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38.09% Powers of Majin Buu in a Fantasy World!? / Chapter 16: Monster Empress and Prima's Start!

Bab 16: Monster Empress and Prima's Start!


Majin has successfully left the country she began her journey in and has traveled to the south! The land of mostly ice and snow from what she's seeing. She hasn't found a suitable location for her start as the Monster Empress or Queen Monster while traveling along the ice. She hated the winter time and the cold back in her old world, but now looking at it again while not feeling the effects of chilly wind, it was actually kind of beautiful. The way the snowflakes fell gently from the sky. How the ice was so clear it was as if she was looking through a different world. All types of mystical and strange creatures were swimming, dashing, and slithering beneath the ice.

Eventually on her journey, she finally found her starting point. It was an abandoned village. The wooden fences were broken into pieces and the small huts were smashed. No signs of bodies or anything, just the wreckage and abandonment of a village.

"Either this village was occupied by little trolls or something else before it was destroyed.." Majin noted after seeing how tiny the huts were.

She looked all around the village and nodded her head.

"This is the perfect start. I have low knowledge of the surrounding area and basically nothing else. Now I just need to find some monsters.. The only monsters I saw on my way here were underwater and I don't know if they can breathe on land."

Majin started walking in circles while thinking about what type of low-level insignificant monster should she chose to start with.

"They need to be able to build, breed, learn, and evolve far enough to combat adventurers, Champions, demons, heroes, and more! But I don't know if the monsters in this world have limits to evolving."

Majin smiled.

"I guess I'll have to find out!"

Majin went off into the snowy woodland in search of her first monster species. As she aimlessly maneuvered her way through the white trees and crunchy snow, she found a group of snow deer retreating away from her direction.

"You little cuties can't run from me! I don't mind that you're hornless! I can still make you guys plenty lethal enough!" Majin shouted while chasing after the group of deer at a terrifying speed.

The deer made calls at each other and suddenly split off from each other and headed in all different directions.

"Smart too?! I definitely can't let you all escape!" Majin yelled excitedly.

She stretched her arms out and wrangled all the deer into one big pile with her at the center of it.

"Your fur is so soft….." She moaned slightly while rubbing her head on one of the deer's side.

They frantically tried to escape but Majin used light magic and chained them all together. They seemed to have realized that she was the superior creature and escape was a hopeless dream, except one little deer kept trying to use it's hooves to get the chain off of it's neck. Majin decided to keep her eye on this little deer as she "herded" the deer back to the annihilated very small village. She grouped them all up and started using nature magic. Green vines grew from the snowy earth and began to twist and knot all over each other. Once the vines made a concrete shape of a square fence it began growing fruits, flowers, vegetables, seeds, and mushrooms. There were icy-blue apples, entirely black flowers, orange mushrooms that gave off a warm aura, and a white carrot that expelled a holy feeling. Not that the deer knew what that felt like.

Majin smiled at the shocked and scared huddled up deer.

"Enjoy it while it lasts. Once I find some humanoid monsters that can build things, I'm limiting my magical uses. If I used all the power I have now there wouldn't be any fun! It's like a strategy game where my units do everything for me and I just tell them what to do and teach them how to do things." Majin explained to the deer who didn't understand a word of what she was saying.

Majin returned back to trekking through the snow-filled woodlands. For a long while, she saw no signs of anything.

'Either all the snow monsters are hibernating or I'm really terrible at finding monsters.. I didn't want to come to this but…'

Majin used soul magic to find monsters but came to an unexpected startling conclusion about monsters while stumbling upon a trio of reptilian-faced monsters. They had human-like bodies with ugly lizard faces. The three kobolds had different faces though. One was more snake-like, the other was more alligator-like, and the other one had the face of a turtle. All three of them were about the same height and draped white-fur over themselves.

'Monsters don't have souls in this world!' She realized.

'Boy am I lucky I found these guys. Now I just got to follow them to their den or whatever and then capture them all in one fell swoop.' Majin planned.

