"Surprise, surprise..." the intruder laughed.
Housekeeper Qin almost had a mini heart attack on seeing the intruder's face. Even in his dreams, he never thoughts that one day he would face something like this. But because of his training, he knew how to react instantly in this type of situation.
Quickly overcoming his initial shock, he narrowed his eyes at the intruder and he questioned, "Who are you? What do you want?"
"Hmmm... Don't you know who I am, Brother Qinqin?" Su Yanyan laughed.
"Don't act smart with me!" Housekeeper Qin roared. "Speak! Who sent you here? What do you want? Why is your purpose?" he asked.
"You don't have to shout. I can hear you properly. I don't have hearing problems like you old man." Su Yanyan smiled sitting on the bed. Ignoring Housekeeper Qin's vigilant gaze, she glanced all around the room, and seeing all the mess she had made, she smiled feeling very proud of herself.
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