Day 357 - 11:16 AM - Jalur Lohbener-Cirebon, Balongan, Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia
For the entire morning, Mark and his group carefully followed the trail.
The trail was not easy to trace. Although the people who left the trail passed by just a few days ago, it got broken and hidden here and there due to the fast-growing fauna in the area.
Fortunately, even if some parts of the trail were untraceable, the people who left it were going in a specific direction. These people were heading east.
While following the trail, Mark could not help but notice that they seemed to be following a rather odd path. The trail was not going straight east but had weird turns here and there.
But as Mark's group followed it through and observed the surroundings thoroughly, it became apparent why the trail was going through with different turns instead of a straight line.
Here's today's chapter...
Sorry guys for my absence in the past few days. Well, I'm sick in a not cool way again. I was writing this chapter a few days ago when my body suddenly flared with fever. Around 39 to 40°C. Seems like I caught some infection out of nowhere because I getting a few boils on my skin. Boils are the result of dead white blood cells, after all.
I just needed some rest. I'm feeling better now, but still a little weak. The worst thing is that I don't feel much pain, but my eyes are watering too much indicating I should be in a lot of pain. I guess, my pain threashold is getting higher to the point I'm not noticing the pain until it got too bad, huh. This is concerning,