This suggestion from An Tian surprised others, but An Tian continued, "He is a grown-up man now just like Lu Qiang. I believe grandma would like to meet him and spend some time with him."
There was a sudden brightness in grandma's eyes the moment An Tian said it, but she hid it, "Hmm, I know, but I don't wish to disturb his peaceful life."
"Grandma, he will like it," Lu Feng assured her.
Grandma turned silent as others waited for her to talk, "I am happy that all my grandkids are doing good in life. I don't wish anything more than that."
An Tian stayed silent, while Jiang Yang spoke in his cheerful voice, "Grandma, how can you not wish more? There is something you should wish for desperately and especially now."
Elders looked at Jiang Yang curiously while An Tian smiled, knowing what would come, and Lu Feng already passed cold glare to Jiang Yang.
"And what is that?" grandma asked.
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