In the evening, when Yuyan went home, the elder Lu crossed paths with her in the living room.
"Where is Lu Lijun?" Elder Lu asked as he looked at the Mansion's door.
"He must be with his friends," Jiang Yuyan replied.
"Hmm," Elder Lu was about to leave to go out; Jiang Yuyan stopped him, seeing him unusually calm.
"Grandpa, is there any problem?" she asked.
"No, go have a rest," elder Lu suggested.
"Grandpa, don't hide it from me," she insisted.
"As usual, your grandma's health worries me," Elder Lu replied.
"I will go see grandma." Saying she went to grandma's room.
Seeing her, grandma smiled, "Are you back from work?"
Nodding, Jiang Yuyan sat at the edge of the bed beside grandma, who sat while resting at the bed's headboard, reading something.
Jiang Yuyan touched grandma's forehead, and it surprised grandma.
"I am fine, dear. Did my old man say something? He worried for Nothing."
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