Jiang Yuyan returned and sat in the chair. She noticed Lu Lijun's flushed face.
"Are you not feeling well?" she asked.
Lu Lijun cleared his throat, "I'm fine."
Just then, the food arrived that Jiang Yuyan ordered when Lu Lijun was away.
When the attendant started serving the food, Lu Lijun noticed she had ordered what he would like to eat.
It surprised him to see how she knew what he liked. As time passed by, the things he liked to eat changed over time. He moved his sight to her, who was busy instructing the attendant what dish to serve him and her.
"It's for him," she instructed the attendant.
Their sights met, and Jiang Yuyan asked, seeing him quiet, "If you don't want this, you can order something else."
Lu Lijun returned to his senses, "No, it's fine," and picked up the spoon to eat.
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