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98.81% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2332: Nomination

Bab 2332: Nomination

Though he only had twenty-four hours to make a decision, Vahn was in no hurry to do so. Said twenty-four hours was referring to the amount of time that passed 'outside,' so he could mull over his decision for days, months, or even years, thanks to his ability to manipulate time.

With this in mind, Vahn decided to consult with Sis, the Council of Wives, and just about everyone who had branched out to assemble a Community of their own. The Win Condition of the Gift Game may have specified that only a single person could triumph, but there were no rules or restrictions prohibiting Representatives from working together.

After hearing what Vahn had to say, Eva was among the first to offer her input, asking, "Why not just implant one of your Templates into each of our affiliates? So long as they weren't the Leader of a Community, there are no Restrictions stating transfers are prohibited."

Shaking his head, Vahn replied, "While that's a good idea, I'm not going to deprive others of the opportunity to participate. There is also the issue of Authority. Without the benefits it provides, most of my Templates wouldn't even be able to harm the Avataras hailing from the Inner Gates."

Unable to restrain herself, Wu chimed in to complain, "This Gift Game is a load of bullshit. They claim that the Rules and Restrictions are intended to make things fair, but they're just an excuse to stack the deck in their favor. Even if I sent forth my most powerful subordinate, they wouldn't be able to do jack shit against those monsters from the Inner Gates."

Though he was of a similar mindset, Vahn could understand why entities such as himself and Wu were prohibited from participating. The latter was regarded as the most indestructible entity in all of Creation, so unless she surrendered, she basically couldn't lose.

"I understand where you're coming from, I really do. However, the Game's conditions have already been determined. Participation is also mandatory, so all we can do at this point is play by the rules or surrender out of spite."

Clicking her tongue, Wu bounced to her feet and said, "I need to blow off some steam." before promptly departing the meeting room. The look she gave Vahn made it clear she expected him to accompany her, so, while his original self remained seated, another manifested in the hallway, ready to receive her.

Choosing to insert herself into the conversation, Da Vinci asked, "Would you like me to run some simulations to determine which of our available members can best cooperate? I can also participate as a Representative, but I'd rather not get involved in such a public contest."

As the Leader of her Community was actually Luvia, Da Vinci was one of the people Vahn was considering as the Aldrnari Empire's Representative. She didn't like to stand out, but her raw power and ingenuity gave her an advantage over just about anyone, Authority excluded.

Interrupting before Vahn could respond, Ureko elected to follow in Wu's footsteps, complaining, "Man, if I had known an event like this was going to occur, I would have put Yuri in charge..."

Prompted by the remark, Yuri burst out laughing, much to the chagrin of Ureko and just about everyone else in a similar position. Those that had set out to establish Communities of their own did so because they either enjoyed fighting or wanted to help Vahn, so they were more than a little annoyed by the notion they were being forced to sit out.

Drawing the gazes of everyone giving Yuri a stink eye, Vahn exhaled a sigh and muttered, "I know how you feel...everything I did these past few days was with the belief I would be settling things personally. Now, even though I'm just two steps away from completing my goal, I have to rely on others at one of the most critical junctures..."

Realizing how his words could be misconstrued, Vahn's smile became wry as he scratched the back of his head and asserted, "Not that I don't trust each of you..."

With his comment eliciting a series of sighs, giggles, and eye rolls, Vahn was moments away from apologizing when Artoria chimed in to question, "Would the most appropriate choice not be Sis? I can't imagine her losing, not when she shares your power."

Having anticipated such a question, Sis took it upon herself to respond, "I am directly linked to Vahn, so the Central Network views us as two halves of the same entity. I prefer things staying that way, so I'll have to ask that you forgive me. I can provide support, but I can't participate directly."

Instead of questioning Sis's claim, Artoria supplied an understanding nod, adding, "My power is also reliant on Vahn, so I would be a poor choice as a Representative. What about you, Eva? With your understanding of Magic and Martial Arts, you should be able to perform well."

Without any hesitation whatsoever, Eva shook her head and stated, "I'll participate if Vahn asks me to, but I've already retired. Besides, if those are the only conditions, Asuna would be a more suitable candidate."

