After what felt like an eternity and a single moment in time, Vahn opened his eyes to find himself staring outward at the edge of the arena. There, a series of cracks began to form as space and time folded inward, creating a phenomenon similar to an uncorked drain.
Watching the perennial purple flames being sucked into the void, a furrow marred Vahn's face as he stated in an audibly feminine voice, "The energy within my body exceeds the concept of infinity. Draining away my flames will accomplish nothing."
Feeling a sudden sense of incongruity, 'Vahn' blinked before his viewpoint suddenly shifted from the center of the arena to the edge, staring back at the Ethereal Queen from his non-existent form.
In a voice that caused the surrounding space to tremble, Vahn muttered, "Well, that was weird..." before manifesting 'within' the crack, completely unaffected by its encroachment. His 'body,' at least from the perspective of the Ethereal Queen, resembled a 2D outline as black as the void itself, outlined in white and possessing gold eyes set with rotating, aquamarine triangles.
Blinking in surprise, the Ethereal Queen dropped out of her lotus position and asked, "You fused with the Nothingness of the Void? I'll admit, that is going to make you marginally more problematic. However, my attacks can rend reality and birth concepts into existence. All you've accomplished is wasting both of our time."
Shaking his head, though it was difficult to tell he had moved at all, Vahn retorted, "Time is an illusion. It has no start or end point. Unless there is an intent to set it in motion, even entropy does not flow."
As Vahn's eerie, almost synthetic-sounding voice resonated through the arena, the white light lining his silhouette began to expand, forming the outline of a dragon with twelve wings. It was a lot smaller than his usual transformation, but the energy it exuded caused the 'crack' to widen at an exponential rate, eventually forming a flat 'plane' where concepts such as dimensionality simply didn't exist.
Realizing what Vahn was attempting, the pupils of the Ethereal Queen's cerulean eyes contracted, her proud demeanor showing its first signs of cracking as she muttered, "I're not trying to win. You're setting everything back to a point before concepts existed. Instead of erasure or destruction, you're 'nullifying' the Laws that grant me my power..."
Gripping her staff with both hands, fear blossomed within the Ethereal Queen's heart like a poisonous flower. What Vahn was attempting should not be possible. However, due to the immutable nature of Source Energy, he was the sole being capable of existing when all else ceased to be. He might never come close to that point, but he drew power from a Construct that gave form to Origin, transcending the Tier System in its entirety.
Raising his left hand, the whites of Vahn's eyes began to disappear as he slowly closed them, his voice gaining an unfathomably profound quality to it as he said, "Initiate Administrative Function: Null Protocol..."
Unwilling to go down without a fight, quite literally, the Ethereal Queen lost all of her composure as she surged forward with a battle cry. She was able to reach the surface of the plane in an instant, but even after striking it with her full-powered blow, nothing notable happened. Her attack could give form to reality, actualizing the death of her opponent, but it didn't so much as produce a shockwave. Then, before she could utter so much as a single word of protest, everything went dark...
Staring out at the endless nothingness that surrounded him, a world devoid of even the most fundamental concepts that formed reality, a paradoxical sense of loneliness and 'liberation' exuded from the core of Vahn's being. He couldn't shake the notion that all of his troubles were now over. That, so long as he didn't create a single thing, there would never be any pain and suffering again...
Fortunately for Vahn, even in his most 'base' form, he was never truly alone. His 'memory' encompassed all of reality, and, within the deepest trenches of his Soul, the potential of all things existed, eagerly awaiting their moment. More importantly, there was a voice that he could never separate from, its tone gentle, kind, and understanding despite carrying a profoundness that dwarfed even the Mantra of Eternity.
Floating amidst the nebulous cloud of potential that pervaded the entirety of Vahn's Soul, Sis, in all her naked glory, remarked, "You've really done it this time, haven't you? I honestly hoped you would never reach this point, but I'm so proud of what you've accomplished, Vahn. Just one more 'step,' and you'll have finally uncovered the truth of your existence. Now, I think it's about time we 'return.' Don't you?"
