Once Mr. Wen reached home with his wife and son, he asked the servant, "Where is Liwei?"
"Young miss is in her room," the servant replied.
Mr. Wen stepped to go upstairs, but Wen Zac stopped him, "Father, I'll talk to her."
"I'm not going to scold her. I need to ask her something."
"Fine," said Wen Zac and instructed the servant, "Ask Liwei to come downstairs."
Liwei came downstairs, feeling a bit scared as she knew why her father called for her.
"Have a seat," her father offered.
Liwei sat and looked at her brother, who assured her not to worry.
"Are you serious about what you said on the phone call?" Mr. Wen asked.
Liwei nodded hesitantly, "Yes, father."
"Do you want to get engaged so early?" Mr. Wen repeated.
"I don't mind," she replied.
"And what about your studies?"
"I can still go. Not like I'll be married and can't go study," she said, her confidence coming back.
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