Pointing toward herself, Asuna expressed a hint of shock as she asked, "Me? You can't be serious, right? While I'm confident in my strength, I'm nowhere near the strongest person present. If the rules don't prevent aggregate entities from participating, Kefla would be a better choice. I mean, I've never blown up a planet before."

Excited by the notion, Caulifla promptly stood up, smacking the table in the process as she exclaimed, "Heck yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Count me in...!"

Though she was weaker than Broly in his Sage Mode, Caulifla was fairly confident in her fusion with Kale. The thought of engaging millions in a contest of strength also left her feeling hot and bothered, so much so that her golden fur immediately transitioned into a shade of pink.

With Caulifla eying him like a piece of meat, the smile on Vahn's face became wrier as he replied, "I don't mind letting you participate as the representative of the Sage Dragon's Hearth. However, as powerful as you are in your fused state, I can't imagine you and Kale emerging as the final victor. If you lose your cool, you might even harm your allies..."

Furrowing her brows, Caulifla wanted to retort Vahn's words but remained silent. She knew better than anyone how 'unstable' she and Kale could be in their fused state, so she ultimately returned to her seat and crossed her arms with a defiant huff.

While making a mental note to 'apologize' to the two Saiyanesses once the meeting had concluded, Vahn surprised nearly everyone present by directing his gaze to Seraphina, asking, "How about it, Sera? There are no Rules or Restrictions against summoning, so your ability would prove fairly useful in a situation such as this."

Equally as surprised as everyone else, Seraphina stared at Vahn as if he were an idiot, silence overwhelming the atmosphere for several awkward moments before she eventually retorted, "Did you replace your brain with a lump of iron? My ability might be helpful against the plebian fodder, but I can't even defeat Usalia. Besides, without my 'Authority,' there's a good chance my subordinates would turn against me if I summoned someone too powerful. Use your head, Vahn."

Realizing his mistake, Vahn exhaled an awkward chuckle before coughing to cover his embarrassment. In truth, he was just giving Seraphina a bit of face. He never anticipated that she would 'rebuke' him so harshly, at least not in front of so many people...

With the gazes and glares of nearly everyone present veering toward her, Seraphina shuddered involuntarily. Fenrir's gaze, in particular, caused her skin to crawl, so, even though she wasn't ordinarily the type of person to apologize, she hugged herself, forced an awkward smile, and said, "I may have been a bit harsh...sorry..."

Shaking his head, Vahn exuded a calming aura as he assured, "No need to apologize. I should have put more consideration into my words. I'm just at a loss after this unexpected development..."

Deciding to help Vahn transition back to the matter at hand, Da Vinci gave one of her mesmerizing smiles, proposing, "Why not make use of that little trinket you've been holding onto all these years? At least by defeating her, you'll feel like you've contributed directly to our victory."

Though he was momentarily confused by Da Vinci's words, the realization of who she was referring to hit him like a ton of bricks. He almost couldn't believe she was the one making such a proposal, as, viewed objectively, it was like manifesting a literal sun to light a candle.

As it was pretty rare to see Vahn stupefied, Da Vinci covered her mouth to suppress a throaty chuckle before lowering her hand, narrowing her eyes, and stating, "You already feel as though you're powerful enough to defeat the current rulers of the Little Garden. This is an opportunity to prove it to yourself. Afterward, what could possibly stand in your way...?"

Confused by Da Vinci's unnecessarily roundabout way of speaking, Fenrir gave voice to the majority's confusion, questioning, "What are you talking about? There isn't anyone Master can't defeat."

Instead of refuting Fenrir's words, Da Vinci's smile broadened as she said, "I agree, completely. If I didn't, I wouldn't have made such a suggestion."

As Da Vinci's words didn't really explain anything, Vahn assuaged Fenrir's growing frustrations by revealing, "She is suggesting I utilize the Ethereal Queen's Grace, summoning her into this world. It's just...even after all this time, I'm not confident in my ability to succeed. I've fought the version in my Actualized Worlds more than a thousand times and never come out on top..."