As he no longer had a voice with which to speak, even mentally, Vahn just closed his 'eyes.' Innumerable memories, preceding even his time as a lab rat, began to take shape within his mind. He saw himself making decisions for other people as if they were his own, as, at least for a time, he walked those paths alongside 'them.'
Just as Vahn felt as though he was deviating from his current path, Sis's arms gently wrapped around him, her form cycling through just as many iterations as himself. She was not always female, and he was not always male, but no matter which path they strode, they were always together in one form or another...
Always and forever...
Opening his eyes, Vahn rose with a start, his breathing ragged and body covered in a thick layer of sweat. A sea of rainbow-hued liquid stretched out from him as far as the eye could see, but he immediately recognized that he was in the 173rd layer of Gameboards, the entry to the Seraphic Gate no longer present.
Taking advantage of the fact Vahn was sitting upright, Sis manifested in his lap with a wry, slightly apologetic smile on her face. They were both naked, but that had never once gotten in the way of their intimacy, so she quickly enveloped him in her embrace, gently caressing Vahn's hair as he drowned in her soft and fragrant bosom.
Sensing the question forming in Vahn's mind, Sis explained, "It wasn't an illusion. You touched upon the essence of The Path, and, for the briefest of moments, the truth of all things. I want to tell you more, but that isn't the 'reason' we're here right now. Don't forget the 'purpose' you've given yourself, Vahn...the things and the people who drive you forward..."
Reciprocating Sis's embrace, Vahn remained silent for an extended length of time. He was still struggling to make sense of what had happened, but Sis's words resonated with something deep within him. Thus, even though he had innumerable questions, he knew they could wait. After all, he—no, they had so much 'more' than all the time in the world...
After calming himself adequately, Vahn raised his face from Sis's breasts, a fatigued smile on his face as he said, "I'm okay, now. Thanks for always being here for me..."
Returning a smile of her own, Sis combed aside Vahn's matted bangs as she replied, "Of course. You are my little brother, after all..."
Exhaling a chuckle, Vahn retorted, "We both know I'm so much more than that..."
Instead of refuting Vahn's words, Sis exhaled a chuckle before narrowing her eyes and replying, "Indeed. However, at least at this moment, on this particular path, you are my adorable little brother. That is the path you set for me."
Interrupting Vahn's response, Sis gave him another firm hug, smothering him for several seconds before releasing him to say, "We should return as soon as possible. After what you've experienced, it's important for you to interact with entities other than myself. I imagine Fenrir is panicking quite a bit right now. Be sure to give her plenty of headpats."
As if to demonstrate what Vahn should do once leaving the Game Boards, Sis gently caressed his head, aided by her Godhand. Because he offered no resistance, Vahn's body immediately lost consciousness, but his intent was still present, his voice echoing from their surroundings as he mused, "Someone's feeling mischievous..."
Instead of responding to Vahn's words with her own, Sis exhaled a deep-throated chuckle before disappearing. The sudden lack of support caused Vahn's body to plop into the rainbow-hued liquid that had filled the Game Board, but he didn't particularly mind. Instead, he allowed both it and the liquid to evaporate as he recreated himself outside the Game Boards, no longer restricted by concepts such as boundaries...
After what felt like an eternity, the Ethereal Queen opened her eyes to find herself seated in a Japanese-style room, her body veiled in a dark purple kimono. Across from her, Vahn silently nursed a ceramic teacup, their eyes meeting as memories of what had transpired flowed into the Ethereal Queen's mind.
Exhibiting no traces of her previous arrogance, the Ethereal Queen plainly stated, "This is my loss. Not only did you strip away everything that gave me form, you created me anew. I cannot imagine a more absolute defeat."
Though he nodded his head, Vahn's smile became apologetic as he said, "If it's any consolation, my raw power is nowhere near yours. I could pull the same stunt to achieve victory, but if I were to face you directly, I have no hope of triumph."
