In Lu Feng's private apartment--
"Both are looking great together. Isn't it?" Jiang Yang asked while going through the pictures of Lu Qiang and Jiang Yuyan from the last night's wedding, in his tablet.
"Hmm! True." Lu Feng replied while going through a few documents.
Seeing Lu Feng not reacting to his words, Jiang Yang kept his tab aside and said annoyingly, "You are no fun, Lu Feng. I am here to console you by hurting you first after showing these pictures but you are being stubborn and you are not even paying attention to me."
"Stop doing useless things, Jiang Yang. I am fine and these things are not going to affect me," Lu Feng replied, still being busy.
"Tell me honestly. Were you not affected to see both of them together?" Jiang asked curiously.
Guys here is the daily update.. ranking is down so keep voting.. soon you will get a bunch of chapters to read in one go, so be prepared with lots of SS...
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