When Lu Lijun and Jiang Yuyan went to the cemetery in the village in the early morning and were busy missing Lu Qiang, at the same time there were other people who were no different from them.
At the place outside of the city which treasured all the memories from those people's childhood days, they gathered every year after Lu Qiang's death.
The car stopped near the place surrounded by the greenery and had a small hill in the center that had only a single tree at the hilltop.
Lu Feng and Lu Han stepped out of the car and just then one more car stopped there and Jiang Yang stepped out.
Smiling lightly looking at each other, the three stepped to go towards the hill.
Looking around they remembered the old days once again and sat on the rocks placed around that huge tree.
"So many years passed by but this place is still the same," Jiang Yang said as he looked around.
"I wish it to never change," Lu Feng spoke.
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