She sneakily followed the small reptilian humanoids.




They conversated while walking and the surroundings seemed strange. Random sizes of snow was rose from the ground and reminded her of snowmen. Then all of a sudden, the snake faced one licked out it's tongue and screeched.

"HISSSSSSS!" It turned towards her position.

'It can sense my body heat? That's a pretty neat ability.' She thought before witnessing the most disgusting and coolest thing ever.

Those previous mounds of risen snow transformed into snow monsters! They ripped the little kobolds apart and then started feasting on their flesh. Majin knew that she should feel some type of disgust at this sight or be grossed out but she just couldn't. The only thing she could think about was how badly she wanted these snowmen monsters. She didn't care about the blood, the ripped innards ruining the beautiful snow-filled ground, the munchy chewing noises the snowmen were making while eating the monster's body in entirety. Even bones weren't left alone.

As long as she's been in this world, she hasn't really killed killed someone. Yeah she's ripped out souls but she has never taken a life in the manner of actually murdering someone. She didn't count the monsters because just as she accidentally proven before, they're soulless. She might have to kill a being with a soul if she wanted to step into the position of Monster Empress in full sometime in the future.

She shook her head.

'That's something to list for later, but for now let's capture these snowmen.' Majin decided as the snowmen finished up their meal and were "walking" away.

Since they looked like regular snowmen when disguised they didn't have feet. She didn't know what process allowed the snowmen to glide across the snow like that but she would figure it out eventually.

Majin teleported in the middle of the snowmen and then created 5 portals that swallowed them, plopping them straight in the middle of her village. She teleported herself soon after and quickly held the snowmen in place who have already transformed into their monster state. They roared with their sharp snow mouth shaped to look like teeth and revealed their sharp claws that were previously just little harmless snow stubs.

With gravity magic she held them still and started using her mind control spell. When she was finished the snowmen started changing. Their snowy mass began moving around and thumping until they grew in size. Their claws and teeth turned into ice while their beady little black eyes stayed the same, still the same as mindless monsters.

"Good. I doubt the spell will work on the deer until I start making them do evil things along with the snowmen." Majin said while the snowman disguised themselves behind her.

"Get to fixing the village! I want all the fences gone and little huts gone." Majin ordered to the snowmen.

The snowmen started dragging themselves through the snow somehow without their hands and got to work.

She then started walking back to the deer noticed a few differences about them. There were 10 of them and they somehow evolved with the food she left behind for them.

"How the heck did you guys evolve through eating food? Did the food I grow have magical properties?!" Majin suddenly realized.

She wanted to check but the deer ate all she left behind! Even the ungrown seeds weren't spared. She separated the deer into 4 groups because they only evolved into four different types. Those that grew horns, those that grew bigger, those that gained an elemental magic, and those whose fur grew in large quantities. She got rid of the vine fence and recreated another one with light magic.

"Now let's see… How about Runes! There is probably something in the book about mind control!"

Majin took out the Rune book and began reading it while the snowmen cleared the village of trash and other things. The deer did nothing except try to hop out of the fence and escape. It would take Majin a little over a hour before she completely taken everything from the book.

"Rune magic is even more strict than normal rules for magic. But then again it isn't known as language of the ancient mortals for nothing."

Majin got up and found a clear area in the snow. She held out her index finger and infused it with mana. Then to test her new knowledge, Majin drew a symbol in the snow. The runic symbol began glowing a blue light, illuminating the symbol itself before the snow around the symbol hardened. Majin stomped on the ground and couldn't even leave a crack in the snow now.

"Perfect! Rune magic seems to be all about mana, intention, and how perfectly the symbol is drawn. Without all three of those things in perfect harmony, the spell would have been weakened or even failed. Another needed part of Runic arts is that a medium is necessary. Now let's get these deer under my control!" Majin shouted happily.

