Alfred Pennyworth: "I continue to pull and watch as master Wayne and young master Bruce reach the top of the well", How is young master Bruce?
TW: "Setting down Bruce", Oh! Bruce is fine,but he has nasty bump from hitting his head, he may need an xray.
Bruce Wayne: Yes! I feel fine Alfred, thank you for worrying.
AP: Of course master Bruce, but I am not the only one here that was worried.
BW: Who are you taking about? "Looks around to spot a little girl hiding behind Alfred with tears in her eyes", (oh yeah, in the movie Bruce Wayne was playing with Rachel Dawes before falling into the well,she looks cute),"walking up to Rachel I give her a hug and express my thanks", "I wipe the tears from Rachel's eyes", thanks for worrying Rachel and calling my dad.
RD: "Blushing at suddenly being hugged and cared for by Bruce", ( I don't remember Bruce being so caring like this), "smiling at Bruce",of couse Bruce, I was scared you hurt yourself falling down that well.
BW: I feel fine, but thanks for your concern.
TW: Alright now, let us head towards the hospital to examine Bruce, we can drop off miss Dawes home on the way.
RD: That is quite alright. If I may accompany Bruce to the hospital, I would like to be certain that Bruce is ok.
TW: That is very kind of you miss Dawes, what do you think Bruce?
BW: No problem. I could use the company.
TW: Please prepare the car Alfred.
AP: Right away sir!
(Gotham General Hospital)
TW: "Walking towards the front desk, I speak to the attending nurse", I would like to ask you to prepare a private room, I would like to use the xray.
Nurse: I will prepare one as soon as possible Mr.Wayne.
TW: :Waiting for approximately 5 minutes, the nurse escorts us to an empty room", Thank you for your help.
Nurse: You are very welcome.
TW: "Prepping the machine", Alright Bruce, go ahead and lie down,be sure to lay still.
BW: Yes sir. (As I lie down and get comfy, I close my eyes and hear the xray get to work. I start to ponder what I can do to grow stronger, plus it would be good to make some sort of plans to gain power). "After a few minutes, I hear the xray finish its scan".
TW: "I pick up Bruce's xray and open my eyes in shock at what I see". (What happened? Bruce's brain is showing a significant increase in activity. I have never seen something like this).
BW: " I stand up and notice my father furrowing his brows". (It seems that something is wrong, but not to a dangerous degree). Is something wrong father?
TW: "How should I explain this to Bruce" Well Bruce, It seems as if the bump to your noggin has become quite a gift.
RD: "Confused why Bruce's father would say such a thing, I open my mouth to ask", how does Bruce hurting himself become a gift?
BW: Yes father! Please explain.
TW: That hit to your head must have done something right, your brain has had a significant improvement in brain processing speed.
RD: Does that mean Bruce is more intelligent?
TW: Yes Rachel! All of Bruce's brain functions have had a major boost, but I recommend you be careful. Your brain is working overtime and is trying to adapt to its new speed, so you could easily fry your brain if you take in too much at once.
BW: (That's nothing new to me, but this body's mind may not be accustomed to it, I will take it slow and redevelop myself to take the stress off my mind). I understand father, I will be careful not to overdo it.
TW: More good news, you should have no problem with graduating school and college early with your learning speed.
RD: (Lucky! I should hit my head).
BW: (That should clear up my schedule to add training time and discover new ways to gain power). That sounds like the best news ever.
TW: ( It was wise to book a private room, I would not want anyone asking questions or spreading information about this to others). I would imagine so, but don't get ahead of yourself. You will still have to study and learn many things, but it will be a easier. Alright, we are done here,let's head home. Alfred must be bored waiting in the car.
RG: "Starts to giggle".
BW: "Smiling". That is true, better not keep Alred waiting.
AP: "As I watch everyone step into the car, I start the engine". How is master Bruce?
TW: No problem, just good news. The bump to Bruce's head seems to have awakened more of his brain and has increased his intellect.
AP: "Eyes opening in shock". Are you sure there is nothing wrong, I have never heard of this happening before.
TW: You and me both, but from my examination, he is perfectly healthy. Now Alfred, deliver miss Dawes home and we will speak more at home.
AP: Right away sir!
(Back at Wayne Manor)
TW: Bruce! Starting tomorrow we will discuss what to do about school. School will be way too boring for you so from now on, you will study at home and Alfred will watch you to make sure you're not slacking.
BW: (Good! I didn't even have to open my mouth and my father says exactly what I want to hear). I understand! I will work hard to make you proud.
TW: That's my boy, now go get ready for bed. I will explain everything to your mother.
BW: Yes sir! "I brush my teeth and change into some sleep wear, I do some aerobic stretching and afterwards get into bed". "I wait until my parents come wish me goodnight".
Martha Wayne: "I stare at Thomas in shock until I register what he has said". Are you sure he is ok?
TW; Yes Martha! I did the xray myself and I am glad I did. I don't want anyone to know about this, this would bring up too many questions that I don't have the answer to.
MW: I understand! I don't want others to disturb my son or ask to examine his brain.
TW: Exactly! I couldn't imagine how much attention this might bring. Now, let's go say goodnight to Bruce. Oh! Also I think it is a good idea to have Alfred homeschool Bruce, as he is too smart and will stick out like a sore thumb if he has such a tremendous change in learning speed.
MW: But what about making friends? The only friend he has is Rachel. I don't want him to become antisocial.
TW: How about after he learns all he needs to learn, we see if he is interested in some other activities. He could learn an instrument or play a sport.
MW: That is not a bad idea, but let us ask Bruce what he thinks.
TW: Good!
MW: (Following Thomas as we step into the room, I see Bruce already in bed). How are you Bruce, sorry mother couldn't be here when you got hurt.
BW: It's alright mother, no harm no foul. Besides father told you the good news didn't he?
TW: Yes Bruce! We have spoken and your mom agrees that starting tomorrow you will be homeschooled by Alfred and study here.
MW: That is what you want, right Bruce?
What about making friends?
BW: No problem mom! I have Rachel, plus I can make more friends later.
TW: Well Bruce, your mother and I spoke about you perhaps learning an instrument or joining a sport.
BW: (Good idea, I don't want to be stuck at home all day with Alfed). Let me think on it and I will get back to you on what I want to learn.
MW: " Giving Bruce a goodnight kiss". Alright Bruce. Just let us know and we will set it up for you.
TW: Goodnight champ.
BW: Goodnight. "I wait until my parents go to bed and start to think". (I can't wait to begin my studies and my training, might as well build up my foundation as a kid. Who can I ask to train me? Alfred might know some moves, couldn't hurt to ask. Only instruments worth learning are the piano, violin, drums, and guitar. I doubt I will have any trouble learning them so I guess I should focus on my body training instead. I will look into martial arts gyms later, for know though it's sleepy time).
I did a lot of thinking about what direction I wanted to take this. I have decided to go a different way because following the movies will limit my free thinking. Plus I figured he can start training as a kid and build up from there. He will study many fields and master them to perfection. For many villians I might give them a different backstory, as Bruce will definitely change a lot of things. Batman will become OP, but I will try to not let it happen too fast. 1 or 2 chapter a week perhaps.
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