Feeling gratified by Vahn's words, the Ethereal Queen cracked a smile and combed aside the bangs framing the left side of her face. She would have derided anyone else for trying to compliment, but she didn't mind if it was someone she recognized as her superior. Vahn still had a ways to go if he wanted to compete with her in terms of speed, strength, and destructive capability, but the fact remained that there wasn't a thing she could do to defeat him.
"So, what now? Ordinarily, I would disappear shortly after my defeat. The concept I represent cannot endure if there are beings more powerful than me. What purpose would you assign me?"
Returning a smile of his own, Vahn explained, "I would have you fulfill that exact purpose, representing the absolute pinnacle of power."
Raising her brows, the Ethereal Queen questioned, "How can I represent the pinnacle if there is someone capable of ordering me around?"
Shaking his head, Vahn refuted, "I'm not ordering you around. Rather, I'm asking you to cooperate with me. Whether or not you accept is entirely up to you. After all, with your power, there is nothing I can do to prevent you from simply getting up and walking out of here..."
Looking away from Vahn, the Ethereal Queen briefly eyed the sliding door as if she was seriously mulling over whether or not to leave. Instead, she returned her gaze to Vahn, a hint of her arrogance returning to her face as she said, "I believe we can reach an accord. However, in exchange for my cooperation, there is something I require from you..."
Without waiting for Vahn's response, the Ethereal Queen tugged at the fabric of her pink obi, permitting her kimono to slide from her shoulders. This was a rare opportunity for her to act outside her given purpose, so, as if the matter was already decided, she crawled toward Vahn on all fours, her bearing resembling a starving lioness coming upon an injured gazelle...
"Let's see if your sexual prowess is as lackluster as your capacity as a warrior..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Admin has entered the game...','Peeling back the veil...','Vahn might actually be able to win this one...')
Following the announcement of the Garden-wide Gift Game, the first of its kind in more than seven thousand years, the Little Garden was abuzz with anticipation and heightened tensions.
Though it was never explicitly announced that Vahn was the cause of the event, speculation ran rampant after information leaked from a number of Communities in the Inner Gates. As a result, the Leaders of thousands of Communities were attempting to reach out to them, some seeking to ally while others sought information.
Unfortunately, while Vahn was usually receptive to the outreach of other Communities, the doors of the Sage Dragon's Hearth and the gates of the Aldrnari Empire had been closed off in preparation for the impending Gift Game. He did meet with the Leaders of several affiliate Communities, but all he could really do for them was wish them luck. After all, while there were no rules prohibiting cooperation, there could only be a single victor once the dust settled and the smoke cleared.
One of the few groups Vahn didn't immediately send away, for obvious reasons, was the No Names. Yo, Asuka, Izayoi, and Lily had arrived less than twenty minutes after the Garden-wide announcement, so Vahn gave them a much more detailed explanation of what had transpired behind the scenes before lending them a Game Board at the request of Asuka. Izayoi had originally wanted to enter an Actualized World to 'maximize his gains,' but Asuka shot him down as she didn't want to spend decades, if not tens of thousands of years, preparing for a single game.
Shortly after sending off the quartet with a Game Board they could freely customize, Vahn found himself roped into training with Kale, Caulifla, Yuri, Madara, Mordred, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, and several others. The Ethereal Queen had agreed to sit things out until the Gift Game was nearing its conclusion, so they would have ample opportunity to cut loose and make a name for themselves...
With only a few hours remaining before the commencement of the Gift Game, Vahn was enjoying nap time with his and Black Rabbit's kittens when someone unexpected appeared outside the Sage Dragon's Hearth. They were about to turn away after seeing the sign posted outside, but Vahn figured he might as well give them a chance to rebuild the bridge they had unceremoniously burned twice.
Finding Vahn towering above her the moment she turned around, Laulau practically leaped out of her skin before abruptly leaping back to draw a sword that could humble even Ichigo. It was easily longer than she was tall, exceptionally thick, and, based on the subtle distortions it caused in the gravitational force of the Little Graden, ridiculously heavy.
