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81.67% Get Back to You / Chapter 370: Christmas Eve - Part 2 - Anna and Jake (3)

Bab 370: Christmas Eve - Part 2 - Anna and Jake (3)

Part 3 - 'Let me take away your pain!'

Anna's eyes strayed like an explorer, never staying in a spot. Her gaze moved around the room, reading its energy enthusiastically. Jake booked a reservation in the infamous bar room. The restaurant itself has two rooms, the bar room, and the dining room.

The bar room is more lively and holds a friendly ambiance, whereas the dining room is much quieter and formal. Jake picked the bar room since it was where he took Anna on their first date.

Everywhere Anna looked, she appeared to be in awe, for this place brought back precious memories.

Meantime, Jake returned after saying his thanks to one of the bartender boys who helped him with the sudden reservation.



Anna called out.

Anna grew much lighter and exhibited a cheerful presence. It was quite the contrast to how she looked during the mass, but Jake is definitely in love with this Anna in front of him. He felt glad for the healthy change and smiled as he attended to her call.

"Look over there!" she signaled.

Jake followed to spot a couple dining heartily.

"That's where we sat!" Anna whispered as if she is revealing a big secret.

Jake acknowledged. It was closer to the window, giving a spectacular outside view of the garden.

Due to the sudden plan, Jake couldn't book the same table. Instead, he could only reserve a spot in the center, away from the view.

"I'm sorry! I wanted to reserve the same table, but-" he exclaimed.

However, Anna stopped him from feeling dejected. Plus, it would be silly to expect to get the same table as from their first date. Anna expressed how grateful she felt coming here today and that it didn't matter where they sat. Since being present in this room brings back good memories.

The waitress arrived with the menu card, and it was time to place their order.

"Do you remember the order from our first date?" Anna inquired out of curiosity after both finished placing their orders.

"Hmm... let's see- I remember we had some seafood," Jake seriously thought to answer.

"You- had scallops, and- I," he quickly answered to pause.

"You were able to tell mine right away and not yours?" Anna teased.

"That's because I kept looking at you," Jake shamelessly admitted, making his wife blush.

"What did I had?"


"Ah- I know! I got slow-cooked sea bass with sunchokes and something else- I don't remember clearly, but it tasted exquisite," he shamelessly admitted again.

Anna laughed.

It's been a long time since their first date, and the two have successfully come this far, which made them feel proud of each other.

Meanwhile, the waitress arrived at their table to fill their wine glass with some traditionally sweet Riesling wine.

Shortly, their food also arrived at the table.

"Herb stuffed chicken with celery root and black truffle remoulade for the madam," the waitress served Anna and then moved to Jake.

"Here's your Crusted Beef Tenderloin with green garlic pomme puree and wild onions,"

"Please enjoy your food, sir, ma'am!"

The waitress left swiftly after serving their dinner.

The dishes looked utterly stunning and appealing.

Either of them could wait hardly anymore.

Since both skipped lunch, their tummies began to grumble under sway.

Jake raised his glass to make a toast as Anna joined, and the two sipped their wine first. Obviously, the food came next, which was rich and packed with layers of flavors. The wine went well with the dinner.

Both uttered no words for the first few bites, relishing the taste and the pleasure it bore.

"It's delicious, isn't it?" Anna groaned out finally.


Jake vaguely responded as he got lost with how tender the meat got cooked.

Midway through their dinner, Anna couldn't help but admit.

"I'm feeling so happy right now, Jake. I'm glad we came out today!" she uttered to continue eating.

Her sudden confession startled her husband as Jake paused, cutting his meat to look at his wife, Anna.

"I- Is that so?" he stuttered.

"Well then, I'm glad," he added.

Anna accepted with a smile.

"I just want to let you know that I'm here for you and that you can sometimes rely on me when things get difficult."

Anna understood what Jake implied here. She knew it has to do with those unnecessary expectations from others. It is impossible trying to please everyone. Also, as a couple, it is their privacy to make decisions together and not get influenced by passing remarks.

If Anna felt relieved from attending the mass, then right now, she got genuinely happy from hearing her husband's kind words. It is what she needed the most. Talking to a close friend can help relieve the stress, but sharing the pain with a lover can heal the wound.

"I love you, Jake," Anna said.

Jake suddenly blushed from hearing her confession.

"I love you too, very much," he shyly looked away to admit.

Following the main course, the two chose to order the same dessert,

Pistachio Charlotte with Italian meringue and tangerine sorbet, which left them in cloud nine.

