Here comes the long-awaited comparison to my first world! Not much is different, apart from the fact that there is a status here. Also, it appears that demi-humans (beastmen, elves, etc.) aren't discriminated against here, at least in Corus.
The magic systems are the same, and the existence of the Church is exactly the same. Although they were destroyed by me.
I may have also gone out of favour from the God because of this and lost most of my powers. I'm not admitting to it though.
Anyway, there's no mention at all about demons or demon lords and summoned heroes here. There were at least 20,000 books about such things in my first life. I actually met a summoned hero once as well! We had a nice chat about life on Earth. A pity he wasn't Japanese.
Enough about my past lives. I'm not here to recount them, I'm here to live my 4th life! I might have to find a chance to integrate Bloody Dumb Idiot's memories about my 3rd life sometime soon. I feel uneasy missing out on an entire life's worth of knowledge.
Back to the present. The dismantling area is more like a butcher shop, and there are multiple old men with large knives everywhere. Doesn't paint the best image, does it?
I expected there to at least be a loli holding an oversized knife, trying her best to earn money for her family. None of that here though. Hey! I'm not a lolicon!
The knives they hold are all Uncommon, and also made of Noxia. Seems like it's the best material available here. I'll have to make a sharp bone dagger and disguise it.
As I let my Dismantling skill take control of my body, I think of the possible schemes of Khardin.
The fact that he set up bases at oases is quite reasonable, since there is already a source of water there. However, I get the feeling that his actual goal is the Holy Spring Water, instead of exploration. Which means he knows of its effects. How did he get his hands on that information? Did the Church strike a deal? Or did he come across a rogue Appraiser who told him?
I don't want to deal with this kind of stuff, but if any of it is true then Arin and her party might be in trouble. I don't want them to suffer, since they did practically save my life and all. Totally not because I want to appear as a knight in shining armor in front of Arin. Nope!
Sigh… but then again, I'm not ready to face the entire Kingdom of Corus at all. I can't even beat Arin's party, and they are considered as trash in the larger world. What do I do?
My Skeleton Warriors could help. I might need to use the Grand Mage + Mage combination to create many level 30 Skeleton Warriors. It will take time though, and I only have a week until the quest.
Oops, seems like I finished dismantling. There's no need to sell anything at all. I can eat the meat, the poison is already disposed of, and the shell can be used to make armors.
I walk out under the astonished gazes of old men. Not the best feeling in the world.
I really need to do something about this. I am way too sensitive to the gazes of men, and it's absolutely disgusting. Maybe Ed can help.
'Hey Ed, can you block my sense of gazes, or redirect them all to you?' (Daniel)
'Hey! I enjoy their gazes about as much as you do!' (Ed)
'Please, Ed! I can't focus when stuff like this happens! Ah, but keep the female gazes on my own body please.' (Daniel)
'Y-You! What a pervert! Fine! But make sure you level up fast, alright? If you die, I also go back to dormancy.' (Ed)
'Yes, it's a deal! I don't want to die either.' (Daniel)
Almost instantly, I can feel a great load lifted off my shoulder. However, for whatever reason, I can see a little boy who goes by the name of Ed cringing and entering a foetal position. Poor Ed.
I go back to the inn. I speak to Catherine for a bit, and pay for another two weeks, which leaves me with less than 6 silvers. I really need more mana!
I need mana to make my Skeleton Warriors, and I need mana to make my weapons! What should I do first? It's around 10pm at night here. Ed keeps a digital clock in my brain, which is very helpful.
My current level of mana capacity and Mana Regeneration means I can fully recover after half an hour. But I also need sleep.
I'll make as many weapons as I can for one hour, then start making Skeleton Warriors. The existing 23 will remain dormant since they are only around level 10. Argh! I also need to make armors for my Warriors. I hope Ed comes up with some Legendary Mana Potions soon.
A week passed by. Today is the day of the exploration.
Since that night, I've made a total of 300 Noxia swords, and 14 LV30 Skeleton Warriors. My mana capacity has increased by 50 as well. Right now, I have to switch back my primary class to Magic Swordsman, and secondary class to Thief. The good thing is that I can still use all of my magic without a Mage class.
Unfortunately, Ed did not answer my intense plea. There have been no hidden quests that I've completed, and definitely no mana potions. Why are they even called hidden quests? It's not like there's actual quests anyway.
'There weren't any quests because I don't have enough information. Now that you've read up in the library, expect some! There will be rewards too!' (Ed)
Sweet! I really need to get stronger right now. I'm about to go against the Church and the nobility of the Kingdom of Corus after all. Maybe I'll turn into a fugitive again. Those were fun times.
It'll be a lot easier in this life, since I am self-sufficient! My Bone Manipulation and Necromancy have insane synergy, and I have a secure source of water and fire! The only thing missing is food, but I'm sure I'll come across a lot.
Anyway, let's not talk about that for now. Right now, I need a disguise, so no-one can connect me to the brazen adventurer who will go against Khardin. Luckily, Ed can help me make a fake Adventurer's Guild ID using bones. With that and slightly modified armor, I'll be unrecognizable! It'll be like adding glasses to my face!
4th chapter of the day.
I'm writing this with a slight fever so the quality might decrease.
Special thanks to DKstarcraft, 123411 and LeiShem for voting! And also to InvincibleGod and DKstarcraft again for reviewing!
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