It felt like winter was personified, turns into a sword and pierce his chest
The sword coldness seems to be able to be conveyed to the people watching, a haze of mist seems to rise from the edges and tip of hat sword
The sea below Kaiju feet seems to slowly become frozen and even the air and space around him seems to be slowly frozen
'What a…. beautiful sword' some people mutter
But then slowly this sword become transparent by the second.
Kaiju who was stabbed by this sword look at this sword and his hand tries to grab it
'Argh!' he shouted. Before, his shout could split the sky above and the sea would shakes with each word
But now, it seems like his power had been drained that his shout only echoes around him.
His hand tries to grab this sword but the more he tries to grab it the more he felt helpless.
His hand sems to pass through this sword. He could not push the tip of the sword out from his body.
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