The dinner finally ended on a happy note, leaving the two defeated by the harmony of flavors. Both Jake and Anna enjoyed the food to their delight. Not only was their meal fantastic, but reminiscing the past returned joy and charm to their relationship. It was time to leave, having replenished their body with tasty food and their soul with warming conversations.

Jake requested Anna to wait while he says goodbye to his bartender friend.

Anna agreed to wait at a corner, away from the bar counter. She watched Jake approach the busy bartender for a brief farewell. The two exchanged words when Anna heard someone call her name.

"Anna?" the voice came from far.

Anna looked around, searching through the crowded scene.

"Is it Anna?" the voice chased.

Anna turned to wonder who it was, and soon, to her notice, she met a tall guy in his stylish attire approaching towards her. He appeared muscular and trim, much taller as he came close. Anna peered at his face to take a guess.

"Who is it- An- Anthony? Anthony! Is that you? Anthony Maze!" she shrieked in shock.

"Hey, Anna! Woah! Quiet down, please! It is me!" Anthony appealed.

Up closer, his defined features strongly appealed to make him more attractive. Anna's smile extended to welcome him with a warm hug.

Meanwhile, Jake expressed his deep gratitude to say his farewell and leave, but the moment he turned back, his gaze fell at the sight of someone embracing his wife.

Like the wind, he rushed to her side at once.

"Anna?" he called out to alert.

Anna quickly turned to his call, meeting Jake. Her smile hasn't faded yet, which alarmed the husband.

"Jake! Did you finish saying goodbye?" she inquired.

"Ah- yeah."

Jake replied, but his eyes were dead set on the other guy, studying his presence intently. Anna grasped his silent glares.

"Can you guess who this is?" she asked.

Not sure, Jake studied this stranger's face to lastly recognize him from seeing in some fashion magazines.

"Your- high school friend? Wait- uh, An- Anthony! Anthony, right?" Jake answered.


Anna followed to introduce Jake to her friend.

"Anthony, meet my husband, Jake!"

"Oh Wow,"

Anthony extended his hand to greet formally.

Jake followed.

"I finally get to see your husband now!" he commented playfully.

'Finally, get to see me?' Jake wondered.

"Shut up! How long has it been?" Anna inquired.

"Years! And you still look the same!" Anthony remarked.

'Stop staring at her, Mr. Anthony!' Jake smiled while inside he grunted.

"You too! But you got more handsome!" Anna chuckled from examining Anthony.

'Excuse me! Did she forget that I'm still here! More handsome! He's only-"

Jake paused his internal rant, joining his wife to examine Anthony's brawny physique that rivaled him undoubtedly.

'He is quite fit!' Jake admitted tortuously.

"So, how come you're here! Wait- let me guess, hmm, perhaps you're here to meet with your girlfriend!" Anna suspected.

'Please say yes!' Jake prayed.

"Absolutely not!" Anthony replied with a sneer.

Jake's face darkened from disappointment. It is not like he feels inferior to this random stranger who once attended their high school prom with his wife and has been told by Anna that he had some interest in his wife as well. Although Anna clearly declined his feelings, it doesn't mean that the guy is innocent. School love is not something to take lightly, especially meeting after years could evoke a rusted spark.

Jake couldn't help but get reminded of the images of Lillian Grey and Giselle.

Candidly, Anthony's reunion with his wife, Anna, began to bother Jake. Especially after sharing a delicious meal and talked about their dating stories. Jake took her to this particular restaurant to help Anna relive their magic. However, Anthony's presence is now disrupting the flow. Nevertheless, Jake remained quiet by his wife's side, listening keenly to their conversation.

Anna teased Anthony for a while, trying to get him to admit that he was indeed visiting his girlfriend, but Jake knew the truth all along. It was not the face of someone who comes here to meet their lover. Anthony's attire undoubtedly reflects his likes for partying. He must have come here to celebrate Christmas Eve with his friends in the bar room.

"Trust me, Anna. I came here to celebrate Christmas Eve with my friends," Anthony promised.

'Wow, I was right!' Jake thought.

"And we're going to party all night!" Anthony added to convince.

'Wow, right again!' Jake added too.

'See!' he glanced at his wife, who seem disappointed from his retreat.

"Fine! So, are they here already, your friends?" Anna asked, feeling worried if their little chat is interrupting Anthony's plan.

"Absolutely not! They are not here yet. I came early to pass some time," Anthony reassured.

"Plus, I'm glad I ran into you- uh- if it's not too much, why don't we chat for a while, do you mind-" Anthony invited.

Anthony uttered every word to Anna except saved the last few to aim at Jake.

'Wow, he has the common sense to get my permission first!' Jake thought with a grin on his face, granting his appeal.