She flew above the fenced deer by using gravity magic and began drawing in the air with mana aimed at the snow underneath the deer. Once she finished the two symbols, they slowly fell towards where Majin wanted them to. An even brighter blue light glowed from the symbols and the deer were caught up in it. They panicked almost instantly and tried to flee, but the light fence halted all the escape attempts from the frightened and terrified animals. A pink symbol that stood for Obedience forged itself onto the forehead of the deer and they all settled down.

"Now my cute little monsters, it is time to begin the start of my rule! I wanted you to be cute little deer a while longer but it doesn't matter! The start of the Monster Empress begins here! In the now Village of The Netherrealm and soon Empire of the Netherrealm." Majin declared to the world.


After separating with the other two, Majin headed far far away from the Kingdom, to the very outskirts of the country. Where people were barely surviving against the weakest of creatures, barely being able to grow crops, and at the same time being forced to give a large portion of their crops to the Baron ruling over their tiny village. Majin and Tuff arrived at the worst of the worst with nothing more than the clothes on their back and an adventurous excited look in their eyes. Majin changed her clothes into something more peasant-like and also made her hair into a standard village girl's hair. These aren't the only changes she made though. She made herself as tall as the average man in this world, added some nice big perky assets on her chest, and a slight plump growth from behind.

"A ruler has to look the part as well, doesn't she Tuff?" Majin said with a smile on her face.

Tuff nodded his head and started walking with Majin into the heavily struggling human village. They walked in and saw that most of the villagers were barely fed and all working on something. Either it was their crops or their jobs. Even the children were helping out instead of having fun and doing normal children things. Majin was about to loudly announce something to the entire village but instead she was interrupted by barbaric yelling coming from the forest behind her. A group of bandits charged into the village and all the villagers with sullen and tired looks on their faces gathered together under the bandits' orders. Majin played along and also gathered with the villagers. She got strange looks from the villagers but they only looked at her with pity.

Once all the villagers were rounded up, the head bandit began talking.

"Where is the village chief?" He asked while some of the bandits started looking at the village women lecherously, mostly her however.

Majin held her head up high and held back a smirk.

'Don't bite off more than you can chew.'

The village chief announced himself and you could just see how he has lost all hope behind his eyes. He still kept up a strong front for his people though.

"You already know why we are here don't you? Tell us already." The bandit ordered while holding the weak and feeble village chief by his shirt.

"If you do this, we won't survive! We won't be able to give enough of our crops to the Baron and our families will starve! Please give us more time!" He pleaded.

He threw the elder on the ground. The villagers looked pained and hopeless. Children began to cry.

"We gave you enough time old man and it's sounding like you have just enough for us to take back to our base. Men get to searching, you'll have your fun later."

The bandits started ransacking through all the homes and shops. One bandit before he left even tried to touch her face! She swayed her head to the side and continued to look elsewhere, angering the bandit.

"I'll get first dibs on you later you little bitch. Wait for me." He spat while rubbing his crotch.

The village women looked at her with eyes trying to give condolences but she ignored them and continued to wait. The bandits took their sweet time ruining the already barely surviving village and returned with multiple things inside barrels. The bandit leader looked at all their loot and smiled.

"Seems like just enough for my men. You guys better work hard, I expect more in the future." He said with a smile before getting shot in the side by an arrow.

"ATTACK!" She heard come from the entrance of the village. A small group of 4 teenagers were there.

'These little scamps are outnumbered and probably out skilled and still decided to stage a straightforward attack. I guess it's time to step up..' Majin decided.

"Go get em Tuff." She whispered.

The bandits took out their weapons and charged at the four kids. Tuff jumped in the air and smashed the ground in the center of the charging bandit group. Forcing them off balance and falling to the ground. The kids were confused at the appearance of the cute and tough red creature but didn't let up and attacked the downed bandits with it.

The kids that probably classified as pre-teens in her old world were attacking with weapons much worse than the bandits they were trying to fight. Tuff easily took out the bandits while making sure the kids weren't harmed.

