Jiang Yuyan whispered in his ears. "Just for you, Mr. Lu."
The soft whisper by her while touching her lips to his earlobes made him exhale through the mouth and he said while still inhaling her scent in the crook of her neck, "Mrs. Lu sure knows how to turn me on."
A teasing smile appeared on her face.
Lu Qiang pulled both knots of her bra, one on the back of her neck and the other one of the back straps. Holding it with his hands, he waved it in front of her face and said, "knots seems better than the hooks" and dropped it on the floor leaving her bare.
Jiang Yuyan gave him a look and said, while passing her sight across his half-exposed upper body, "You seem better with no shirt than having it on you."
Understanding the meaning, Lu Qiang took off his shirt. "Happy?"
She shook her head. "Not until you let me touch it."
Wish you all a very happy valentines day....
Lu Feng's secret would be revealed..
What grandpa is hiding for so long...
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