Just then, Wang Peng got a call and went out of the lounge to attend it. He came far from the place as it was a call from his fiancee and he wanted to talk in peace. He went towards the huge lawn area of the hotel, which had another lounge attached to it. While talking on the phone, he walked towards it but at some distance, he heard familiar voices coming from the poolside. What he saw later shocked him to the bone.
When Wang Peng was in shock and busy finding his way back to the lounge, other men were still discussing their women.
"Knowing your daughter, I mean my wife Lu Zhilan, she should be here till now. Why is she not here yet?" Wang Chao asked, looking at his father-in-law, Elder Lu.
"I am curious to see Zhang Jei's reaction," Ming Yusheng said, and elder Ming replied, "She better not be here or all Ming household would be in a mess. She is calm but she can affect us all if she wants too."
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Upset elder Lu as his grandkids are virgins..
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