"Do we tie them up and call for the knights?" One of the kids asked before a tired-looking man slapped all four of the children across the head.

"ARE YOU FOUR OUT OF YOUR MINDS!? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELVES KILLED!" He shouted with anger and worry in his eyes.

The four kids tried to hold back tears from the pain.

"We couldn't just do nothing!" The blonde-haired kid shouted.

"You could have lost your lives trying to play hero! None of you having been properly trained and the village would've been fine!"

The blonde haired kid looked at the man angrily as tears flowed down his face.

"Now now, the kid has guts. That's something every future hero needs." Majin said while rubbing his hair.

"Don't encourage their reckless behavior! Are you trying to get them killed in the future!?" He shouted at her.

"I didn't say that attacking a group of bandit that hold hostages of the people you care about with sticks and arrows was a good idea. I said that having courage was good. And because of that courage, you have become my first knight." She smiled at him.

"What do you mean…?" He asked while wiping his tears away.

"You get to become the strong defender of the village along with your little friends."

The village elder came up to her.

"What are you talking about stranger?"

"I'm going to make this village flourish. You can keep your position as village elder or village head but I'll be the true head of the village."

"You're no better than the bandits! You… You…. Crazy woman!" He shouted.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm here to help you guys out. I'll improve the lives of all the villagers and then the village itself! Watch this."

Majin patted the blonde haired boy on the head and suddenly an explosive force of mana burst from his body until a grey cloud of smoke appeared over his head.

"I feel a strange energy flowing through my body…." He said softly to himself.

He tried to shoot something out of his palms but magic doesn't work like that. You need much more than being able to feel the mana in your body to create magic.

"You unlocked his mana….?" The village elder asked.

"Sure?" Majin responded unsure.

All she did was get the mana inside his body to start moving in the same way hers was.

"But only those from the Church and Highly ranked mages could unlock a person's potential…" He said as if his whole view of the world suddenly shattered.

"Nope. I'm special." Majin said while touching the heads of the other three and also getting their mana flowing.

The quiet glasses-wearing boy had a purple cloud of noxious fumes appeared over his, the plain village girl looking kid had a mana-shaped club over her head, and the purple haired girl who used the bow and arrow had a mana-shaped shield over her head.

"Nice. I can definitely make you four into great soldiers." Majin said.

The village elder bowed before her.

'Please… save our village…" He pleaded.

Majin looked at the village elder seriously before taking a look at the other villagers. They started bowing before her as well and she hasn't even shown any true power yet. All she did was get the mana flowing through some kids' bodies. Although she wanted something a humbler start for a beginning, this would be fine too.

"Understood village elder. I, Prima will now lead this village to prosperity and greatness! I will turn this place and everyone in it into the greatest they could ever become! All that I ask of you is to follow me. Follow me no matter where I decide to take you or what choices I make. As long as your lives are improved for the better and you are satisfied with your life, follow behind me. Journey with me as we become the greatest place in the entire kingdom!"

The villagers cheered and clapped, but they couldn't hold a party for her. As they were too poor, but Majin will be fixing this place up starting tomorrow. All the stolen loot from the bandits were taken back to where they belonged, the bandits were tied up and left for when the knights come to apprehend them, and Majin was given a very uncomfortable bed to sleep on.

It was the village elder's daughter's room he let her have. She left for a life of adventuring at the age of 18 and it seems she has never came back or sent any messages back home. So, Majin thought about the current state of the village and needed to learn more about her surroundings come tomorrow. She needed to know where to gain certain things needed for the village and are they in a safe location. So she slept with Tuff that night after thinking about how to improve this village and more.

CaptainBoyHole CaptainBoyHole

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible things you want (story wise, maybe an OC (short term), elements, quests, special items/object scenarios) No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there.

If you're giving an idea of a cheat or power for a transmigrator to have, please explain what series it comes from and the abilities of it. I don't know every series out there haha.

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