Not being able to stop Lu Lijun, Lu Feng pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number.
"Lu Lijun left home. Track his car, and update me where he is going." Lu Feng instructed.
"Yes. Mr. Lu Feng." The man said.
Lu Feng stepped toward his car, and the butler signaled the servant to get his car keys.
Getting into the car, Lu Feng left the mansion. He got the call in a while, "Mr. Lu Feng, I have sent you a link. You can track his location."
Lu Feng pressed the buttons on the device in his car, and he could see the map where Lu Lijun headed to.
"Got it."
Lu Feng was about to hang up the call, but the man on the other side of the line spoke again, "After the call from you, the boss called me too, and she asked the same thing. Is there anything serious? If so...."
"Nothing much. Tell her I am on the way to Lu Lijun and not step out of the mansion to follow him," Lu Feng instructed.
Top 5 - mass release so keep voting.
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