Lu Lijun and Noah returned to An Tian's home. This time they didn't enter the back door but stopped the car in front of An Tian's bungalow.
San Zemin's men who were outside of An Tian's home looked at the car that stopped.
"Isn't it one of our cars?" one man asked.
"Yeah, it has our logo. What's the matter?" saying the two were stepped out of the car, only to get the shock.
Lu Lijun and Noah stepped out of the car, and it shocked the other two.
"What are they doing out..wait.. When did they go out?" One man asked.
The other looked at the tab in his hands, "The location still shows the home."
Lu Lijun looked at the two and stepped towards them.
"Why is he coming towards us?" One man mumbled.
"How would I know?" the other replied.
When Lu Lijun went to them, the two bowed to him, feeling scared inside.
"Go get some rest. I" ll be at home till morning," Lu Lijun spoke.
Tomorrow I'm traveling back to my city as my vacation with the family is over. It's a long journey so there wouldn't be chapters for the next two days. After that, the regular schedule of the chapter uploading will start and I'll make up for it by giving extra chapters.
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