Though many of the people present knew about Vahn's occasional bouts against the Ethereal Queen, it was difficult for them to imagine him losing more than a thousand times. Vahn wasn't the type of person to stay down in a fight, even if he was utterly obliterated, so they couldn't imagine a set of circumstances where he would suffer a legitimate defeat.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Vahn forced a smile and scratched the back of his head a second time, admitting, "Well, I could probably win if I went 'all out.' When I'm in the Actualized Worlds, I tend to play by their rules. If I ignored them entirely, I can't imagine myself losing..."

Causing Vahn to feel even more embarrassed, a chorus of relieved sighs emanated from nearly everyone present. In their minds, he represented a pinnacle that couldn't be overcome, so it was difficult for them to accept him struggling against even the most powerful and ludicrous opponents. After all, this was Vahn they were talking about...even Da Vinci couldn't imagine a more irrationally overpowered existence...

With the matter all but decided, Vahn, assuming he would emerge as the victor, agreed that the Ethereal Queen would serve as the Representative of the Aldrnari Empire. Given what she represented, the odds of anyone, even the Big Three, defeating her were so infinitesimal they might as well be zero. Thus, the only things left to determine were the Representatives of every other Community affiliated with the Aldrnari Empire, starting with Kefla representing the Sage Dragon Hearth...




As she hadn't been invited to participate in the discussion between Vahn and his bevy of beauties, Shiroyasha had been peeking in on them from the comfort of her private quarters. She had already designated Algol as her Representative, so she was just passing the time while others scurried about making preparations.

"So he actually went with the Ethereal Queen...It seems my worries were unfounded..."

Though she had never met the Ethereal Queen in person, Shiroyasha had seen several of Vahn's attempts to overcome her. She had been given an identical setup to Sandora, so whenever she was bored, she would flip on her television and see what Vahn's Templates were up to in his Actualized Worlds. They were some of the only worlds where her omnipotence didn't apply, so she had quickly gotten addicted to their content.

With nothing better to do, Shiroyasha laid on her side before manifesting a bag of rice crackers and switching on her TV to a scene of Vahn 'spying' on Mikoto during her early days in the Toaruverse. Mikoto was one of the people most likely to be designated as the Representative for the Aldrnari Empire, so Shiroyasha had been shoring up her knowledge of the peculiar Electromaster. Not because she wanted to plan around Vahn, but because she had been appointed as the Host of the impending Gift Game...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Wu be like, "Fuck this shit, I'm out..."','Seraphina is playing with fire...','Da Vinci doing her thing, as usual xD...')

Bab 2333: Infinite vs Absolute

With the conference ending after three and a half hours, Vahn promptly began preparations to summon the Ethereal Queen. He didn't want to take any chances, so he readied numerous gameboards and 'stacked' them on top of each other, ultimately forming 173 layers of separation between the battleground and the outside world.

Once his preliminary preparations were complete, Vahn unleashed Laev-tan in her Shukai form. Then, after creating a massive seal to stabilize the contained space, he spent the better part of three months meditating. He wanted to be at his absolute best during the battle, so he made use of the Mantra of Eternity to focus his mind and resonate with his Zanpakuto.

By the time Vahn finished his preparations, he could have given Scathach and the original Alaya a run for their money with how calm he was. Unlike them, however, he wasn't cold and emotionless. Rather, he felt so attuned to his surroundings that he could 'feel' individual particles moving around him, much like a stream coursing around a rock.

In a voice that caused those very particles to tremble, resonating with his tone, Vahn muttered, "It's time..."

As his myriad Zanpakuto Spirits disappeared around him, rejoining with his essence, Vahn manifested what appeared to be a simple, albeit solid gold, arcade token from his Inventory. Knowledge of its use instantly pervaded his mind, so he slotted it into the void itself, an audible 'click' sounding as it plunged into a mechanism that alluded even his senses.

Once the coin presumably reached its terminal point, star-like vertices appeared in front of Vahn before lines linked them together, ultimately forming a three-dimensional, door-shaped constellation. It had a fairly simple design, but the hairs on Vahn's arms abruptly stood on end as he extended his hand toward the doorknob.

