Lu Lijun even removed the hairpin that held half of the hair at the back of her head and let them fall loose. Fixing her hair with his finger, he moved the parts of her hair in front of her shoulder and said, "It's perfect now."
Liwei could only freeze in her place while letting him do it and felt her heart beating faster. The others found it a romantic act and could only smile at it.
Liwei lifted her head up to look at him when he was doing it all, but he looked cold.
'Shouldn't he look calm or smile a bit if he did something like this,' she thought and then clarified to herself, 'He is always like this, so it must be normal for him to have cold expressions all the time, even when he is caring or romantic.'
"Pack everything," Lu Lijun instructed the salesgirl.
"What?" Liwei exclaimed, looking at the long clothing stand in front of her, which held so many dresses that would last her for months without repeating a single one.
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