Realizing it was Vahn who startled her, Laulau's eyes widened before she promptly put away her sword. Then, with a slightly reddened face and twitching ears, she averted her eyes and softly complained, "It isn't good to sneak up on people like that..."
Adopting a faint smile, Vahn surprised Laulau with a curt, "Sorry about that," before questioning, "Now then, what can I do for you, Ms. Pantera? I take it you didn't come all this way just to turn away and give up at the door?"
Inhaling a deep, steadying breath, Laulau looked around to find that no one was paying attention to her or Vahn. A sizeable crowd had gathered outside with the intent of requesting Vahn's services, but none of them so much as batted an eye in response to his actual presence.
Preempting Laulau's question, Vahn explained, "Just a little trick I picked up to prevent people from badgering me when I just want to walk around for a bit. Now please, speak freely. Or would you rather speak somewhere more private?"
Balling her hands into fists, Laulau briefly hesitated before surprising Vahn by dropping to her knees. He half-expected her to dogeza with her head pressed to the ground, but she took things several steps further by rolling onto her back and presenting her belly.
With a ruddy expression that looked like she was prepared to bite him if he dared to touch her stomach, Laulau was practically growling as she said, "I wanted to apologize for my previous actions...I was out of line and suspected you without merit..."
Though he initially planned to dismiss Laulau's apology as water under the bridge, Vahn understood that would likely have the opposite in this particular situation. Laulau was going out of her way to shame herself in front of him, so she presumably wouldn't take kindly to him dismissing the matter outright.
Forcing a smile, Vahn gave a curt nod and stated, "I accept your apology. I also understand the importance of appearing strong during negotiations, so I have no intention of holding a grudge against you or the Draco Greif Alliance."
Relieved by Vahn's words, Laulau exhaled a sigh before rolling backward and bouncing back to her feet. She hated apologizing to others, not just because it made her appear weak, but because of the unique customs of her tribe. Fortunately, Vahn had accepted her apology quickly as tradition dictated she would have needed to let him step on her abdomen until she peed herself...
After quickly fixing her clothing, Laulau regained her previous edge as she stared at Vahn and asserted, "Apologizing isn't the only reason I traveled here from the South. If the offer still stands, I intend to request the aid of the Sage Dragon's Hearth."
Nodding his head, Vahn revealed, "I am well aware of the reason for your visit. Here, catch."
Though she was a little caught off guard, Laulau managed to catch the object Vahn threw at her with considerable ease. It resembled an ornate glass bottle filled with a strange grey liquid, so she couldn't help asking, "What am I supposed to do with this...?
Before Vahn could answer, the bottle's black and white stopper popped off, freeing the ghostly entity within. Laulau nearly tossed it aside, but, not wanting to appear weak in front of Vahn, she stood her ground and stared intently at the grey, white, and blue creature that had emerged. It vaguely resembled a snow leopard but had a mane of ghostly energy and patterns of crystalline ice covering its body.
Giving some insight into the creature's identity, Vahn explained, "This is Gelid, the Lord of Ice. He is an entity known as a Companion, one of the most powerful of his kin. If you can prove yourself worthy of his trust, he will fight alongside you and drastically increase the rate of your spiritual development. He can't bestow you power directly, but so long as you are willing to make an effort, he can help you become much, much stronger..."
Resisting the urge to swallow the knot in her throat, Laulau did her best to appear unafraid as she furrowed her brows and asked, "What do I need to do to earn your trust...?"
As the question was directed toward it, Gelid adopted an uncanny smile as it telepathically replied, "Weakness may not be a sin, but staying weak is. If you desire my companionship, prove to me you have what it takes to transcend your limits and rule over others."
Without waiting for Laulau's response, Gelid turned into a ghostly grey, blue, and white mist, surging into her chest. The former felt a powerful chill permeate her entire body but felt no discomfort. Instead, she felt a clarity of mind she had never experienced before, her senses sharpening to the point she could 'feel' the presence of every living creature within a 30km radius.