*Beyond this gate lies the final challenge for those who seek the pinnacle of strength. Take heed, for once you pass through, the only way to depart is via Victory or Annihilation.*

Hearing the vaguely familiar voice, seemingly originating from his soul, a faint smile developed across Vahn's face as he unhesitantly opened and stepped through the door. What awaited him on the opposite side was a circular platform form of golden energy. The runes on its surface gave the platform the impression it was an ancient magic circle, but Vahn only paid loose attention to such details as he focused his gaze on the cerulean-eyed femme-fatale hovering against the backdrop of a massive, stained glass window.

Standing at the height of 185cm, this version of the Ethereal Queen was among the tallest Vahn had encountered. Her luminous golden hair was parted neatly at her scalp, perfectly framing her face while the longest locks extended to her ankles. Her proportions rivaled those of Da Vinci; full breasts, thin waist, wide hips, and tone thighs thinly veiled beneath black, purple, and golden garments that clung to her frame. A complex halo resembling a magic circle rotated above her, and two ghostly wings protruded from her lower back like purple flames intermixed with hints of green.

Brandishing a halberd-like staff, the Ethereal Queen exuded a haughty aura as she met Vahn's gaze and mused, "You must be remarkably brave or stupid to have challenged me. I'll give you one chance. Bow before me, and I might consider accepting you as my servant. Deny me, and not even your soul will remain."

Though she looked distinctly different from the Ethereal Queens he had faced in the past, Vahn couldn't help feeling a sense of familiarity when he heard the golden-haired Celestial's proposition. Several other versions of her had given him similar offers, but, just as he did each and every one of them, Vahn adopted a smile and teased, "Good luck with that. I might not be your equal, but I'm also someone you can never defeat."

Raising her perfectly sculpted brows, the Ethereal Queen, clearly taken aback by Vahn's words, paused for a moment before responding, "You're definitely a fool..."

Immediately following the Ethereal Queen's words, the 'door' behind Vahn promptly slammed shut. At the same time, the runes adorning the golden platform beneath him began to revolve rapidly as various restrictions were imposed on the surrounding space, restricting flight and making it 'nearly' impossible to move beyond the bounds of the arena.

With the stage set for their battle, Vahn didn't wait around for the Ethereal Queen to attack. He hadn't spent months meditating just to idle about, so he stepped forward at an unimaginable speed while spreading his domain to reverse the order of entropy. He knew it wouldn't actually reverse time for the Etheral Queens, but by constantly changing the flow and direction, Vahn could mess with her reaction time.

Seeing through Vahn's intent in an instant, the Ethereal Queen snorted in disdain, brandishing her staff as she expressed, "Your paltry tricks won't work against me. True power is immutable...!"

Punctuating her words, the Ethereal Queen met Vahn's attack directly, a contemptuous look on her face as she attempted to send him flying to the far side of the arena. What she didn't expect was that the moment Laev-tan made contact with her staff, the Ultimatum, an irresistible 'vibration' transmitted into her body, the byproduct of a functionally infinite number of overlapping strikes.

Caught off guard, even if only for a moment, the Ethereal Queen's proud posture buckled, her knee impacting the golden platform and causing so many ripples it appeared to turn completely white.

Understanding he wouldn't get a similar chance, another version of Vahn manifested behind the Ethereal Queen, his expression a mask of cold indifference as he attempted to stab her in the back, impaling her heart. Instead, the moment his blade pricked her skin, two more sets of purple, black, and green wings erupted from the Ethereal Queen's back, followed by an invisible, ostensibly irresistible shockwave.

Taking advantage of the moment when Vahn's forward momentum was overpowered by the release of her wings, the Ethereal Queen spun around so quickly that she appeared to be facing both versions of him simultaneously. Her staff also traced a completely unreadable trajectory, producing so many afterimages it appeared to cut off every conceivable path simultaneously.

As the all-encompassing strike closed around him, Vahn cracked a smile, surprising the Ethereal Queen by offering no resistance to her strike. The moment it made contact with him, he was annihilated so thoroughly there wasn't even atomic ash left behind.

Narrowing her eyes, the Ethereal Queen adopted a rare defensive posture as she demanded to know, "What trickery is this? That attack should have obliterated you..."

Instead of refuting the Ethereal Queen's words, Vahn's voice echoed from the surroundings as he admitted, "It did. Unfortunately for you, there is an intrinsic aspect of my character that can never be destroyed. I am formed of an energy that permits for the very possibility of existence...even if you strike me down a trillion times over, I will endure..."

