The morning after the grand wedding, Lu Mansion buzzed with activity. Its spacious drawing room, usually tranquil, teemed with guests from both the Lu and Wang families. Amidst this lively scene, Lu Zhilan sought a quiet moment with her parents, the esteemed elders of the Lu clan.
As Jiang Yuyan descended the staircase, she found herself immediately encircled by Weiwei's eager presence.
"Aunt Yuyu, I searched everywhere for you after yesterday's wedding. Where had you disappeared to?" The young boy's eyes met hers, brimming with curiosity.
"I returned quite late," Jiang Yuyan responded, bending down to tousle his hair affectionately. "You were already fast asleep by then."
"Why were you late?" Weiwei pressed with childlike innocence.
"She was delayed because your uncle was attending to her," Lu Bao remarked casually, descending the staircase with her daughter cradled in her arms and husband by her side.
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