As Laulau was still recovering from the shock of Gelid unceremoniously making itself at home within her petite frame, Vahn pulled out two more items from his Inventory. The first was a palm-sized coliseum, a Game Board that would allow Laulau to challenge powerful opponents from a multitude of Vahn's Actualized Worlds, while the second was an Asauchi, the base form of Zanpakuto.
Hearing the explanation of both items, Laulau's mouth gradually formed into an 'o' as she gawked at Vahn with a look that screamed disbelief. Her original intent was to request an A, maybe S-Rank Gift she could use as a stepping stool to secure her status as FLoor Master. In exchange, she had been willing to pay just about any price, yet, without asking for anything in return, Vahn bestowed her the means to enhance her strength, seemingly without limit. The coliseum even had a function that awarded challengers for each stage they completed, prizes ranging from personalized Gifts to custom armaments...
As Laulau's gaze began exhibiting an internal struggle, Vahn adopted his best smile and said, "Just take them. Doing so will save me the hassle of having to grant requests from other members of your Community. Now, if they want to grow strong, they just need your permission to challenge the coliseum. It can be configured to allow multiple people entry into unique instances, so feel free to use it as a training tool for the entire Draco Greif Alliance."
Instead of feeling relief at Vahn's words, Laulau's conflicted expression morphed into a pout as she stared down at the coliseum with her amber eyes. As allies, she believed that the Aldrnari Empire and the Draco Greif Alliance should have a reciprocal relationship. However, even if she gave him her body, that wouldn't come close to the value of the items she had received from Vahn. The coliseum, alone, was something that could serve as a pillar for generations to come...
Seeing through Laulau's thoughts, Vahn's expression softened as he said, "The value of an object can change drastically from person to person. If they are on the verge of death due to dehydration, the value of a simple cup of water could surpass a mountain of gold. While those items might mean a great deal to the Draco Greif Alliance, they are not something I'll miss. In fact, had I not given them to you, they might never see the light of day. It is only because you have a use for them that they have such an extreme value in your me, they are just trinkets..."
*I take exception to that...*
Ignoring Gelid's voice within his head, Vahn maintained his smile until Laulau exhaled a defeated sigh and muttered, "I understand...thank you for everything you've done for my people. One day, I will return this favor with something of value to you..."
Exhaling a light chuckle, Vahn's smile broadened as he said, "Do your best to lead your people into an era of peace and prosperity. There is nothing I value more than the happiness, well-being, and freedom of others."
Hanging her head, Laulau carefully considered each of Vahn's words. She couldn't fully comprehend what he was trying to convey, but she admired the sentiment. At the very least, she no longer viewed Vahn as a greedy and licentious God who took advantage of his station and wealth to bend others to his will.
Adopting a faint smile, Laulau's tail swished behind her as she raised her head, meeting Vahn's gaze as she said, "I will remember this kindness for as long as I live. If the Aldrnari Empire ever finds itself in a position where it requires aid, the Draco Greif Alliance will respond to the call without fail. I swear upon my pride as a member of the Pantera Tribe."
Nodding his head in approval, Vahn responded, "I'll hold you to it." before gesturing toward the Sage Dragon's Hearth and asking, "Did you want to take a look around before you returned to the South?"
Though she was more than a little interested in doing exactly that, Laulau didn't hesitate to shake her head and say, "Some other time, perhaps. For now, I must return to the South and finish my preparations for the coming Gift Game. I imagine the Representative you have chosen will be a warrior beyond compare. If I am to have any hope of prevailing, I must spend the next few hours wisely."
With nothing else to say, Laulau gave Vahn a sincerely respectful bow before turning around and taking off like a rocket. She wasn't able to fly, but her leaps could carry her tens of thousands of kilometers in a single bound. Thus, in the blink of an eye, Vahn found himself alone, exhaling a light chuckle as he waved his hand to erase the tell-tale aroma lingering in the air...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn should rename himself to Santa...','The items collecting dust in Vahn's Inventory would make the Little Garden lose its proverbial shit xD...','Nothing escapes a Dragon's senses (O w O)...')
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