"Lu Qiang! I..can't….." She wanted to say something, but her voice choked in her throat.
Lu Qiang understood her, and without waiting for her reply, he added, "I don't expect you to accept my love right now, right at this moment. I don't even expect you to love me back so soon. I just wanted to confess my feelings to you. You can have all the time in this world, and I will wait for you till the end because I know one day you will love me."
Lu Qiang didn't want to burden her or force her for anything. He knew there was something from her past that bothered and stopped her from moving ahead in life. He was ready to wait for her. In his heart, somewhere, he believed she liked him, but he wished to give her time to accept her feelings.
Jiang Yuyan looked at him as his every word touched her heart. Somewhere in her heart, she also wanted to express her feelings, but she stopped, reminding herself about her past.
coming soon....
1. Jiang YuYan's entry in the Lu mansion..
2. The mystery of her past..
3. Her confession to Lu Qiang..
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So keep voting...
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