetic technologies could very easily give him a different look, 'I would rather take a nap after that meal rather than deal with a prankster.'

'Now, tell me.' He said, looking coldly at Brakagi without making a move, 'why are you here?''Do you know who I am?' Brakagi asked, trying to puff out his chest and draw his attention towards his face.'Who are you?' He asked as he yawned without even covering his mouth, 'all y'all Rockies look the same.''I am Brakagi. I was the one that your agency removed from the office.' Brakagi reminded. The elite guard's eyebrows rose up as that triggered some memories in him.

'Ah...' He said, nodding his head before leaning forward with a smile, 'are your feeling hurt? Do you want a consolation prize?'

Brakagi stared at him, his teeth gritted and his fists clenched. Is this all a game to them? Brakagi wanted to blow this man up, or make him crumble onto his feet. Better yet, he can send the nanotechnology drones in his body into a frenzy, ripping him up from the inside. He could do it so easily, that...No.....

Brakagi wondered if it is too soon. Should he have waited until the second pulse is sent off? But that was only in the case that all of the elite guards are here. There appeared to only have been two people out of the entire squad that is focusing on him...This is not enough to create enough of an opening for Jozzor.

'Do you think this is a joke?' Brakagi looked up at the man in front, 'such a pity.''What?' The man tilted his head and asked, then he saw the ring around Brakagi's right wrist light up, and suddenly his ears starting ringing as he lost his balance. Suddenly, high pitch noises filled his auditory range, and all he could hear is the screaming of machines. Something is wrong with his nanotechnology enhancements! He tried to remain standing, but trying to stay on his feet becomes an astronomically difficult task as his hands are numb and the sensations of his feet is cut off.

'What is going on?' The distorted voice of his sniper came through the channel, 'are you okay?''The nanotechnology enhancements!' He groaned and squeezed those words out, though the sound of his own voice are also distorted, and he can't tell whether that's because of the damage to his hearing, or the damage to his voice box. His fingers struggled to find the controller implanted into his body, and he switched off the implants.

The buzzing of the nanodrones in his body came to a halt though the ringing in his ear remained. His visions are blurry, as drools ran out of his mouth and dripped onto the ground.

'Are you hurt?' Brakagi asked mockingly, 'do you need assistance?''What the...fuck did you do?' He screamed out, but his voice sounded like a clown from Brakagi's perspective.

'You think I did anything?' Brakagi said innocently as a shot from the sniper bounced off the shield generator. It took away three percent of the shield's capacity, but Brakagi still had plenty left, 'why don't you call your boss and see what they think?' Another few shots came out towards Brakagi, but none of them made it through the shields. Brakagi reached out and probed with the ring of Instability, feeling and seeing the layouts of the systems around him. The sniper and the gun should be an isolated unit that can be very easily singled out in his surroundings....and there it is!

Brakagi focuses on the sniper lying in an air vent that ran along the ceiling. However, instead of blowing up the sniper rifle, Brakagi instead loosened the nuts and bolts of the vent. As the nuts went flying away, the bottom layer was loosen and then ripped out by the weight of the sniper. Her arms are flaring as she tried to control her body during the fall, but instead it was a hard thud as she dropped onto the ground.

She will be fine, but her nose might need some reconstruction after.

'...what is this...magic.....? What is going on...' The elite guard in front of him are still recovering from Brakagi's previous attack, 'captain.....we need your assistance in the auxiliary hanger now!''Did you say assistance?' Brakagi asked, leaning forward as the human that's on his knee is now on the same head level as himself. Then, he knocked him out onto the ground with a swing, adding insult to injury.

Another layer of alarm sounded, and it felt way more serious and desperate compared to the smoke alarm that went off previously. Now he is garnering the attention of more of the security forces, meaning Jozzor will most likely have more time and space for his work.

Standard security guards flooded out from the doors into the building while the non-combat personals evacuated the area. Brakagi pulled a container over and sat on top of it as he waited and waited. The security guards made sure to stay a long distance away, and their dark blue uniform with GBI letters on it decorated the walls that are painted white. Then, as another pair of doors opened, a small squad of elite kill squad members exited the building. There are about four of them coming out, and each has a distinctive aura about them that sets them apart from the rest of the guards.

The one in the lead wears a hat and a pair of shades. He is a tall slim human, and instead of wearing big black jackets like the rest of the elite kill squad members that Brakagi has seen, he is wearing a black dinner suit, a black shirt and a snow white tie.

The three elite squad members behind him stopped moving forward, but he continued onward. Brakagi stared at him as he moved closer to inspect the downed comrade.

'He is alive.' Brakagi assured him as his feet dangled on the side of the container he was sitting on.'Shame.' The leader replied with a cold voice, 'that should teach him and her a lesson.''Don't you care?' Brakagi questioned, and the leader looked up with a cold smile.

