"Let's go!" Ye Ling pulled Shen Qianshu's hand and walked out of the museum. Monica, Maxi, Meng Qi, and the others followed him out. They got on the mountain bikes and left for the high walls.
The hologram stretched through the desert. It was as if they were cycling in the city, but in actual fact, they were cycling in the desert.
"It's too late." Black Rose laughed casually. "You guys will be exploded into bits."
Shen Qianshu said, "Nothing can help you."
"Don't worry, when you die, I will send Fang Hongxiu to reunite with you very quickly. Then you can tell her about it."
Monica and Maxi remained silent. The few of them cycled to the high wall rapidly, and they basically ran over everything in their way. The high walls were opening up slowly. The selection test had ended.
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