Guys, as promised this is the bonus chapter as we crossed 2k+ votes in a day... keep voting as every day 2k+ votes would be the bonus chapter...and if the votes are more than the expectations, you will get two bonus chapters...
Lu Lijun put the control panned aside and stood up. Feeling like in a trance he went out of the room and in a while he found himself standing in front of Lu Feng's room. This realization surprised him and he thought to turn around and go back but something inside him held back.
Lu Lijun Knocked on the door but no one responded so he opened the door and entered the room. Not thinking much, he straight went to Lu Feng's study table and picked up the photo frame which Su Hui picked up in the video. She pulled out the picture which showed one girl and a boy together. Lu Lijun knew the boy was Lu Feng and the girl was Jiang Yuyan as he had seen Jiang Yuyan's childhood days pictures.
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