'They are rookies.' He said nonchalantly, 'so, what brings you here, ex-Rocky president? Or more important, how are you here?'Brakagi felt a cold sharp stare penetrating through the shades and burning through his fur. Are the shades not to protect his eyes from radiation, but to protect the others from his sharp gaze?

'I am sure you and your boss will like to know that.' Brakagi said, showing the ring of Instability on his right hand, 'there had been an accident that happened to me, and now I have an uncontrollable power, but I don't want it....'

'Oh?' He looked down at it with interest, 'so you have changed your career from politics to fashion?'

'This power is hard to contain...' Brakagi said, 'but I am sure you will be interested in it. All I want is an audience with your boss.'

'That's why you are here...?' The leader asked as his voice deepened, 'no...are you here to flaunt your freedom? Do you want to be put down for good?'You are nothing more than a good for nothing Rocky politician who bit off more than he could chew. You are lucky we haven't put you in the dirt the first time around, and now, you stupid little rat brain have convinced you that coming here would be a good idea?' He continued to speak as he reached for a cigarette in his suit pocket, 'You thought you are a big deal, and you may have gotten lucky with whatever prisons they had in the Black Pegasus...but to us, you are nothing but a stubborn rock in the road.'So...why are you here? Are you here just to pick a fight? Are you here to joke with us? Or are you here for a chat?'

'Or are you here for another purpose?' The leader said, exhaling a cloud of smoke before turning around and walking away, 'why am I even wasting time with this shit.....the galaxy is finally quiet for a while after your idiotic babbling.....Two, put down the Rockie that have gone mad however you please.'

It looked like instead of taking Brakagi and his demands seriously, they are merely here for a show. They are...bored?

In that case, Brakagi shall put on a show.

'Yes Sir.' One of the elite kill squad members stepped forward. He is a short human, but from the way he fits into the jacket, he is built of nothing but muscle. He stepped forward and his heavy footsteps echoed through the entire hanger with every rock solid step.

'Your kill was supposed to come to me then.' Two declared as he walked towards Brakagi. He put on a pair of gloves before clapping them together. A light buzzing sound hummed in the background as jolts of electricity sizzled in between his fingers, 'I looked forward to it, I studied for it, and only to have it taken away from me....'

'I shall have you pay the price in blood!' Two declared as he squatted down into a low stance before exploding forward. The amount of power from his legs denting the metallic surface underneath his feet as it screamed and screeched. His clearly enhanced body made his movements quick like lightning, and yet his fists appeared powerful like a missile. Even with the Rockie's thick fur and strong skeletons, Brakagi knew that he would be out after even one hit, and that's discounting the shock gauntlet thing that he is armed with.

In just a blink of an eye, Two have closed the distance of ten meters as he planted his foot hard into the ground, his boots dug deep through the metallic flooring and his fists flying! This attack is simple, straight forward and deadly. For some with so much power and confidence in his craft, there is no need for fakes, tricks or creativity in combat.

All he needed is a split second opening and a good ol' shoe.

Instead of moving to the side to avoid the deadly attack, Brakagi knocked his heel against the container as he leaned forward and charged into Two as his right hand clashed against the rock hard body of his. Two's fist grazed past the side of Brakagi's head, taking strands of hair with him, but Brakagi's attack landed simultaneously.

Then, he activated the ring of Instability.

It's time to show the world what he can do.

The ring glowed, and a pulse shot through the body of Two. Brakagi changed the hand into a fist, knocking Two back before he turned and kicked Two away. Despite saying that he isn't a fighter, he is still a Rocky, and all Rockies can fight.

The kill squad members watched on as Two stumbled back before dropping onto his knees. He clenched his throat as he struggled for air, but his arms suddenly twitched as he started choking himself.

'Two?!' Another squad member approached him as Two's face is turning pale, 'what are you doing?'

He struggled for breath and reached out towards the his teammate, who immediately reached into the medical pack in his jacket and injected Two with a sedative. The grasp on his own throat was finally released, and his motionless body dropped onto the floor.

The leader held the cigarette in his hand as the smoke sizzles away as he looked on at Two.

'I don't suppose he is a rookie too?' Brakagi said mockingly before pointing a finger at the leader, 'I am willing to talk with your boss, but it will be on my terms.'

'Just so you know, I am not here to play.'

'Huh...' The leader lets out a long held breath and shook his head, 'fine...neither am I.'

Then, he threw the cigarette head like a bullet and dashed towards Brakagi! He is moving even faster than Two as two blades materialized into his hand. As the distance between them were closed in the blink on an eye and he left the cigarette he threw in the dust, the blades he carried disabled the shields before connecting with Brakagi's torso. It slashed through the space suit and the armor underneath like butter as Brakagi is now the one sent flying away.

He felt a flash of pain in his chest as the nanotechnology enhancements now scrambled to heal the wound, but still, damage is done before Brakagi can even react.

He blinked a few times in the air and tried to process what has happened...why the hell can he not react to the leader's movements? And how can he move so much faster?

Does he also have an artifact?

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