The three then moved to the bar counter, where Anthony ordered sour whiskey straightaway while the other two had to go with virgin cocktails.

"You guys are not drinking?" Anthony asked.

"We just had dinner, so-" Anna brushed off. She knew Jake planned the evening. Hence, she can't spoil it by getting drunk early when the rest of the night is still alive to celebrate.

Thus began the story of how two friends- no, two old acquaintances catching up about their lives. Jake played the role of being an attentive listener while occasionally agreeing to his wife diligently. Most of their conversations included about their fellow students from high school and how they were doing.

Certainly, Lillian, Diego, and Giselle's name made an appearance collectively. Jake only knew these people out of the list. Though Anthony cared less about Diego and Giselle's life update, he was sure to react to Lillian's recent fame. He grew jealous of Anna for knowing the secret all along, asking in for juicy details, if there was any, about the famous writer, Gill. Anna took a moment to brag about her friendship with Lillian, which prompted Anthony to request Lillian's contact details. He wondered if he could get an interview with her for his magazine.

The conversation continued for a while until Anthony received a phone call. Not much time passed because his friends announced their arrival shortly.

Anna understood to say her farewell. Anthony sulked from seeing her wish to leave.

'Quit sulking, man!' Jake thought, feeling relieved from Anna's decision.

However, before letting her go, Anthony asked for Anna's contact, which she provided him unhesitantly.

Jake glanced at his wife and then back to Anthony, feeling dumbfounded with his vague attendance. He didn't react but silently kept throwing cold stares at Anthony's daring move.

Finally, after leaving the building, Jake and Anna stepped on to the road. Anna appeared cheerful from meeting an old friend. However, on her side, she saw Jake's face, completely expressionless. She couldn't pinpoint that her drastic change of mood from talking to her friend had made her husband worried.

Clueless, Anna asked where they are heading next.

Jake exhaled, feeling dispirited.

According to Jake's plan, there was one more spot left to visit to finish their perfect, romantic date.

Jake worried if there's still a chance for romance left for the night after watching his wife discuss her classmate's life stories seriously.

Regardless, he couldn't end their so-far perfect date because of an old intruder. Following his wife's expectation, he guided her to their next destination.


Anna got dragged behind. It's been so long since she came to this place as well. Hence, the fear was still fresh, making her go slowly. She looked up and down and then looked up again to find Jake moving ahead of her.

Anna called out his name while trembling all alone.

Jake stopped at once from hearing her cry. He turned to find his wife in her skating shoes, fawning like a newborn.

"Come on, An! Don't tell me you forgot how to ice-skate!" he groaned, turning back to continue his movements.

Anna got angry about his change of attitude. But, right now, it was not the situation to express her rage on her husband, who is far ahead.

Anna tried for once to believe in her muscle memory to let go of her fears and took a quick step forward. Her swift movement ended up making her lose balance on the rink. She glanced around and saw how people enjoyed this activity in groups or pairs. There were only a few who appeared to be complete beginners. Sharing their actions when she had already experienced made Anna feel embarrassed.

Looking for help, she searched to find Jake still moving away from her.

Anna screamed his name a few times, which made Jake return tenaciously.

"What happened?" he asked.

Anna got disturbed by his reaction. She blinked her eyes confusedly from processing his behavior.

"What is wrong, Jake?"

"Why are you like this?"

Anna inquired.

"Why? What?" Jake still feigned innocent.

"Don't 'What?' me!"

Just as Anna decided to confront him for leaving her alone, she determined the reason for Jake's change of attitude.

"Don't tell me- you're like this because of Anthony?" she guessed.

As expected, Jake's face responded.

"Wow, you do remember that I'm your wife, right?" Anna asked. She used him as support to stand up straight while still holding onto him.

Jake hissed to ignore because he didn't want Anna to figure it out.

"Jake Levine! Don't tell me you are jealous!" Anna ideally suggested.

Jake's face flustered as he began to turn back to skate his way away from his wife's teasing.

Anna couldn't resist but admire him in these moments. Soon, her fear naturally ceased, and she regained her balance to catch up to him, still being wary of accidental falls.

"Wait for me, my dear husband, who got jealous of a one-time prom partner!" Anna laughed out loud.

The surrounding eyes started to stare. Jake pushed his wife to take the lead as he urged her to stop shouting. But, it didn't work on her as Anna gripped that urge to continue teasing.

"Shut up! And go away! We're skating alone!"

"Wait for me, my dear husband, who got-"

Jake sped up to get away faster.

The two played hide and seek while ice-skating on the rink.

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