Demonstrating his point, Vahn manifested nine versions of himself, each forming a half ram seal with their right hands. His actions briefly left the Ethereal Queen confused, but she immediately understood his intentions when the entire platform erupted with a rainbow-hued smoke, followed by the appearance of more than ten thousand Shadow Clones.

Recovering from her stupor almost immediately, a rare smile developed across the Ethereal Queen's face as she skillfully twirled her staff and replied, "Then I shall strike you down a trillion and one."

With the genuine intention of making good o her promise, the Ethereal Queen launched herself toward each version of Vahn simultaneously. She didn't actually produce any clones, but her intent had such a compelling influence on reality that causality bent to her will.

As the Ethereal Queen tore through his army of indestructible clones as if they were mere illusions, Vahn kept creating additional versions of himself as if he was trying to fill the space enclosed by the arena. He knew it was impossible to wear the Ethereal Queen down, but so long as he remained calm, focused, and never gave up, it was only a matter of time before an opportunity presented itself.

During the brief moments when the Ethereal Queen didn't annihilate him instantly, Vahn would activate his [Eyes of Truth] and use Oblivion to eat away at the enclosing space and parts of the platform. He also thought to employ Enkidu, but the moment he brought it out, the Ethereal Queen cut through it as if it were paper. She was an entity that stood at the absolute pinnacle of Tier 6. Hence, while she had yet to perform any flashy moves, the contrast between her offense and Vahn's defense made it impossible for him to block so much as a single attack.

After annihilating more than 280 million versions of Vahn in the span of seventeen minutes, the Ethereal Queen huffed, "Annoying insect..." before appearing at the center of the platform and unleashing a spherical burst of purple energy comparable to the birth of a macrocosm. To ensure Vahn couldn't endure it, she infused the concepts of destruction and existence erasure into the flames while containing them to the exact dimensions of the arena, but even that wasn't enough to completely erase his presence.

Combing back her bangs framing the left side of her face, the Ethereal Queen narrowed her eyes in disdain as she admitted, "Fine, so you can't be erased. Unfortunately for you, I have nothing better to do than occupy this space for all eternity. I can also maintain this sphere of annihilation indefinitely, so it looks like you're trapped here with me."

Instead of refuting the Ethereal Queen's words, a light chuckle echoed throughout the arena before Vahn responded, "So it would seem." before falling silent. He had no doubt that the Ethereal Queen could keep up her attack indefinitely, but that just gave him more time to analyze and adapt to it. Sure, he didn't have nearly as much time as her, but she didn't know that.

Not caring, one way or another, the Ethereal Queen responded to Vahn's by sitting in a lotus posture with her staff across her lap. She then closed her eyes and entered a meditative state, but while it appeared she wasn't paying attention, she was aware of absolutely everything in her personal realm, the Seraphic Gate. Even if Vahn were to escape the boundaries of the arena, she could track him wherever he went.

Emulating the Ethereal Queen's actions, though he was currently little more than an iota of intent, Vahn closed his mind's eyes and permitted his consciousness to succumb to the Mantra of Eternity. The Ethereal Queen immediately detected the minute change this brought about, but, as there was nothing for her to target and eliminate, she could only wonder what he was up to as the two of them entered a period of silence lasting nearly an entire year...




Sensing something amiss, the Ethereal Queen's brows furrowed as she did her best to understand what was happening. It was extremely faint, but as more and more time passed, she became increasingly aware of Vahn's 'presence' inside of her. Absolutely nothing had changed with her body. Rather, it was like Vahn was becoming one with her domain and, as a result, the Ethereal Queen herself.

Without opening her eyes, the Ethereal Queen slowly brought her hands together and began 'rewriting' the Laws that governed her domain. After that, she began systematically replacing each of the cells within her body while placing others in a state of quantum superposition. She didn't know exactly what Vahn was trying to do, but if he thought he could invade her body or subsume her realm, he had another thing coming...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Big Ojou-sama energy...','EQ be like, "I see your infinity and raise you infinity plus one...!"','Ooooooooooohm....')

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