Lu Lian stepped inside the suit and called, "Mr. Ming."
There was still no reply, so she went further inside in the stylish living room of the suite and looked around to search for the man.
No one was there, but she noticed the empty alcohol bottle on the center table and broken glass pieces around the table and the floor.
"Mr. Ming, are you here?" she called again, looking at other doors there.
There was no reply, so Lu Lian thought to keep the file on there and leave. There was a table next to the wall carrying a vase. She put the file on it and turned to leave, but she was pulled back suddenly as someone held her arm.
It startled her, and the next moment Ming Rusheng was standing in front of her.
"You scared me," she spurted out, her heart beating faster and breath shallow.
The man in front of her didn't seem to hear what she said and hugged her tightly as if his life depended on her.
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