Same day evening, Lu Lian and Wen Zac had to meet. Lu Lian was getting ready in her room, where Lu Bao didn't forget to trouble her.
"Get ready nicely. The guy should be knocked out in just one glance," Lu Bao teased.
Lu Lian didn't answer and continued to be ready. She looked silent these days as if she had no opinion of her about what she was doing.
"Aren't you going too simple for the blind date?" Lu Bao asked, observing the dress that Lu Lian pulled out from the wardrobe, and said, "You are not going to an office meeting."
"It's not a blind date either. Just a casual meeting," Lu Lian countered.
Once Lu Lian was ready, Lu Boa looked at her in surprise, "Well, you don't look that simple," she sighed, "My pretty sister, whatever she wears, turns it into a stylish thing."
The second novel by me is out.
Title - "Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son"
It's only available on Webnovel.
I hope you all support the new novel too, just as you have supported YBINMH till now.
You can search the novel directly on webnovel or you can see it in my webnovel profile.
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