Jiang Yuyan smiled and asked, "So, deal?"
Lu Lijun too smiled and replied, "Yup! Deal for life time."
Jiang Yuyan felt glad to hear it. She never ever thought, Li Lijun will ever accept her and he will even talk to her with smile on his face. What just happened, seems like a dream to her. Both were lying lazily leaning back in a couch as they were tired because of playing video game for long time.
Lu Lijun suddenly dialed a number on the intercom in his room which was just beside a couch on small wooden stand. While holding a receiver near to his ear, Lu Lijun asked, "I am ordering a juice for us with some snacks from a kitchen, which one would you like to have?"
Jiang Yuyan who was still leaning back in a couch lazily, with her eyes closed, replied, "Anything, that you like." Jiang Yuyan was too tired to think about it, moreover, at that moment she was just thinking about Lu Qiang.
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