Surprised and puzzled, Lu Lijun looked at his father, "What is it about?"
"In the office, didn't I ask you what you think about it?"
Puzzled, Lu Lijun looked at his father and remembered the conversation when he didn't let his father talk the entire thing. 'So father was talking about the elder sister and not about her,' he concluded.
"Elder sister and Mr. Wen's son?" he asked questioningly.
Lu Jinhai nodded, "If she is ready, then we can think about it."
Lu Lijun looked at his brother Lu Feng who looked like he knew it already. Lu Lijun had so many questions in his mind about all the talk he heard about Yuyan and Wen Zac's marriage arrangement.
He was sure he didn't hear anything wrong, and it was not just once or twice but so many times. All the time, they mentioned Wen Zac for Yuyan, and there was no mention of Lu Lian's name.
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